Chu Huaizhi picked it up and took a closer look, only to see that it was something wrapped in mud. He immediately started to dig at the soil, slowly revealing his appearance, and at the same time, attracted the attention of Hong Yan and the rest.

He dug up the soil to reveal the true face beneath.

Everyone present:...

Chu Huaizhi angrily threw the thing in his hand at the man: "No!"

It was like a hairpin that had been discarded at an unknown time and had sunk into the ground slowly for a long time. Half of its silver quality had been destroyed, so this broken hairpin had nothing to do with good stuff.

The servant who had been offering a gift immediately turned ashen, feeling rather depressed. 'If that's the case, then that's the case! Why are you angry at me?'

Afterwards, a few servants dug up the items one after the other. However, after carefully examining them, they found that they were all useless junk that was not fated to be valuable items.

He was overjoyed a few times, thinking that he had found something. However, he was not disappointed. The feeling of having been played again and again made the people from the Chu family feel depressed.

"Lord, look!"

Chu Huaizhi looked depressed: "You better guarantee that it's not trash, otherwise …"

Seeing that his family had called him out in the middle of the night to dig things out, he became impatient a few times. When the servant saw that he was hesitating, he turned around and was about to leave.

Chu Huaizhi was even more furious now: "What are you looking at? Why aren't you taking it over to look!"

In the end, the servant could only carefully lift it up, his heart beating like a drum, "Sir, this seems to... "Like pills."


Chu Huaizhi's eyes lit up as he grabbed the object in his hand. After looking at it carefully, a light flashed across his eyes.

That's right, it was as round as a pill, and it didn't look like the surrounding land either. Moreover, the pill itself didn't have much dirt on it, so when he brought it to his nose, he could still smell a faint medicinal fragrance.

Hong Yan and her three children also came over, their faces brimming with joy.

Chu Baoyu said hesitantly, "Father, Mother, what Yan Xiao said may not be believable. We still need to confirm if there is a problem with this pellet."

Chu Huaizhi nodded his head: "At least Baoyu has thought it through, quickly find someone to see how this pill looks like."

Hong Yan immediately took action, and not long after, she called for a doctor.

Of course, they couldn't possibly let the doctor find out what was wrong with the house. They could only bring the doctor to a side hall and have him examine the medicine immediately. Although this doctor was only a physician and couldn't learn medicine, some experienced doctors were still able to differentiate between the two.

Furthermore, the Chu Clan wanted to test whether the pill was poisonous, and it was much easier to identify than just testing the pill.

It was not even dawn yet, and the doctor was already furious when he was called out, but Chu Huaizhi was under the protection of the Jiangyun Town, and the doctor was unable to offend him. Hearing Chu Huaizhi's request, his face did not look too good, and he immediately began to verify it.

After a thorough examination, the doctor said, "Lord Guardian, from what this old man has seen, this is an Elementary Strength Replenishing Pill. The pill did not have any poison within its body."

Chu Huaizhi's face turned ugly: There's no other choice but to ask you to come here so late. It's getting late, why not let the doctor stay at the Guarding Mansion first, I'll arrange a room for the doctor first, so you can have a good rest.

Did you give me a chance to refuse? the doctor thought.

However, he was smiling on the surface, because Chu Huaizhi was very considerate and moved: "Thank you, Lord Guardian."

After that, he still had to verify the medicines he had dug up, so the doctor could not let him go for the time being. After he sent the doctor away, the Chu Clan members in the hall all had happy expressions on their faces.

"Great, there really is one!" Chu Baoai was a little excited: "This pill, Yan Xiao wants to sell it for 800 taels of silver, there are even more underground!"

Chu Huaizhi frowned slightly as he held the pill in his hand: "The medicinal effect is way worse than the pill in Yan Xiao's hand."

Hong Yan was furious, as if her own things had been ruined. "Why is it that the pills can't be buried underground, they must have been stored inappropriately, so they must have lost some of their effects."

Chu Huaizhi's face darkened: Ignorant! "He's too ignorant!"

Chu Baoai said in disdain: "I don't know where this trash will come from, what can she possibly know."

Thus, the Chu Residence's family of five began to scold Yan Xiao and the rest.

After cursing Yan Xiao and his family, Chu Huaizhi's family felt a lot more at ease. But at this time, another piece of good news came, and after finding another pill, it was a coincidence that they found another one, it was definitely not by chance. Witnessing their thoughts, they felt relieved.

Chu Baoai ran over and acted coquettishly: "Father, Yan Xiao has been bullying us so badly recently, I feel like my mouth doesn't even have a taste. I want to drink the Snow Lotus."

"Sure, that's nothing. I'll get someone to buy it immediately."

"Father is the best!" Chu Baoai took the opportunity to act coquettishly, causing Chu Huaizhi to laugh heartily.

Chu Baoyu looked at Chu Baoai who had been ignored for many days, and took the opportunity to curry favor with him. Finally, she heaved a sigh of relief.

Since he had agreed, Chu Huaizhi sent someone to buy snow lotuses in the morning: "Buy five first." Just that when the servant was about to leave, Chu Huaizhi seemed to have thought of something and called out to the servant, "No, buy ten of them. I still have uses for the other five."

The servant replied before turning around to leave.

And Hong Yan, who had coincidentally returned, heard this from the outside …

The courtyard of the Chu Residence was rather large. In addition to the fact that it was late at night, even if there were a lot of illumination items, there would still be blind corners. Furthermore, the color of the pills were similar to the ground, making them harder to find.

In one night, the Chu Clan only dug out three pills. They were not many, but they were not few either.

After finding three pellets, the guards and servants of Chu Residence finally understood what their master was looking for. They would search even faster if they searched for more.

After searching for an entire night, everyone was tired to the point of collapse. They dug and crawled on the ground, and then they had to dig even smaller pieces of soil, and their bodies and strength were tired, and their eyes were tired to the point that they were dry. In the morning, Chu Residence's guards and servants were so tired that they couldn't even get up.

However, the normal operations of the Chu Residence still needed to continue. These people could only change shifts and eat, wash up, and have a short rest.

According to Chu Huaizhi's words, it was more suitable to be sunny during the day than at night, how could he rest?

Just then, Hong Yan took the five Snow Lotus Chu Huaizhi had asked the buyer to bring over.

"Yes, madam. The old master has asked me to buy everything here. Does madam think that it is not enough?" This Purchasing follower was Chu Huaizhi's trusted aide, even Hong Yan had to be courteous to him.

Hong Yan laughed: "If I want to make five bowls, I can only do one. However, there have been a lot of things happening in the mansion recently, so you don't need to be busy, and buying them again in the future will be the same. "

After the follower left, Hong Yan's face immediately fell, her eyes cold and sinister...

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