Birch's face was cold: "does he need me to catch him? In your heart, is your master such a person? Why should I drive him down the mountain? "

Yan Xiao said immediately, "it's not Shifu. I don't mean that. Don't be angry." Said the Yan smile to gather in the past, the explanation of the small voice is coquetry.

But Bai Hua was misunderstood. She was angry and didn't want to talk more. She swung her sleeve and turned away.

Yan Xiao suddenly stamped her feet in anger. No matter how she has lived with Shifu for many years, she still knows Shifu. How can she say Shifu like that. Seeing Bai Hua go away, Yan Xiao immediately followed him and said, "master, why don't you pay attention to me? My good apprentice has been down the mountain for several months. You have talked with others once. Now they are back, you don't pay attention to them. It's hard for people, you know. "

Yan Xiaowei wronged words, birch ah, or ignore her.

Yan said with a smile: "master, I don't know how to make you angry. Don't be angry. Don't give me the same opinion. Just forgive me for this time. "

Birch finally said: "Oh, you were not so good at apologizing before. This time, you have changed a lot."

Yan Xiaozhang mouth, but immediately smart did not take the words.

Shifu has not accepted Jianmo's words. If he really thinks so, it will make Shifu angry. Yan Xiao said with a smile: "no, Shifu, I haven't changed at all. I still adore and miss Shifu so much. Don't you think I'll come back as soon as I'm done, and I'll stay with you for so many days as soon as I come back, right

Yan Xiao seriously busy, but also without distractions, it is really nothing to mention Jianmo.

Bai Hua said, "you don't have to think about that man. They can't stand running down the mountain."

With Yan Xiao's understanding of Jianmo and Jinyi, they can't just go down the mountain. Even if they really want to go down the mountain, they have to say hello to her.

However, his master always likes to be quiet. This time she took people to the mountain. She was eager to act. Yan sighed with a smile and didn't say much.

Bai Hua is a little surprised. He takes a look at Yan Xiao, but he doesn't mean to say much. Seeing that Yan Xiao is no longer entangled in this matter, his face is much better. He takes Yan Xiao to collect the herbs.

Because Jiedu pills need more than 100 kinds of medicine, including not only the elixir of Tiancai Dibao, but also some extremely poisonous poisons. Yan Xiao originally wanted to detoxify because there was no way to refine Jiedu pills, because there was not enough medicine. That's why she thought, can we increase the proportion of poison to solve the problem of fighting poison with poison.

But now I'm back in Yaowang valley. With the help of Bai Hua, and the harvest of Huanye secret place this time, the refining and treatment of Jiedu pill is on the way. It's no longer necessary to fight poison with poison.

Yan Xiao makes special efforts, but at other times, she is more attached to Bai Hua and Ba Hai.

For example, after dinner, Yan Xiao followed Ba Hai and said with a smile, "elder martial brother, did you miss me after I went down the mountain? I miss you. It's a dream. I'll think of it when I eat. You see, I miss you. You want to lose weight. I'm afraid Shifu is worried. Oh, I didn't say it because I miss mountain life too much. Elder martial brother, don't you think I'm worried? "

Ba Hai looked at Yan Xiao and said, "of course, I want to. Otherwise, do you think that with master's temperament, he will talk to anyone at will. At that time, it was the master's instructions

Yan Xiao immediately said with a smile: "yes, I knew master and elder martial brother would miss me too, so I can rest assured. You don't know. As soon as I come back, Shifu seems to be in a bad mood. I'm worried, but I dare not say. "

Yan Xiao sighed anxiously.

Ba Hai looked at Yan Xiao's small appearance, and his eyes flashed with silk helplessness: "how can I, that's because the master cares about you too much, and he was worried about you before. He's embarrassed to say when you come back."

Yan xiaomou turned and said: "elder martial brother, how much do you miss me. He always hated me when I was on the mountain. Now he knows the importance of me. But don't worry. I especially like and love you. You have lived with me for more than ten years. You are my close relatives. No matter who they are, they can't replace you

Ba Hai touched Yan Xiao's small head and sighed: "your head is so smart."

Yan Xiao blinked his eyes and said, "elder martial brother, what are you talking about? Master and you always say that I'm a bear child, but also that I'm smart. Now we all admit that I'm very smart, right?"

Ba Hai shook his head and said: "yes, you are very smart. You still need to grind and refine medicine. What are you doing here? Go quickly."

"Well, I know. If I don't go to the master, it's time to scold again." Yan Xiaodu mouth a little reluctant to go.

After a while, Ba Hai turned his head and looked at Bai Hua, who was not far away. He said, "master, little younger martial sister..."

Birch cold hum: "ignore her."

Then he left with his back.

Ba Hai shakes his head slightly. The master and the younger martial sister are very smart people. They can't live without fighting wits and bravery in this mountain. However, when they were young, the younger martial sister was so shallow that she was always teased by the master. Now she knows how to play and how to detour.

Thinking about this, Bahai could not help shaking his head with a sigh. Yan Xiao has been in peace all these days, and has not even mentioned Jianmo and Jinyi at all. Even Ba Hai doubts that his younger martial sister is just getting along with those people, but in fact he has not made friends with them. Naturally, this also raised doubts to Bai Hua, but Bai Hua snorted coldly: "you don't have to turn around to speak for Lao San, just do your own thing." Ba Hai said: "master, but that place is really not suitable for them..." Bai Hua snorted coldly: "if they can't break through, they don't deserve to stay in Yaowang Valley for a while, which can make old three die. After a long time, it will be forgotten. " Bahai has no choice but to listen to master's hard temper. Yan Xiao crawled at the door, blinked his eyes when he heard it, and looked at it with some doubts. Then he pursed his lips and went out. Yan Xiao thought about it, turned around and ran back to the mountain. In fact, there are many forbidden areas in this valley. There are few people in and out of Yaowang Valley all the time. It's very mysterious here. It's also because even if some people are extremely curious about it, they can't get to the mountain. There are countless secret channels on the mountain, which can't be cracked. Or people who are not in Yaowang Valley can't get to the mountain safely. And the real big set of small array, also includes some dead absolutely array, Yan smile heart a tight, Jian Mo they won't be there!

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