Secret Constructor

Chapter 24 Flower Shop

"Hey, what happened." White streams stretched out in front of Gao Fei.

"That case has been falling, let's go to your brother?" Gao Fei said that he urged the white stream, and the two people rushed to the special service investigation office.

I found a night in Hanzhuang East Street, Gao Fei always felt that some are not right. Today, when I saw the door decoration of this flower shop, Gao Fei finally understood where it was wrong.

The three people found a whole night in Hanzhuang East Street, but they were missing to find the store on the pen fault. When I saw this flower shop, Gao Fei was found that their goals have always been wrong.

All the deceased in all cases mislead them, because everyone is the death of the golden people, so Gao Fei thinks that the door of the pen fairy is the door of the chicken shop. Now Gao Fei can be sure, the store in the painting is not a chicken shop, it is a flower shop.

The two came to the Special Affairs Bureau, and the white streams were interested in watching four weeks, as soon as they visited the ancient garden.

"How come you?" Bai Wei saw Gao Fei brought his own sister, heart, your kid is deliberate, I am.

Pig arch cabbage, you stole the arch, in Bai Yao, Gao Fei This is to steal the arge of the archers. You said, this gas is not.

"Cable, the BACK is called the technical department." Gao Fei said.

"Let's find a clue in a night. He dated this." Zhang Zhen and Nicholas have said.

At no time, the technical department came over.

"I want Hanzhuang eight streets for half a month ago." Gao Fei said to the technical department.

This small requirement is not difficult for people in Technology. Five minutes, the image information required for Gao Fei is adjusted.

Several people surrounded by the computer, one frame of one frame looks at the image information in the computer. These image information is half a month. At that time, Hanzhuang East Street has not disclaimed.


Suddenly, the image screen was paused as a high flight. The paused picture is staying in an opening ceremony, and this shop is a flower shop.

"In Hanzhuang Eight Street, this is so creative?" Zhang Zhe said with him, suddenly he had stunned, trying to ask: "Fei brother, we don't seem to see the flower shop yesterday?"

Such a big store is impossible to disappear, but they really have passed Hanzhuang East Street last night, and did not see the flower shop.

"Toned this location now?" Gao Fei said to the technical department.

For a while, the image was adjusted. However, it is actually a public toilet in the eyes of everyone.

The flower shop changed the public toilet, in just a month, a flower shop just opened into public toilets, now you can guess now. Everything happened in Hanzhuang Eight Street, certainly there is a relationship with this flower shop.

"This flower shop, I want this half a month to all the information in this half month." Gao Fei pointed to the flower shop on the screen, excited.

After half an hour, Gao Fei looked at the information of this flower shop frown wrinkled.

Half a month ago, the night of the flower shop opened, a fire will burn the entire flower shop, the daughter of the flower shop and the boss die on the spot. For this fire, the answer given by the official is that the fire, the death of the boss and the boss daughter is also attributed to accident death.

"BACK, Ming team. This case has problems, these two people are definitely not accidental death."

"If people have grievances when they die, this grievance will form a potential. When this stock absorbs the bloody moonlight, then it will become a potential."

"The flower shop changed to the public toilet, this is to use the filthy gas to suppress this stock, do not let her form a trend, this is a ghost," Gao Fei handed the information to white, slowly said.

"White Bureau, we divide the two way. I will continue to check Hanzhuang Eight Street tonight. You can check the true death cause of these two people." Gao Fei continued.

"Good." White is incorporated in the information.

In the evening, after Gao Fei sent a white stream, it borrowed the white stream of the car, and then took his own two iron clams, rushed to Hanzhuang 8th Street.

Compared to yesterday, today, they can be described as a clear goal, that is, the store that is transformed into a public toilet.

The car parked in the public toilet, and the three did no one got off, but the public toilet was observed in the car.

Perhaps it is three people who know that there are two reasons why two people have lived here.

"Oh, I said grandfather, what is your reminder?"

"You are a public toilet, what door is you lock? Is it worried that someone is smuggling?"

The voice came from the public toilet made a little surprised, no time, a grandfather came out of the public toilet. When I left, my grandfather shouted: "When you come out, you remember to lock the door."

One child ...

"Why didn't the person come out?" Gao Fei realized that some are not right.

Life is most afraid of the air suddenly quiet, and the high flying problem allows the atmosphere in the car.

"Possible, probably, constipation." Zhang Zhen tried to answer.

"Constipation, shouldn't. Such a long time to use the hand, this will also be deducted." Nichuan added.

"You are waiting here, I will go in and see, I didn't come out ten minutes later, I just called." Gao Fei said, opened the car.

At this time, the sky has been black.

Public toilets, yin Sen.

After stepping into the public toilet, Gao Fei regretted.

Mom, the scene in front of my eyes became a flower shop.

Peony flower in the house, like a blush. Out of Gao Fei, that is actually a peony flower carved into a human bone.

", , ."

The creepy sound is like a grinding sound.

Gao Fei followed the direction of the sound, I saw the bodies that were already split on the ground, the bodies were already split, and there is a coma of youth.

Gao Fei saw a middle-aged woman was grinding, and she put a row of a row of various knives in front of her, and they should be used when they are doing floral.

"Come again?" The middle-aged woman's straight-out is high, and the sound is hoarse like a tire. The ground is generally rough.

"Is that potential?" Gao Feijia's leather hair, his first eye has seen this middle-aged woman is not human.

Among the flower shops, a strong bloody flavor drilled into the high flying nose. All surrounded by a human bone carved peony flower, this kind of art flying is really appreciative.

"Is you killing them?" Ghost god, Gao Fei asked a nonsense.

"They will die."

"They damn."

"Damn." Middle-aged woman lifted the knife in his hand, hidden in hysterical.

With her anger, the pressure in the entire room is heavier. Dead, Icy, Chinese, Hall, horror, all kinds of heavy feelings.

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