They slept soundly last night, so Chu Huaizhi's family was refreshed.

The moment Chu Baoai appeared, she revealed a look of ridicule: "Heh, those poor scums are finally going to leave!"

Chu Baoyu advised, "Baolove, don't be like this. After all, they left today, they are short on people, at the end of the day, they still know each other. They have to leave some face for others, if not, they will not be able to think of it and end up depressed."

At this time, Yan Xiao and the rest had already entered the living room.

Chu Baoyu's seemingly persuasive words, in the ears of Yan Xiao and the others, were completely different.

Jian Huan rolled his eyes and said to Jin Yi who was beside him: "Hey, Ol 'Three, don't you feel that there's something fishy in this room?"

Jin Yi slowly waved his fan, and asked doubtfully: "If you say it like that, I also feel, what does it smell like?"

Jian Huan thought hard and said: "I feel like, it's that fart smell."

Jin Yi nodded his head: "Indeed, it is extremely smelly."

Her tone was so full of feces that it even stank of rot. She was really suitable for the Chu Residence family.

Chu Baoai laughed coldly: "The reason why I can smell it is because I can only smell it. I should live in a trash heap.

Jian Huan laughed, "Since young miss Chu has such a thought, how about I make a scene for you?" As he spoke, he touched his waist.

Chu Baoai immediately screamed: "You dare, you dare be so shameless in front of so many people!"

Jian Huan looked innocent: "I didn't do anything." As he spoke, he lowered his head and patted his body, as if he was patting away all the filth.

"You!" Chu Baoai realized that her sharp tongue was actually useless before, this was too hateful!

Chu Baoai did not think that, in a place like Jiangyun Town, she could be considered the strongest in the town. She was meant to be called a tyrant, but in order to avoid offending people, she naturally lazily opened her mouth.

Hong Yan looked at Yan Xiao coldly: "The time limit has arrived, you can all leave now!"

Yan Xiao smiled amiably: "I am not busy, didn't I interrupt you at Chu Residence for two days? I'm sorry, I just prepared a small gift, please accept it."

Chu Baoai continued to ridicule: "It's good that you don't want anything, you can even give me something, the sun has risen from the west."

But Yan Xiao's things had already been gifted to Chu Huaizhi and Hong Yan, and when the things were opened, Hong Yan was so angry that her nose was about to crook.

The thing that Yan Xiao had given them was a paper bag, and they were slightly looking forward to it. Maybe Yan Xiao still had a few pellets on him that she had to spend in the residence for two days, so they were afraid of getting revenge and offered some pellets as a peace.

However, when he tore open the package, he found that there were two packets of unprocessed snow lotus roots. A "Chu" character was clearly printed on the corner of the paper.

This was clearly the Snow Lotus that Yan Xiao had wanted to eat before, and he actually turned the original Chu Residence's things into his gratitude. Is this gratitude, this is clearly mocking Chu Residence's people, this is clearly provocation!

Chu Huaizhi was so angry that he grabbed his stuff and threw it at Yan Xiao: "Scram, hurry up and scram, my Chu Residence does not care about your gratitude!"

"Tsk!" "If you don't want it, then don't. You really don't know etiquette. Why are you so angry?"

Yan Xiao was even more dissatisfied than the people of the Chu Residence. She muttered as she picked up the Snow Lotus and gave it to Hu Diao, saying, "Guard Hu, take it to boil some water. Today, it will benefit the masses and give those who come to do business a few drinks.

Narcissist pursed his lips, stifled his laughter in an unbearable manner. He did not dare to speak, but nodded his head furiously to indicate that he had heard what she said.

Chu Residence was so angry that smoke was coming out of his seven orifices. Chu Baocheng had already shattered a chair, and grabbed onto a sharp stick as he roared: "Scram, Chu Residence isn't a place for you guys. Scram for me, otherwise I won't be polite anymore!"

As he spoke, he rushed forward to beat him up.

Jian Mo took a step forward, and when Chu Baocheng wanted to rush forward to beat him up, he was stopped. Chu Huaizhi remained silent, with a cold expression.

Yan Xiao sighed: "They're really not hospitable, let's go."

Then one of them carried a paper bag and a food box and swaggered away.

Chu Baoyu was startled: "What is in the food box?"

It was worth mentioning that in the morning, Yan Xiao even got the servants of the Chu Residence to make them a huge breakfast.

Because they had instructed the Chu Residence in advance yesterday afternoon to prepare the ingredients from night, and to stew the appropriate soup from last night, and to cook a dozen pots of food early in the morning, Yan Xiao and the rest all carried a lot of things in their hands.

When Yan Xiao was about to give them gifts, Chu Huaizhi and the others thought that these gifts were meant to curry favor with them, so they did not think too much into it.

He immediately called for the kitchen to ask what was going on. He had been busy the entire morning and was just about to take a rest, so he was still unsatisfied. Hearing the question, he became even more confused, "Master, didn't you order us to do this yesterday?"

That's right, yesterday, when Yan Xiao asked for a large amount of food, someone even asked Chu Huaizhi if she could do it, but Yan Xiao had already troubled him with the snow lotuses. Before she even finished cooking, she impatiently waved for her people to do as she was told.

And in the end, how much more did Yan Xiao ask for?

The amount of ingredients used was not much, and with the ingredients chosen, it could only be used to make a meal for the entire Chu Residence. This included the amount of food eaten by everyone in the entire Chu Residence, and the amount of ingredients used was both expensive and abundant, so any food that Chu Huaizhi and the others wanted to eat would be prepared for Yan Xiao and the others to eat, with some of them being taken out …

Chu Huaizhi said angrily, "What are they going to do with these dishes?"

He could not eat so much, but luckily he finally sent the group of gods away. It could be said that he had gotten rid of a lot of trouble.

Chu Huaizhi originally wanted to punish the people in the kitchen, but the fault laid with him. Furthermore, Yan Xiao and the others had used all of the Chu Residence's ingredients, and even used the people in the kitchen to buy ingredients.

Chu Baoai hatefully said to the kitchen owner, "When you guys were doing this, why didn't you use medicine to poison this bunch of sons of bitches? You useless trash, you didn't do anything well!"

Although the servant had countless reasons to refute, he did not dare speak up.

He actually dared to curse at them, and when he was with the guests in Chu Residence, he did not even dare fart. Did he really think that they did not know how much the Old Master's family had suffered under the hands of the guests?

It really was right!

It's a pity you didn't die of anger!

Leaving behind such a calamity!

And what was Yan Xiao trying to do with all these food?

Just as they left Chu Residence, they discovered that there were already many people surrounding them outside. All of them were looking forward to it, as if they were waiting for their family members who had not returned home in a long time.

When they saw Yan Xiao and the rest coming out, the group of people immediately surrounded them.

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