In a faraway mansion, an older gentleman sat on the armchair.His head full of white hair was combed back and his eyes closed.Beside him sat or rather slouched a younger man in casual clothes.Though his posture showed that he was busy with the games he was playing on his mobile phone, his green eyes were clear and sharp. His straight high nose and thin lips belied his identity as a noble. 

The assistant giving the report, placed the pictures that were sealed in a yellow envelope and stepped back. Neither of the men cared to pick the envelope or even gave an acknowledgement to show that they were listening..

There was an easy silence in the room before the old man sighed,"Where is his body? What did those bastards do with him?Are they still holding his body or have they..discarded him?"

The assistant did not catch the tremble in the old man's voice but the young man did.His fingers paused for a second before they continued to tap and waited for the assistant to reply,"Sir,they gave him a burial.."

This caused the old man to snap open his eyes and even the younger man paused his game and looked up.This was the first time they had heard of a person being given a proper burial to someone who had come to shoot them.. "Shiro?Check the pictures that the guard submitted before he discarded the camera.."

The two people were none other that Yoo Sao,the elder and master of the Yoo Family while 'Shiro' was Yoo Shiro,the youngest and the heir apparent. The Yoo's were one of the oldest family in the country..They had once had deep connections with the underworld but slowly turned towards the lawful path once Yoo Sao took over the reins.Ad since then,they had kept a low profile to avoid any government schemes or conspiracies by their enemies.As a result,they had almost succeeded in fading into the background,until an enemy had struck them from the back a few years ago..and caused them the biggest loss ever..Since then they had kept their retreat but slowly accumulated power in different areas..The man who had given up his life that day had been their oldest and most loyal servant.If,not for that old woman,they would never have resorted to this..but they had promised to return the favor and that is what she had asked..

Old Yoo Sao looked over at his grandson who was taking out the pictures. Yoo Shiro did not expect much from the pictures but when he opened the envelope, he was shocked to the core..Because, even though the picture was grainy, he could see the face that was captured by the long distance camera..It was the same face as his. The one that he had never expected to see again...His hands trembled and his heart jerked but soon he had composed himself and passed the pictures to his grandfather.He wondered if it was possible that this man just looked similar..No..they needed more information.He looked up at the silent assistant sharply, ready to question him but just then the assistant shouted,"Old Master" and ran forward..Yoo Sao had lost consciousness..

A little while later, the personal doctor walked out of the old man's room, to talk to Yoo Shiro, who stood leaning against the wall.His green eyes were broody and impatient with worry for his grandfather.The two men only had each other as their direct blood relation.

The doctor pushed up his glasses and sighed,"The old man received some kind of shock today and seems to have gotten over excited.So his blood pressure shot up,causing him to faint. Please try to make him rest these few days and try to keep him relaxed.I have changed his prescription for now and will visit again tomorrow for a regular check.."

Yoo Shiro nodded and thanked the doctor, gesturing for His assistant to see off the doctor.He, then called in his own personal guard who had been investigating the truth to give him a report.

Immediately upon entering,the guard stated the results,"Sir,a few days ago, a woman approached the old master, claiming that he had to return her the favor that he owed her.The old woman was the bone who had saved your life master when you were kidnapped and she had not taken any compensation but a promise to fulfill her one wish. When she was able to get through to the master, he sent his personal man to get her mission because it was a personal favor.The old woman wanted her maternal granddaughter killed.."

Yoo Shiro felt his eyes widen a bit when he heard this piece. Who was this wonderful person who would attack her own family?Ridiculous!

He nodded at the guard to continue,"Anyway when the servant tried to refuse,she insisted that she wanted a life for a life and if the Yoo's could not fulfill their promise then.." The guard was afraid to finish the sentence.He wondered how the woman had the audacity to say it when his guts shivered before repeating it

But Yoo Shiro had already guessed and finished the sentence,"then I too do not have the right to live?"

The guard trembled at the cold voice and nodded his head..

Yoo Shiro curtlynordered,"Continue.."

"The old master was angeed and thus ordered his servant to do the deed and warn them that he did not wish to see that woman again..But when the old man went there to finish his task, he unexpectedly saw someone who looked exactly like you..And since everyone knows about your missing twin, the servant immediately clicked a picture with the camera in his button and transmitted it."

"However it seems that he was spotted before he could do much because soon after his death was reported to the government.The time gap between the transmission and the death report is only ten minutes. He did not wish to implicate the old master who was finally fully rid of the dirty past and thus he consumed poison.."

Yoo Shiro nodded his head and sitting in his office, he steepled his fingers and rested his chin on them, deep in thought. He then cocked his head to the side and asked,"So, who is this man?"

The guard, at this point felt like pulling his hair out.Because here is where the problem began..

"Sir,that is the problem..We do not know.The house that the girl was staying in, is in her name only. Since the man seemed to be intimate with her, we tried to check her connections but she seems to have none. Her father is dead and the only person she can rely on is her 'mentor'-Wolf. And her unknown husband."

An eyebrow raised,"unknown husband?"

"Yes sir,from what we have gleaned, the old woman had been using someone to woo the girl to meet some will's expectations.The girl also pretended to have fallen into the trap but the night the will was supposed to be read, she announced that she was already married. They are still investigating who her husband is and how she had come into contact with the business man called Wolf because she is a country girl and seemed clueless. The old master's people are still trying to find information.But there is another thing we have found out," there were highly military trained guards at the spot where the servant died.That means that the chances are that those people were already aware and waiting for our move. The old master is still cunning and he tried to use the government to bring out the called Wolf but he suppressed the government within a few hours.So we have to be very careful.."

By now, Yoo Shiro had closed his eyes and there was a cruel smile on his face.After such a long time, a real challenge had come to him..he uttered a single word,"Interesting.." And then,"so what is this girl called?"

The guar realized that he had missed out on an important detail and answered,"Xie Eun."

"Xie Eun..", he slowly repeated the name, looking forward to this new chase.So,either this girl was smart or the people behind her were..He would know soon enough.."

He opened his eyes at the guard and asked,"So there are only these mysterious two men around Xie Eun?"

The guard thought for a moment and shook his head as he remembered something,"No Sir.She also seems to have another male friend in University but we have not paid much attention to him...other than his name."

"So a mentor, a husband and a best friend?What is the name of the best friend?"

"Yu Seok, sir."

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