Usually, Yan Xiao, who is smart and smart, is really surprised now. She is familiar with this voice, and she still has the third fan.

Yan Xiao brain a violent: "you... You are old three?"

The man laughed, and his eyebrows and eyes were full of amorous feelings: "it's me, boss."

Yan Xiao can't be placed. Looking at Jin Yi, who has changed his body, the original Jin Yi's body is rich, not fat, but it's not thin. It looks very pleasant, but it's not so good-looking. At most, it's a fat man who doesn't look disgusting.

But Jin Yi's facial features are good, so it's pleasing to look at.

But who would have thought that Jin Yi would lose weight? He was a beautiful man, just like a new man.

Jianmo came out early in the morning to find Yanxiao. Looking at Yanxiao and a beautiful man looking at each other, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. As soon as she came over, she saw that Yanxiao ran to the beautiful man in surprise: "third brother, it's really you. This is... After detoxification?"

Jin Yi nods with a smile, and his eyebrows and eyes are full of affection and tenderness. If it wasn't for Yan Xiao and Bai Hua, he would only live in the past in his whole life, which has poisoned his health. For many years, he has been practicing martial arts from time to time without admitting defeat. At this time, his thick and thin hair has broken through repeatedly.

So Jin Yi is not only detoxification and thin down, because breakthrough he also seems to have experienced a rebirth, at this time he is the real him.

But they didn't hold each other, because Jianmo came over quickly and clapped Jinyi's shoulder with an arm: "it's the best. Congratulations."

Jin Yi thin down, eyes are also big, slightly squinting eyes feel eyes streamer, two are a top one of the beautiful man standing opposite, but between the eyes is fire, full of gunpowder.

Yan Xiao looks at Jin Yi's self-confidence, which makes his whole person seem to be shining. That kind of divine color is very different from his original temperament. Although he used to laugh at life, he always seems to have something obscure in his heart, but now he is fearless. Yan Xiao is really happy for his brother.

However, she is not blind. She looks at these two people with a lot of tension. She swallows some words directly back to her stomach and doesn't say them. Instead, she laughs and wants to take Jin Yi to her master. This is a solution to the current situation that neither of them likes to see each other.

Jian Mo strides over and pulls Yan Xiao. Yan Xiaoxiao looks at him and doesn't let go.

Jin Yi took half a beat slowly and looked at the hands they held each other. His eyes were dim.

Before that, he felt inferior and didn't deserve the boss, so he didn't dare to move forward. In fact, he didn't think that his poison would be detoxified. Over the years, he put in too many hopes, but in the end, he was disappointed, and he gradually didn't have any expectations. So he didn't dare to follow up and like it, but now he has changed. He has the strength to protect the boss. At the same time, he has changed his appearance and become more excellent.


Jinyi wry smile, some things late maybe really late, everything can only become futile.

Deep in his heart, Jin Yi thought sadly. At this time, he hoped that the boss would not be so special, so that he would not have some opportunities at home. But what's more clear than the client? His boss was very surprised to see him just now, but it was just the detoxification of his change. He was happy from the bottom of his heart. Even if he was amazing, he didn't like it.

It's different from her smile when she sees Jianmo, her eyes are bent, but her eyes are intoxicating.

Even if it's just a moment of two eyes, looking at him and Jianmo, the look in his eyes is changing wonderfully. Jinyi's heart is hurt like a knife, and his heart is sour and bubbling. He takes a deep breath, but he can't help but walk along.

Even if it's just looking behind his back, at least now, he doesn't feel that he'll never be worthy of it. At least he didn't even peep before, did he?

Jian Mo's eyes turn to look at Jin Yi coldly. Jin Yi raises his fan and laughs. He doesn't feel guilty for the other party's warning. Instead, he raises his eyebrows and eyes with provocation.

Jane Mo squints her eyes and turns her head with a cold smile.

Through Yan Xiao's and Bai Hua's examination, Jin Yi's poison is really removed. At the same time, Jin Yi's strength of rapid rising after his recovery gives Bai Hua another idea.

"Rush into the flames?"

Birch nodded: "yes, but also you five people to break in together, together back."

Bai Hua's five disciples are ba Hai, Lei Yun, Yan Xiao, Jian Mo and Jin Yi.

They are all in the valley of the king of medicine. How can they not know the power of the mountain of fire.

Bai Hua said, "now that Xuesheng mountain is recruiting people, I'm afraid Xuesheng mountain has already started to move. At that time, it will be inevitable for mainland people to die. As a teacher, I have some ideas. Would you like to have a try?"

Several people looked at each other and finally nodded their heads. If they really got to that point, no one on the mainland would be able to look on coldly. It would be a catastrophe on the mainland. Now the mercenary guild has started a plan, and the pharmacist guild has been watching.

Lei Yun is the prince of Tiancan kingdom. They are basically these forces, while other forces are either neutral or blindly obey Xuesheng mountain. Do they want to watch themselves become more and more vulnerable and then be embezzled. The evil skill of Xuesheng mountain is hard to resist. Yan said with a smile: "master, have you ever compared with the old man of xueshengshan? Do you have the strength to win or lose?" Bai Hua said, "no, we haven't, but we've known each other for a long time. But as a teacher, we have other things to do. Then we need you to play the main role."“ Master, I'll listen to you. "“ Master, I also listen to you. "“ Master Bai, please tell me. I will do my best. " Birch to see them, and then into the flame is imperative. In the past, Jianmo went alone, but now it's five people. Because Jianmo has experience, this time it's him. Before going in, Bai Hua stood with her hands on her back and said, "you five need to remember that you can only pass through by living and dying together. At the same time, you must also remember that you must pass through the end of Huoyan mountain, otherwise you will die after the Lord of Xuesheng mountain, and you don't need to come back." Birch expression is very severe: "you only allow success, not failure!"“ It's Shifu“ It's master Bai Bai Hua watched the five people disappear slowly from his face. As soon as they left, he suddenly shook his arms and flew away, slowly covering the flame sky, like a thin film. Birch's face is very serious. If you can come back alive, that method may really succeed

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