Secret Constructor

Chapter 77 Fire Burning Half Inn

Gao Fei was on the roof of the half inn, a few disciples who looked at the vines in the house were recovering the corpse. Their beep is drilling in a little bit of the body, and the corpse of the vine is generally from the body of the body, or the foot entry. Then in the bodies of the bodies, the last side of the body was settled in the back of the body.

The back of the body controls the nerve to control the body, and once people die, this nerve will gradually slump, and then completely fall into sleep. Once the corpse entered the back of the brain, he began to control these neurons.

The corpse of the vine flower is already in the inside of the body, and once the bones complete the milesty of the body, then it can basically determine the programs of the vine flower to control these wear programs.

Gao Fei is on the roof, saying that he is quite embarrassing now. Want to interrupt the ceremony of the vine, but once he is now, it is afraid that it is a pair of punches that are difficult to fight, and if you can't do anything, it is also very likely to get yourself into it.

But, he still doesn't want to complete the ceremony of the people who look at the vine. You know, if now the special nine-year-old person and the vines are as opposed to the opposite red and blue, then these corpses are neutral resources.

Now that the group of vines, the group of people, the big dragon, the Gao Fei teammates have not come, but they can't let him look at others, and they don't respond.

However, there is a saying, the people of the special nine games are too slow. Li Chen's heart is secret, you can now have some helpers, and you will not be like this.

Looking at the eyes of the worms, I can say that it is a few narcotic wood houses, and there is a less mature idea in Gaofei.

There is a special occupation in ancient movie, called a more people. What is more people? That is, when I was more and overnight, I took the street sanctuary to play more, preventing fire.

The so-called dryness is dry, and it is careful.

He is doing wood, and this wood house has been living after a long time. After years of wind blowing, this house became a dry wood, it can be said to be a little, and the fire is burned.

Gao Fei, if you ignite this house. Once the house is fire, then the ceremony in the room will inevitably interrupted. At the time of the idea, see if there is any way to ruin these three wear corpses.

If you can't destroy it, this sentence is not only the same when it is suitable for a woman, but also the same time.

After confirming the plan, Gao Fei carefully pulled down from the roof. Then I came to the other side of everyone who left the vine, after all, this ignition will generate sound, even smoke and ambitious.

People falling into vines a little far away, avoiding their premature discovery. Once the fire is fired, when they are discovered, everything is going on.

Li Chen is quietly ignited by the fire, this fire is not big, but the house in the half inn has been decaying. After a while, the outermost flap was fuel. At this time, the thick smoke through the gap of the corner enters the inn.

As everyone knows, people who die in the fire, most people are not dead in the fire, but die in smoke.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, and the smoke of the nose is getting bigger and bigger. As the smoke is inhaled, the disciples of the vine have a strong suffocation.

The old wood of the inn is too easy to combustion, just five or six minutes. The big fire of the bears has burned a three-third of the inn, and the sound of the rush is in the ear, and the face is also able to feel the hot waves.

"Do you want to completely control your body?" The middle-aged hall is frowning to see the three people who are controlling the body.

"I will be optimistic about it." The first answer is the disciple that controls the dry corpse. The small two corpses he controlled is the weakest, so it is naturally too easy to control.

"Five minutes, I just do five minutes." The only female disciple in the vine flower, that is, the daughter of the middle-aged church biting his teeth.

The two people have been answered, and the middle-aged monette looked at a heart-stopped male disciple that controls the kitchen. He controlled the kitchen is the strongest strength, so it takes time to spend the longest time.

"I have to take a dozen minutes." This disciple said hard my scalp, and he said ten minutes is a conservative estimate. Now this is a dry corpse. He has not been able to control half.

The middle-aged hall looked at the eyes and burned to the front of the fire, and looked at the three disciples who can't move. At this time, it was anxious to him.

Jossimo is also thinking about two or three seconds of empty, the middle-aged monarch command: "Fast, you will make the table and chair bench in the house, all the moving things are all thrown out."

This inexplicable order makes the disciples of the vines can't help but just, but only after a glimpse, everyone began to implement.

Have to say, this ginger is still old spicy, vinegar or Chen's fragrance. The people have lived for a long time, he is a ghost machine. At this point, it is almost refused to stop the fire, but the furniture such as the table and chair bench in this house is made. Put these things out, more less can delay the fire.

Three corpses have gone a gain, nature is not a fool. They know that the people of the vine can't move in the process of controlling them. Once the fire burns to the front, the disciple of the vine will inevitably leave here, otherwise it is to be buried with them.

It is precisely because I want to understand this, these three wear resistance is more tenacious.


"The church, I succeeded." At the time of the fire, it had burn half the inn to the real half of the inn, and the vine flower that controls the small millennium has finally succeeded.

The fire continues to be burned, the remaining two are still controlled by the body.

"Everyone, go out first." The middle-aged hall looked at the fire and commanded the rest of the disciples.

After the disciple of all disciples, the middle-aged church owner was held in front of two disciples. At this point, the fire is already in front.

This will, the half pub has been burned into a small inn, the fire of the fire has already begun to lick their faces.


The sound of a heavy object rings, which is a flame of the housing in the house with a flame of the bears.


It is also a sound of heavy objects, and the roof falls here to a giant wood.

Just when the middle-aged hall wants to force the two-person ceremony, only listened to the vine, the female disciple said: "Hey, I am fine."

The middle age of the middle school nodded and then reached his hand to the place on a disciple, and forcibly disconnected his contact with the corpse, and resist it from the inn.

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