Once,the woman was gone, the chief designer had also returned and immediately walked over to where Xie Eun stood.He showed the ring and once approved, Xie Eun took out her own card to pay for the purchase.The designer wanted to protest that the rings we're already paid for but he has already received instructions so he quietly swiped a sum and then packed the ring in a box.He then added an exclusive had and gold pendant in another box and added,"Madam, this is a good from our store.We wish you a happy and prosperous future.Do visit us again."

Xie Eun was happy that she had been able to buy a ring for her husband within her budget and even gained a free product.She smiled satisfactorily and waited for her husband to come out.She wondered what was taking him so long.Just then,the door to the office opened and she could only stare stupified..The man who had gone in had looked handsome and dashing but then one who stepped out looked like a lady killer.

Dressed in a dark blue bomber jacket and skin tight blue jeans,he looked like a bad boy come to life. The white shirt under the jacket clung to his abs, highlighting his muscles while the denims that encased his long legs made him look like a biker.

Every man and woman who glanced at the man would stop in their tracks.A woman who was passing by the shop and had casually glanced inside, knocked into a pillar and hurt herself! Pleased with herself and her good looking man, Xie Eun picked up the bag where Yu Seok had placed his other clothes and the jewellery store's bag..The assistant rushed forward and took bag from her hand,"Madam, please don't worry .We will have everything delivered to your address."

So the two people left the store hand in hand happily. Xie Eun,who has already placed the ring in her pocket, wondered if she should simply slide it on or if she should propose..After thinking for a while,she had yet to reach a conclusion and her stomach started to protest!No wonder she was having trouble coming up with something good!She was hungry!Wolf,already having expected this,had guided them to a small cafe.

Amused at herself and at Yu Seok,she giggled,"You know me so well."Uncaring of the people around her,she patted her little non existent tummy and said,"See!He takes such good care of us!"Halfway through the meal,a cheesy idea struck her and she waited for an opportunity..And the fates were on her side,when Yu Seok's phone started to ring in the middle.He declined the call but the phone kept ringing so she encouraged him,"Answer the phone!It could be something urgent!And there might even be a signal problem here..Go out and amswer.!"

Yu Seok shook his head at her blatant and transparent scheme and just followed her instructions. Or she might come up with something even more dangerous. He excused himself and the moment he was outside,answered,"Yes?"

Cheng Mo,who was expecting to be greeted by an icy and angry boss rechecked his phone to see of he had dialed the right person.Naturally he did not know that his boss was on a good mood because the lady boss had just dropped a ring into his glass of wine..Upon confirming that it was really the boss,he hesitantly went on to explain that there were some errors in the report that they had received by the government. He clarified that their own team believed that someone had caused the incidence while the investigation reported that it was their fault. Wolf raised his eyebrows and was silent for a minute.So it seems that lady Lu's supporter family were powerful in the government also and thus dared to attack him.There had been a series of incidents at one of their construction sites.Though it was nothing major,it took a matchstick to light a large fire.They needed to find the source.He glanced at his watch and answered,"I will be there in 45 minutes.Until them tell everyone to find any and every flaw in the report.Also,call the finance team and ask them to bring all the government projects that we have really promised to invest in and inform them that we are unable to invest anymore."

Cheng Mo noted down all the instructions and realized that his boss could really play dirty.Whoever had tried to use a devious trick against his boss would now be annihilated by the people within the government! Because if they, as the largest investors and developers, withdrew from the government projects then that would result in a major collapse..."

Having made himself clear, Wolf calmly walked back to the restaurant and sat opposite his wife who was smiling like a cat that got the fish.

To tease her a bit, he signalled a server and said,"I don't like the taste of this wine.Please take this and bring me another one.

Xie Eun who was stuffing a rice ball into her mouth was horrified and almost snatched the wine from the waiter, scaring the man in the process..Once she had swallowed, she ordered the waiter to leave and said,"Yu Seok, you have to drink this wine!"

Her shocked look amused him and he calmly fished out the ring with a spoon, cleaned it with a wet tissue and slipped it onto his finger while Xie Eun looked on wide eyed.As soon as he was done, he gave her an almost blinding smile and said,"If I was a skeptical kind of person I would assume you were trying to kill me by attempting to choke me but since I am not,Eun-a,I accept your proposal and am going to be your husband forever and ever!Thank you."

Xie Eun:".."

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