Secret Constructor

Chapter 106 Wars

One hundred years ago, the sudden disaster has swept the world. After the disaster change, the plants and animals have a returning phenomenon, and the most horrible spirit. After the disaster changes, the earth is full of sore, species variation, lack of food, and human ten. Humans fall from the top of the pyramid to the bottom of the valley, however human toughness is beyond imagination, and human beings are not knocked down, but after the disaster changes, they will stood up.

70 years ago, human beings established nine specials on the Earth. The special zone has a high-alone alloy city wall with up to dozens of meters, which can block the changing animals and plants. At night, special potential energy magnetic field in the SAR, which can block the invasion of the spirit. Compared with the huge population base of human beings, there are few people who are asylum that can be asylum. So there is countless planning area around each SAR, which is a mankind.

Thirty years ago, human beings have established the city in the outer space, away from the Earth. Whether it is an abnormal animal and a plant, or the mysterious spirit, it can't be reached here. The city of the sky has become the safest shelter, which has become a minority class shelter.

After the disaster changes, Jiangnan District, Xiangshan Villa Area.

Among the swimming pools in a private villa area in the back, a burly middle-aged man bubbles in the pool, leaving on the edge of the pool, squatting and glaring, with a big disaster abortion. Cuban cigar.

In the Jiangnan District, inch inch gold, don't say it is Xiangshan villa, which is a shack and enough people in the planning area to break the head.

Villa, cigar, all of which highlights the man's non-richness.


The man is placed on the side of the pool side.

"Fat, look at."

The man in the pool said.

I heard the man's instructions in the pool, and I have been holding a small fat man on the pool and hurry to pick up the communication on the table.

"Long Ge is a nephew."

"The nephew said that today, I have to talk to the director." Xiao fat man said after reading the content on the communication.

The man in the pool is called Dragon, and it is also a unclear person in the Jiangnan District. The reason is not very small, because his business is very big, it is indeed a rich man, but it is a business that can't get a countertop.

"Try your phone call, it is getting more and more arrogant." Dragon spitted the smoke ring, and the tone was not good. "

The little fat driver quickly took the tip of the table, found one of the numbers to turn over, and then put the communication device to the ear of the dragon.

"Beep, beep, beep."

It is busy in the communication device, and the busy sound has been turned on.

"Dear, what is."

The voice of the telecommunicator came to the sound.

"The Qin Director of the Material Distribution Division tonight came to his family to talk about business. Mrs. Qin is you get a fan, you come over." Long Long did not reject.

"Dear, can you change the day, people will go to the script."

The sound of the telecommunications is a second sound.

"Waiting for the script? You are doing now." Asked this side.

"I, I, Yes, I am doing hair now." The communication device said.

"That's good, you will come over the hair. The script doesn't have to talk, what kind of script you want, tomorrow, I will let the shooting will change according to your requirements." Dragon said.

"Well, um ....." The communication has passed a few "Well", and only listened to the female voice of the petite, and said: "Then I have finished my hair."


"You are hot." When you want to hang up the phone, the communication device has been exclaimed.

"What is hot to you." Dragon asked.

"Yes, the tool to do hair." The woman explained there over the communication device.

After hanging up the communication device, Dragon seems to feel a bit wrong. The inexplicable her neck seems to have a little pain, just like being a general.

"Fat, let people investigate where your nephew is now." Dragon told him.

After listening to the command of the big brother, the little fat man was very consciously to play the phone. Not much, the little fat man ran back, said: "Long Ge, the car parked in front of the Fenglin night hotel."


The Dragon stands up from the pool, and a unstable and almost fell to the pool. This will be a lot of taste, and there is not much, this TM is mostly green.

After half an hour, a luxury car parked in front of the Fenglin night hotel.

The chubby snapped out from the co-driver, opened the door of the rear seat, and the dragon slammed with a faucet, and the black fox came down from the back.

This world has never been the wrong name, and there is no error in the wrong one. Dragon, really people are as named. His left leg calf has a significant shrinkage, walking from the road to a lame.

Fenglin Night Hotel, Deluxe Suite.

In the bath, a man with a bronze skin slowly opened his eyes and looked at a strange environment.

"who am I?"

"Is this that?"

"What are I doing?"

However, there have been no waiting for men to think about these three problems of the soul. They only listen to the "" of the door, which followed by two husband.


"You, I will give me a bathrobe ..."

The youth's voice stopped, because when he was a large mirror in the bathroom door, he found that he didn't know himself.

Or, this body is not his.

"Crossing ..."

"It's not surprised, it is not surprising?"

"Brain melon seeds?"

The youth's brain is a bit awkward, and he has not waited for him to come back, and he has been taken from the bathroom to the bedroom.

Looking at the "Battlefield" in front of you, I looked at the beauty of "long hair big waves" on that face, I saw the "big brother of the faucet in front of the gods."

Oh, this should be a scene of catching the scene. TM's traitor ** is dead, and Laozi is the most stunned.

Wait, it seems that it is wrong.

I was taken out from the bath.

Then this traitor is not ...

"Mom, it is this boy." The dragon angry, and the latter cold thing arrived at the forehead of youth.

Looking up, look, really unexpectedly the muzzle of the black hole. The soul comes from the young people in the peace period, wherever I have seen this scene, the scared knees are soft, "" squatting on the ground.

"Big Brother, don't kill me."

"Listen to me explained."

"This is not what I did, I just came."

The youth is striking four, and it is intention to say that his soul is just coming, who knows that this big brother will be wrong.

"Laozi gave you to you, spend money."

"You TM actually wore a green hat for Laozi, more than one person, you will play, you will play you." Dragon pointed the muzzle to a woman on the ground.

"You ..... Don't listen to him, just he." The woman said weakly, it seems that there is some shortcomings.

", , ."

Dragon seems to have anger to the extreme and open a few shots to the bed.

"Big brother, the mattress is bleeding."

After the gunshots, I saw that the mattress didn't seep the blood, and the chubby was shocked.

"How to fart, the mattress can bleed."

Dragon didn't say good luck.

"The mattress will not bleed, the big brother, that is, some people under the bed."

The little fat suddenly realized.


Long hair big wavy woman lost silence.

This episode makes the scene once become very embarrassed. Young men don't dare to talk at this time, try to make themselves become a transparent person.

Perhaps it is too boring, he looks down, just seeing that there is a thick hair in the body's chest.

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