Secret Constructor

Chapter 60 Stomach Acid?

This kind of championship is no longer willing to be slower. Without too much consideration, Gaofei and a group of people jumped towards the lake and looked down at the bottom of the lake.

At no time, everyone watered to the hole in the lake.

The first person to eat crabs is always, so soon, someone will go in the hole. With the first one, there will be second, third, countless.

This hole is very magical, the initial narrow, only people ...

Soon, a strange scene appeared. Drilling the hole in more than 10 meters, it seems to have a layer of light film. After passing through the light film, there is no trace of water here.

In front of it is a different and real world.

Here, there is no blood month.

On behalf of the real world, there is no existence.

A darkness surrounded by a dark, surrounded by the sound of water.

Everyone takes out the lighting equipment carried out, and when it looks at the environment in front of the eye.

Not far, it is a shabby ancient city wall, the walls have passed the ancient vicissitudes of life, as if they have existed before countless years.

"Machine, the body of the big?"

Although the ancient city pool found in the lake is very awkward, but it is more likely to be a big firing.

Everyone carefully wandered four weeks, then walked towards the direction of the city gate. The city gate is semi-hidden, and even the traces of this knife cut the ax.

In the city, the streets are unclear ancient houses, from these ancient houses to see an ancient distinct rating system.

The more close to the ancient house of the city wall, the more low, and the watches in the city, the more it is, the more heavily angry home.

This is because in ancient times, once a war. The more close to the city wall, the more you accept the attacker of the remote weapon such as a stone, arrow. Moreover, ancient defenders will consume a lot of rolling wood. Once the reserves on the city wall are finished, then it will inevitably remove the house near far away.



The sound of constant door bolts sounded, from time to time, there is a wake up to push away the houses on the street, searching in the room.


"This thing is mine, don't grab the mother."



From time to time, there is called the sound from the surrounding house, but there is no fight. Obviously, this should be something in the house, but it has not yet arrived at the point of life.

All the way is cautious, Gao Fei is not eager to search around. It is a place where ordinary people live, and it is wasted at this time. It is better to continue to walk forward, find a large family to see.

Obviously, this idea is more than a person. In addition to some of the housing, the house is not allowed to go in, the rest of the homework, such as explaining the maritime huntel of the lake, will continue to explore the inside.

Continue to go forward, soon, it will come to the city. There are no a few small teams in depth, everyone has a tacit understanding, and each choice a street.

"This should be an ancient city in the Han Dynasty. I just don't know why it will be embedded in the bottom of the lake?" After no one, Cui said said.

"Let's go in and see." Gao Fei pointed to an ancient house, this ancient house is a garden of everyone.

Push the door of the big family, go in. A group did not find anything important thing, although there were many porcelain, words such as porcelain, but they were all people, except for slightly more money, there was no use of awakening.

"This is different from the Dong Tianfu land, even in the Dong Tianfu Land, there is still the existence of blood months. It is because of this, there will be the existence of many spirits in Dongtianfu. And there is no blood month, this is the reason is this. How long is there, is it still all? "After Cui Port said, he said to everyone.

"I don't know if you have found it. It seems that there is no life?" Gao Fei added to the side.

Come along the way, whether it is outside the city or in the city, there is no one-stop living life. And don't say waste beasts, variants, and even insects this kind of things.

"The Han Dynasty monuments, the abandoned city pool, and the blood month."

"Here, what is the place?" Cui Port said modern scientist, some people think about it.

Everyone was originally thought that this is a general hole in the ancient mountain village who has discovered the black cat sheriff. However, I found that it seems that it doesn't seem to be imagined.

"Will it be an ancient tomb?" Gao Fei asked.

After all, I am not a golden school, and the understanding of the tomb is limited to TV series. However, it seems that this explanation is only reasonable.

Cui Fu squatted on the ground, touched the wall of the pit, "wrong, you see. The corrosion of the wall is wrong."

Several people look toward the walls, the naked eye can be seen that the wall is about to be highly corroded by the wall, and the wall of one person is not corroded.

"According to reason, the tomb will only have such serious corrosion after being excavated after being excavated, will have such a serious corrosion." Cui Port said.

Honestly, the existence of this city seems to be unable to explain from science, or from superstition.

Hunch ...

"It's up on water, rising water ..."

At this time, I saw a lot of liquids that appeared in the same sea in the city.

Gao Fei looked at the corrosion traces on the wall, and finally understood how corrosion on the wall came.

"First top roof."

Four people said with a look, Gao Fei and Cui Soft.

Since the corrosion of the wall is only one person, it means that the liquid like these seawater should only rise, and it should be safe on the roof.

For a while, several people on the roof. At this point, the roof is already full of awakening. This scene, it is a bit like a big water, squatting in the roof waiting for the rescue.


"My hand, my hand ..."

Suddenly, the distant call is screaming.

Then someone shouted: "Don't get water, this is sulfuric acid."

There is no doubt that some people must reach out to touch the water below. However, this group is still a good heart, but also reminded the rest of the people.

Cuiiro did not play the characteristics of her researchers, at this time, she actually took a test tube, and then carefully explored the body of the neat tube. She puts the liquid in the test tube on an object similar to the gypsum, and only the plaster-shaped object is dissolved at a slow speed.

"Not sulfuric acid, the dissolution speed of sulfuric acid should be within a minute."

"Two-year thirteen seconds, this dissolution rate is probably different from the gastric acid separation of the human body." Cui Lu looked at the time and said with an extremely rigorous attitude.

"Stomach acid?"

"If these liquids are gastric acid?"

"What is the serious thinking?" Gao Fei was shocked.

(PS: Missing Yesterday, there are two more days today, thinking about the plot to crack.)

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