Secret Constructor

What is behind Chapter 84?

Is there any _____?

This is a filling question, but it is not good, it is not good.

Gao Fei didn't know what the correct answer, but first ruled out is a person.

This high-flying left looks for four weeks, then suddenly looks back, there is a waste of the city, silence, dark, there are several small alley, but there is no small sister who shakes in the small alley.

Of course, even if there is a little sister in the alley, Gao Fei will not care for them.

Because people are not happy with people's happiness, Gao Fei and Ning Caichen are also different.

Gao Fei can be determined, just have to hear the footsteps. But when I turned my head, I didn't see anything behind him. An existence, but you can't see something follow yourself.

There is no doubt that this may only be a potential. Only the spirit is like this, it can make people can't see the matter.

Mr. Lu Xun said that it is possible to deal with the spirit.

So, Gao Fei, called all the textures, black impermanence, white impermanence, fox ghost, and even without combat power. Although high flying calls so many structures, but there is no

As a result, in the case of his active hand or show, no matter how it is flying or his constructor, there is no way to find that thing. Two, this is the site of people, and it is inevitable that it is inevitable.

Since it is not fighting, then the high-flying calls call out the purpose of the construct. That's right, the purpose of the flying is to construct a deceleration band.

What is a slow-speed strip, that is, all the constructs are in order after yourself. In this case, the thing behind him wants to be ourselves, inevitably starting from behind. Now, Gao Fei used constructs to construct a deceleration belt after yourself, this thing wants to be ourselves, must pass the five levels first, 6 will.

Originally, Gao Fei found himself followed by a potential spirit, it was very unactivated, but now he followed five trend, but there were many, after all, there were four of these five trends.

There are many times in the heart, and Gao Fei continues to go to the front. The more the flying is, the more doubtful, the mother, don't know why, all the way did not see the father of the vine, even this road came. There is no trace.

"Could it, go wrong with you?" Gao Fei said.

At this time, I can't stand from the potential spirit from the land temple, and he began to gradually divide the distance between high flight.

Of course, when he didn't actively dedicated him, Gao Fei couldn't see him, but it was only able to feel a yin evil, closer to himself.

This yin is getting closer and closer, and the high flying can feel the back of his back, it is a kind of creepy feel.

Finally, this feeling is getting more and more obvious, more and more people feel clear, and even the ghosts have begun to cover up.

Suddenly, Gao Fei felt that there was something behind him, and the two shoulders were compromised. It seems to have a stiff and cold body, is floating on his back. Gao Fei turned to see, see a double eyeliner, as if there is no way to focus.

The four eyes are relatively, not waiting for high flight, the ghosts on the back open: "I want to borrow something like you."

According to reason, this time, Gao Fei should be extremely scared, but flying at this moment, not afraid, but responded to a sentence: "Hey, he wants to borrow you like you."

Gao Fei's answer, so that this is a bit behind him.

"What are you talking about? I am asking you, I want to borrow a thing as you?" The man continued to ask.

"No, this kind of brother, how do I know if you ask me?" Gao Fei corrected.

"This is only you and me, I am squatting on your back, I am not asking you still asking?" Said the man in the back.

"No, big brother, can't you see it? How many people here?" Gao Fei said.

"Fart, clearly, I am two people?" The man was correct.

"Big brother, I really didn't lie to you, many people here, and you are not on my back."

"If you don't believe, you and look at it."

"Ah, you and I will look at it." Gao Fei said he said.

Gao Fei said, the man's empty eyes looked down at the eyes, he found that he really didn't seem to be on the back of the high flight, but as a transparent object to lift, it is hovering in the high flight. Back on the back.

"Hello there."

Haro. "

Savada. "

"Sharp hanging."

At this time, the fox ghost, the soul, the black is impermanent, and there is no usual shape in turn, and then he said enthusiastic with the empty eyes after this.

At this time, the empty eyes were forced. He felt that his headquattramn slam, as if he flew from him.

He is really not on the back of the high flying, and there are four men and women in his body. Now they are five potential spirits, like a stacked the back of the high flight.

"It's hard to encounter a peer."

"They are also in the body of this child?" The empty eyes were in the heart, as if I met any incredible things.

"That, a few big brothers, you can't talk, say it, carry you on your downtown." Gao Fei made a few times behind him.

The empty eyes are silent, he is feeling the strength of these peers under the body. After a while, he seems to have touched the strength of the peers, and it is time to come.

"You have a few, this kid's body is I found first. This is mine, I have to adult, I want to adult." The empty man hysterically.

Obviously, he has already observed that the strength of the four peers under the body is not strong, even if it is united, it is not his opponent.

The empty eyes are angry, and Gao Fei also felt his breath. Although this breath has no previously encountered the corpse and Yanda is so powerful, but it is not self-evident.

Mr. Lu Xun said that as long as you run enough, you can't catch up with you.

Gao Fei submitted the command, let four structures work together to fly this empty man, then follow the four constructs to hold the empty man, and the high flying is to ran.

Only by the spirit of the spirit, the empty man can't be prevented, and the four strength is not as good as his peers. At this time, Gao Fei has ran away from the distance.

", , ."

After the back, the fight, Gao Fei knows, this is the constructor delays the time for yourself. How long does this an old trend will not know how long it is, it is not an opponent. Now, it is the speed of testing yourself, and the extent to which you have four constructs, you can't have the chasing speed of the empty eye man.

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