Secret Constructor

Chapter 42 Black Car (seeking collection, recommended tickets)

From the mouth of the black cat, Gao Fei and others know the story of this village.

This village is known as Tankou Village, and it is built by the mountains and rivers, because the village is named after the mountain waterfall, it can be said that it is a place where the scenery is extremely beautiful.

A long time ago, that is, the village happened before the disaster. The constant black cat appears in the village to warning for the village. However, the villagers did not care, but, it was thought that the emergence of black cats would bring disasters to the village.

So, whenever there is a black cat, the villagers will kill the black cat, then hang their body on the old banyan tree in the village.

Since ancient times, people always say that the black cat represents evil and represents a disaster. But Ignore a problem, there is a disaster in a place where a black cat is. There is still a disaster, there will be black cats.

This is a problem, and it is also a causal problem. The former is a disaster in a black cat, and the latter is a black cat in the prevention of a disaster.

The chief of the black cat is finally come to this village. When it comes to this village, the village has been buried underground. So, it controls the body of these villagers to worship themselves to cultivate their lives.

After listening to the story, Gao Fei also thought about it. He asked towards the chief of the black cat: "You can't control the black cats in the outside."

"Of course ... can." Black cat signs really want to say can't, Nai, Chen Chen does not come. "

"The people who will be trapped will come out." Gao Fei urged.

"Hey." The chief of the black cat is not willing to call a few times.

There is a black cat, and the amber is like amber, like a amber, like a amber, is like a satin.


The black cat smed the mouth yard the mouth of the mouth, and there were thousands of black cats on the eaves to swallow.

The blue-haired lion recorded in the Western Tourism in the Western Tourism will swallow 100,000 days of soldiers, it is really false. However, the black cat is in the face of thousands of black cats.

Although these black cat soldiers are very weak, there is only one ability to make illusion, but also people who will be fascinating. However, the quantity is placed here, thereby visible that the strength of black cat sheriff is not weak.

If it is not high, it happens to be aiure, and the black cat sheriff is broken. Under what is smashed, let the black cat have recognize himself. Otherwise, this is really hard.

Four people took a moment in the ancestral hall and continued to explore the entire blessing. Although this blessing is just a bad little blessing, it is not small.

This village is only a small part of Fu Land, and there is a large valley outside the village. Of course, the outside valley is large, but it is not dangerous than the village.

"The lanterns at the door are both good things." When I was out of the ancestral hall, the black cat did not forget to remind the high flight.

Sure enough, the mother cat is a creature of the mouth. Although it is not acknowledged on his mouth, it is still in my heart.

[Gold-grade construction material.

Sure enough, Gao Fei just took two lanterns, and the identification report of the blood month altar quickly came out.

The identification of the blood monthly altar is not to be suspicious, and those experts than those in the past can be too much. Experts this thing, how to say it. That is the ten experts pulled out nine guns, and they did not bring him.

Three days later.

The first batch of people entering this Tangfu has begun to gradually evacuate, Gao Fei has a guidance of black cats, nature is the most rich person.

The rules of the special nine games, all the harvest three seven points, high flying, but the corpse of the knife and guns, these bodies are good materials for the official. Therefore, there is no doubt that after Gao Fei passed through the battle of Dong Tianfu, it can be said to be rich in effort.

It is already dark, it is already dark, and the helicopter of the military just returned to the city.


Gao Fei's mobile phone rang, it was a white stream of soda.

"You're back?"

On the other hand, the voice of the white stream was coming.

"Well, just entered the city." Gao Fei replied.

The news of the white stream is always in time. Timely to Gao Fei always thinks that the white stream is not installed on him, how to get it in the city every time, her phone is always called.

"I don't go to work tomorrow." White stream has some small expectations.

I haven't waited for Gao Fei to answer, and Bai stream Su is taking advantage of: "I heard that the city has newly entered a number of play equipment."

"Well, see you tomorrow." Gao Fei replied.

The next day, Tianming.

In the early morning, Gao Fei got up early morning and washed, and came to the intersection before the house.

Pull out the phone, open the webmark APP to watch more than one hundred people in front, Gao Fei feels that he is a bit to collapse.

Important, it is time to apply for a bus to the Special Nine Bureau.

After all, the bus is not a big thing.

Gao Fei, etc. At the intersection, there is a fur in the shoulder like a black cotton with a black silk. Implementation is that the black cat is very beautiful, the owner of the black cat sheriff is more handsome. This one of the people's turning ratio can be said to be quite high.

"Little brother, little brother, can I touch your Mimi?" At this time, the roadside a Tong Yan giant is coming over, watching the black cat sheriff on the high flight should.

"Roll ... Hey."

The black cat sheriff just wanted to swear, let's go out, hurry to stop, changed to the cat.

Black cat is very proud, it is not that any one who can get two kittens. I heard this inexplicable request, and I was fried in an instant.

"Small sister, can I touch your Mimi?" Gao Fei was a serious asked, while asked the 36E of others asked.


"Stinky." The little sister is so angry, and after anger, I left.

"Oh." Gao Fei sighed a breath, I really want to talk to this girl, what is called yourself, don't do it.

There are a lot of gods in this world, and there are a lot of desertes in the bloody wasteland. However, it is impossible to speak anyway. People are people, the beast is the beast, people and beasts are different, people have wisdom, language, and text.

Black cat sheriff is the only thing that is known to know. The black cat is very smart, it knows if he will speak, I am afraid to be studied by slices.

A few people in the Mingxia are outside the flying, the only person who specifies the black cat sheriff will speak. Of course, they will naturally keep this matter for Gao Fei.

"Buddy, where?"

At this time, a white van stopped in front of the high flight, and a pale middle-aged driver stretched out.

"I went to the special paradise." Gao Fei replied.

"Shun, come up." The middle-aged driver hurriedly called.

Gao Fei got on the bus and found that there is a person on the van, just a position.

The driver's flying service is very good, Gao Fei has just got on the bus, and the driver quickly fasten him to the seat belt.

Suddenly, the driver's hand touched the high flying arm.


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