Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 108 - The Real Culprit

Han Xi,who sat in the classroom,was happily writing her exam and waiting for the announcement of her success.When she had spied the girl who had dared to humiliate her in the mall,she had used this chance to teach her a lesson.So she was a student in this University?Well her uncle was a board member here and her aunt,the examination inspector. Naturally,this was her turf.The fool did not even know that she was in danger and continued writing. Han Xi,immediately dropped a message to two of her friends,to let them know what was going on and what to do while she typed out another message to her aunt. She had worried that her aunt may not read it in time but then she had been lucky!Everything had worked out smoothly and without a hitch! That girl liked to play with boys?Then let her do that only!She would see who would support her then once she publicized the fact that she was a cheater.."

Han Xi had no idea that her aunt had already fallen into the grave that she had dug for Xie Eun and next it was her turn! The bell rang to hand in the papers and the students soon gave in their papers.Most felt it was a pity that the girl would lose in this way but many others felt that it was fair.After all they had worked so hard for the test so why should someone else be allowed to use a shortcut? The three students who had collaborated,glanced at each other and smiled at their success.However,before the class could empty,Principal Meng returned to the classroom followed by a couple of security guards. Without a word,the guards found the three students and unceremoniously dragged them to the podium,shocking the class and the professor.

Han Xi,screeched at being manhandled and shouted,"What are you doing?How dare you touch me casually?Do you know who I am? I am the young miss of the Han family of country D! My uncle is the member of board here!You will all lose your jobs!"

The other students were all shocked at this behavior as they had never heard their university being so ruthless.Once the students had been dragged to the podium,the Principal announced ruthlessly,"These are the students who want to enter our university!they dare to cheat and then implicate other student,even going so far as to destroy their careers! These three people actually had the intention to harm student Xie Eun. We have evidence against them. They will be expelled from this moment on wards just like I said earlier. All of you need to remember one thing,Anyone who tries to go against the University's motto of being united will meet the same fate!"

The students all breathed in fear at the usually easy going Principal's anger and quit gossiping waiting for the second part of the exam to start.

Xie Eun had been escorted to an isolated classroom to finish her exam under the supervision of the Principal's secretary.She had not asked any questions or said a word throughout because though everyone else was not aware of the surveillance cameras that the Principal had installed in the classrooms,she had known this fact because of Yu Seok who had already prepared her for any eventualities. It was why she had not panicked from the beginning to the end. She had just finished checking her paper when the secretary came forward to ask if she was done.She handed in her answer sheet and went back towards the classroom.If it had been anyone else, then their mentality would have been shaken but Yu Seok had helped her be prepared and she realised with a jerk that she had been able to keep calm because she had known that when if she was not able to do anything, he was there behind her to support her.

Meanwhile, in the principal's office, the senior inspector was cursing at the Principal and threatening to sue him for having invaded the privacy of the students. Then fierce argument had resulted in an urgent board meeting being called. The Principal had already received the consent from the members so they could do nothing about the surveillance cameras but the board members had to give each other face, so they tried to pressurize the Principal into keeping the students and giving them a light punishment. But then the Principal, after realising that the Board was more concerned about themselves than being honest, said calmly,"Very Well.I can tell the student concerned that this is your decision. But do let me also know what explanation Inshould give her guardian-CEO Wolf?"

The board members all stuffened in shock and one by one unanimously voted for Inspector Han and Miss Han to be suspended and expelled respectively..

The second round was set up like an interview meet with a panel of teachers ready to judge. No one knew what the questions would be or if there would be even any fixed set of answers.

Xie Eun calmly sat and waited outside the room where these were being conducted. Two students would go at a time and one would move forward to the next round and one would come out of the classroom, disappointed.Xie Eun felt that this round would be a challenge to her capabilities and so tried to calm her heart..

Unknown to her, the teachers inside were panicking at the thought of interviewing her. The news that the snobbish wife of the board of director had bee fired because of a student, the teachers understood very well that the student must be very powerful.They had only on thought in their head, " how do they prevent themselves from offending the esteemed student?"

So when Xie Eun came in for the interview, and answered questions,she wondered if she had come for a university interview or a kindergarten one? They did not ask a single difficult thing? she could not help but wondering if she had entered the wrong room..

Meanwhile, the students who had been tortured with mean questions from business and economic fields, ".."

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