"You guys still dare to come!" Upon seeing Yan Xiao, Gu Zhongxian's face instantly turned green.

Even though ten days had passed, the humiliation they had suffered in the arena that day was still a matter that they could not forget. Hatred accumulated day by day, and as the fear of being abused faded away, they were filled with resentment.

Jian Huan laughed, "If you dare to come, why wouldn't we dare to come?"

Gu Zhongxian's eyes revealed a trace of strangeness. He looked at Yan Xiao and the others, her tone sounding a little strange. "All of you can still talk, and very quickly, you can only cry!"

With that, he invited his friend and companions to leave.

Yan Xiao stared at Gu Zhongxian, her eyes deep.

Jin Yi said: "Gu Zhongxian being quiet for ten days is already strange, what did he mean by those words just now?"

Jian Huan said: "Could it be that they are holding back something bad? What are they planning to do?"

Jian Mo said: "How about I check it out first?"

Yan Xiao nodded.

Indeed, they did not dare say that they understood Gu Zhongxian completely, but it was strange that Gu Zhongxian did not come looking for trouble, and even suffered greatly from not being able to counterattack for ten days straight.

The registration was completed very quickly. Yan Xiao and the rest were still in deficit, but compared to ten days ago, they were in a stable state. Although it was still a deficit, they would definitely be able to return it in a day or two.

Inside the Guarding Mansion.


Chu Huaizhi slapped the table in exasperation: "This is simply nonsense, to actually threaten to sell twenty recovery pills every day, how can you sell these recovery pills to those rogue cultivators? This Yan Xiao is a wastrel that can't even stand up straight!"

Hong Yan laughed coldly: "Calm down, old master, Yan Xiao is obviously just a silly kid who got a treasure in the countryside. She doesn't put much thought into guarding the Energy Replenishing Pill, and does such a stupid thing as exposing her wealth, but now she is selling it in large quantities. How could such a person be worthy of possessing a Strength Replenishing Pill! "

Chu Huaizhi snorted heavily, "Madam is right, this pill should let the person who is lucky enough to obtain the treasure know, it is just like a baby holding a gold ingot, it is not safe. This pill will only harm himself, these pills are not something he can have in the first place, it is time for the item to go back to its original owner."

Hearing that, Hong Yan's eyes lit up: Master, we want to do it now? "But the registration has just arrived. They're still losing money from the accounts. Should we wait for two more days …"

Chu Huaizhi waved his hand, "We can't wait anymore. If we wait any longer, they might all lose to us, and we should immediately take action to stop them from getting injured in time."

The difference in quantity was not much. Compared to the twenty recovery pills he had every day, these were just minor matters, he did not need to worry about them at all.

From the looks of it, Yan Xiao had sold at least a hundred of them. If these pills were to be obtained by them, it would be shocking just thinking about it.

Anything that could help in cultivation was always scarce.

In such an environment, where medicine masters were hard to find, the value of a hundred pills was not as simple as the price.

Although a Strength Replenishing Pill could be refined by a beginner pharmacist, it was still extremely difficult to cultivate a pharmacist, and the success rate of refining pills by a pharmacist was even more difficult.

On the other hand, refining medicine was very tiring. One or two batches of medicine required a few days of rest before one could recover.

Thus, these hundred Strength Replenishing Pills appeared to be only slightly higher than the initial stages. However, if one could take out a hundred of these at once, then they absolutely could not be underestimated.

There were many precious secret realms in the Twin Polar Continent, and there were many rare treasures within. And because the experts of the continent were revered, it was impossible to stop fighting. Some experts would duel in private, and there was a high chance that some treasures would be left behind.

Yan Xiao had definitely obtained the recovery pills in this kind of situation, Chu Huaizhi felt that it was a pity, if she had known earlier, she would not have allowed Yan Xiao to waste these dozen days of pills. Fortunately, when the time came, she would have received them on the stage, and the loss would not be considered a loss, but it would continue to increase.

As for Yan Xiao and the others, haha, in this Jiangyun Town and also in the youth selection competition, this period of time where one was destined to die or be injured, it was simply too easy to make Yan Xiao and the others disappear without a trace.

However, in order to receive Yan Xiao's pills and stage, they had another plan that would make it difficult for them to speak of.

Chu Huaizhi and Hong Yan treated Yan Xiao's pills and the stage that she built with her brothers as if it was their own personal match. Yan Xiao and the others didn't know that, but after knowing that, they started to vomit.

Once the registration was complete, Yan Xiao and the others returned back to the restaurant. Yan Xiao immediately announced that he had matters to attend to, so there was no need to call him for help.

In these few days, Jian Mo had always been following him. He was the first to know about Yan Xiao's decision.

But selling twenty strength replenishing pills every day would make two hundred pills in ten days. Did Yan Xiao really have this many pills on him?

Unless he was a drug refiner and wanted to refine it on the spot.

Jian Mo was a little worried, for alchemist refining medicine required a very quiet environment, the restaurant was not suitable to begin with, and two hundred pills was not a small number.

However, Yan Xiao did not give anyone a chance to object, she directly locked the door and blocked everyone outside.

Jin Yi said to the others as he messed around, "The two of you, stand guard outside and do not allow anyone to affect the boss."

"It's Young Master!"

Jian Mo lowered his foot that was about to be lifted up, and said to Shao Zi: "Watch out for Gu Mansion." He didn't forget about Gu Zhongxian's abnormality.


In the room, Yan Xiao immediately fell on her bed and slept soundly under the covers.

She hadn't slept well at all, so she had decided to make up for it by coming back early. When she woke up tomorrow, she still had to train, and not a single one could be delayed. She was really tired!

Outside the door, foolishness and foolishness had already arrived on time. They paid attention and saluted anyone who could get close to the room!

At dawn, Yan Xiao crawled up and meditated with her eyes closed. He made a strange seal with his hands and began to meditate.

When she came out after washing up, she was startled to see two wooden stakes outside the door, playing and fooling around. "You guys aren't going to sleep, why are you being a log here?"

Jin Yi and Jian Huan opened the door at the same time, looking at Yan Xiao with her bright eyes, causing Yan Xiao to be confused.

"Dong, dong, dong!"

Suddenly, there was a loud noise coming from the stairs.

"If you have anything to say, please say it. All the guests in my building are still resting."

"Cut the crap."

Amidst the ruckus, a few people ferociously rushed up to the second floor while wearing the uniform of Guarding Mansion Soldiers. When they saw Yan Xiao, they shouted out: "Capture them all for me!"

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