Torting overnight, Gao Fei is really tired. The head just got to the pillow, the eyelids could not help but only the Lord.

"Call, call, call."

Until Gao Fei sent a slate, the two dogs were only sleeping in the other side of the bed.


The world is dark, and the semi-covered windows are suddenly pushed away. Take a closer look, a fist size of the black mouse is drilling from the window. This black child's eye thief is slippery, and it seems to have a bit of spirituality.

"Hey, oh."

At this time, the nose of the two dogs on the bed suddenly moved, and it seems to be a smelling.

The has already drilled half of the body, and when the butt continued to drill in the inside, suddenly saw the two dogs were watching him with blue flames. In the eyes of the black mining, a fear of emotions, and the hand is retired from the window, and the window will be given to the window.

I saw that the consumption was returned, and the two dog closed his eyes. It smelled a variety of demon, and he smelled a strong incense. And this consumption has no blood on the body, indicating that he has not eaten, and there is no challenge.

The demon has a good demon, people have bad people. Although I don't know if this is thoughtful, I can have the necessary two dogs that don't threaten the demon. After all, it is also a demon.

"Scared of the gray."

"Scared of the gray."

The consumption is ran back from the windowsill, and there is a low-microfue.

The consumption is criminalized to look at the high-flying room, which seems to be thinking. I want to have a half-awaited, this consumption is a good fortune. After a while, it looked at the fat room with the eyes of the thief turned.

When the fat man's room was bright, this fat child was very small, and it was afraid that the thunder did not say that it was afraid of black. Every day, it has to take a light light to sleep.

Suddenly, the fat house seems to have a blind tree.

The oil lamp in the house suddenly swayed, it seems that it is possible to extinguish at any time.

"Fat Mer."

"Fat Mer."

Sleeping fat, like heard a fascinating voying is called him.


The fat man is fascinated to wake up asked.

"Fat, you look down."

The long voice said.

The fat man followed the sound and went down and could not help but jump.


"This world is too crazy, and the mouse is that the mother will make people get up."

The consumption is refined to see that the fat man is afraid of it, and it is busy comforting: "Fat, don't be afraid, I am a fairy."

"I don't care, I will tell you that the fat meat is not delicious. I have high blood fat, high blood sugar, and diabetes, I will die."

"Master you, don't eat me, I have money, I will buy pork to eat money."

The fat man said, turned to bed to take the money, who knows that he turned and actually saw it on the bed. At this time, he seems to think about what to say.


"Don't I die."

"No, you are fine."

"This is a dream, fat, I am looking for you."

The consumption is comfortable.

As soon as I listen to the dream, the fat man is mad, sitting on the stool and rushed to the legs: "Little consumption, fat letters can help you."

I listen to the fat man is willing to help myself, I will come to myself: "Fat, you can help me wake up with the Taoist Grande of the next door, I am looking for him."

When the fat man, he was asked to help himself, immediately became a frost, and said that he had no power: "You also have a dream of the dream, you call him yourself."

"The road is deep, his dreams I can't go. Just I want to use the flesh to wake up, who knows that there is only a god dog in the room, almost didn't take my little gray to go in." And starting the chest, it seems still have a lingering.

"Then you are in the end, then the high flying and temperament is very fierce. I rushed to call him, I can't make it a fight." The fat man said exaggerated, this dead fat man is curious. Very, he is in the set of consumption.

It is surprisingly that the consumption is actually there is no concealment. He said: "You are killing today, there is still a power behind him. If you can't help you, you will help me wake up Taoist Grandpa, I Tell him. "

"Yes, ok." The fat child promised.

"Then I went out from your dream, you wake up after I went out, I was on your door." The menstruation has disappeared.


Big Black Consolidation. "

The fat man smashed his eyes and woke up. It seems that I still remember the things in my dreams, and the fat man was fascinated to open the door with half a suspect.

The door opened, and the door is actually standing on a large consumption of a person.

"Just dreams is you."

This is still cute, and the fat man is actually not afraid.

"The fat master is me, I am me."

The little worker jumped to the fat man, and the sound said fine.

The fat man is also a letter, his reputation is like a fat on the body. Said that the gang was exciting, and he woken up to the consumption.

"You are something."

Gao Fei looked at the size of the fist on the table, and the little worker asked curiously.

"It's not something."

"Hey is the newspaper horse in the Northeast Majia."

The consumption fell into a northern dialect, as well as a gift of a gift, seeing this is a family student profound, understanding the cost of the etiquette.


Gao Fei, who didn't have a distance, obviously didn't know where it was Northeast, so he he left.

"Daoye is the Liaodong area of ​​our majestic."

Fat man reminded.

The Northeast China is still a wide range of people, and the south of the Yalu River is the Liaodong County of the United States. It is the country of the country.

"Liaodong is coming, what are you looking for?"

Gao Fei asked, he saw that this little mouse did not malicious.

"Daoxian grandfather, the life of Jiangry is not that kind of smell. That is a running leg, he is a big jester. This big jester is in the darkness in the mate, the instrument is the interlatable Things, if he is a successful festival. When you borrow, this whole Sang County's soul has been taken away. "The mouse fined a dialect, and Barabala said.

"How did you know."

Gao Fei sees and sees and sees.

This is not deep, and it is half-sized for its source of news.

The consumption created frowning seems to have any difficulty, and it is said that he said: "Yamel is the traitor of the Ma Jia, the instrument is also a treasure."

"Majia's instrument?"

Gao Fei looked at the classics in the galaxy, and the horse's horse in the northeast is also big. A few young milk of this Hu Jia is under the door of Tongtian, and it is also a fairy family. And several of the proceedings of future generations have also been accepted by the emperor. This horse is also a fairy home, which is reasonable to say that there should be no evil law.

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