Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 110 - Sweet Nothings

Xie Eun walked out of the university, almost bouncing on the balls of her feet.She had been selected in the interview and once the result of the written answer was here, she would have been shifted to the business management faculty. She took out her cell phone, thinking of informing Yu Seok about today but when she looked down,she saw that she had already received a message from him.He was waiting for her at the gate! Pushing her cell phone into her pocket,she had a wide smile on her face as she speed walked towards the gate!Why was the university so big?And why did he have to wait at the gate?He had his student Id!He could just enter casually! Thinking this,she had almost reached the gates when she spied him leaning against the car. Her eyes widened and she almost forgot how to walk!How could he look good in everything?He had changed into a pair of blue jeans and a dark blue shirt and he looked so yummm..

She really had been blind..But the others were no so blind. As Xie Eun walked closer to Yu Seok,she noticed that there were many females throwing repeated glances at him. A girl even approached him and tried to talking to him.She did not know what they spoke about but the next moment she blushed and ran away..Her ears smoking,Xie Eun speeded up so that her husband would not be flirted with. Maybe she should change his looks so that he would be less attractive to others..

Xie Eun could not have imagined that it was because of her that her husband was being flirted with. Because,under normal circumstances,no one would dare to approach the man with the icy aura. It was only because he had seen her that his stance had softened making him more approachable..Once near,Xie Eun marched over to him,caught his neck in her hands and pulled him down a bit to kiss him on the lips. Shocked but extremely happy to indulge his wife,Yu Seok immediately kissed her back.But before he could use this opportunity to the maximum,his wife skipped out of his arms and opening the car door,jumped into it..

Meanwhile, Yu Seok:".."

The innocent people who had been served dog food:".."

Following her into the car, Yu Seok closed the door and saw that she was already wearing her seat belt and fidgeting with something on her phone..Well it seemed she was not so happy to see him after all.Disappointed at such a lukewarm reaction to his surprise,Yu Seok,shook his head and started to drive the car.A few minutes later,unable to stop himself,he asked,"What are you doing?"

"Giving you a god**** new face..Who told you to be so handsome!"

Yu Seok: "Huh?"

Xie Eun had a guilty look on her face,when she suddenly remembered the answer she had given him. Yu Seok on the other hand caught her look and raised an eyebrow in question. Stopping at the next waiting point near the side of the road,he crossed his arms and stared at her. Xie Eun tried to hide her phone,but he simply extended his hand and waited for it.

Like a kid,she placed her phone in his hand and sulked with her arms crossed in front of her. Yu Seok glanced at the pictures and for the first time in his life,almost roared in laughter. Surprised at the laugh,Xie Eun turned her head and was unable to stop her smile.She had only been venting but his laugh was really precious.. 

Yu Seok brought the phone screen near his face and asked seriously,"Will you really like me to look like this?"

In the picture,Xie Eun had photo shopped a big mole on his cheek under his eyes and a wide moustache over his lips. It was one of the pictures from their outing that day and with the clothes he had been wearing,this one looked like he was a smuggler with terrible make up skills.

Amused,he wiped and looked at another form that she had given him. In this one,he was bald and had thick eyebrows and a thicker framed spectacles. He looked like an old perverted professor.."

The third one was a mixture of earlier ones and he almost failed to recognize himself. There were those with effects where he had long hair but was effiminate,made him groan.

Indulging her ,he resignedly asked,"Eun-a.Sweetheart. How did I offend you that you are using your photo shop skills to create such master pieces?"

Pouting harder now,she pointed a finger at him and accused,"You just flirted with that girl! If you had been a little less good looking then this would not have happened.Can you not apply a fake beard or something? Or better yet,just shave your head.And why do you have to talk to other girls?"

She almost shouted the last sentence showing him just how much sour vinegar she had consumed!Since she was affected like this,Yu Seok was so glad that he could dance with joy.Because that showed she cared.

Smiling,he leaned sideways and placed a sighing kiss on her lips."You look really cute when you are angry! I was not flirting.That human asked me for an address and I told her that I did not know."


"But I did know.I just did not want to talk to someone who is not you.So which of these looks would you like me to wear from now on??."

Xie Eun melted like a puddle of ice at those lines. He really was good at flirting with her.She gave him a mega watt smile and said,"No need.I just cleared the interview today and we must celebrate.."

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