Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 112 - A Sudden Confession

Xie Eun woke up slowly. Her hangover was not too strong as Yu Seok had forced her to take the medicine before she fell asleep.However,she still groaned and wanted to bury herself somewhere.Her memory was somehow intact from last night.And she even believed it was too vivid...Because she really was too shameless in front of him. Had suppressing her nature for these two years resulted in her becoming too shameless?Just as she was wondering this,her blanket was pulled from her and a soft kiss was placed on her forehead. She blinked her eyes at him shyly and gave him a small smile. Even though he had made her hand sore last night,she had liked everything he did..

"Wake up,sleepy head..I have to leave soon.So have breakfast with me."

Her eyes opened wide and she nodded her head but made no move to follow him.This was because she realized that she was too saddened by the thought of this going away..Even her heart ached a bit though she tried to convince herself that it was not because of the thought that he was going to be away from her but because she had over indulged herself. 

Sighing,she watched his retreating back and thought to herself,"She was hopeless. He was not even gone yet and she was already missing him..Sigh!!!

Throwing away the blanket,she washed and dressed herself up..She bit her lip as she considered if she should confess before he went or after he came back..She liked him and she wanted to tell him that.She knew he liked her and was happy with her even of she acted like a problematic child sometimes..but she had never told him that she really liked him..She was unsure of the word 'love' because of Si Jing but she knew one thing,she liked being with Yu Seok. Whether it was the time when they were on the ship or when they were just at home,studying.It did not matter if he was talking or simply reading his files.His mere presence made her comfortable. She knew that many people would call this love...but.. She was just too silly.She did not want to accept this even to herself. So she had decided to confess that she liked him.She had thought that she would have time after the exam but here he was,already leaving and now there was no time..Maybe she should wait until he returned..

Xie Eun,saw the fried dumplings the boiled eggs and her heart ached even more.She would even have to go back to eating muesli and breads...She felt even sadder at missing out on the food..

Her expression was transparent as a book and pulling her into his lap,he placed a hand on her waist and asked casually,"Eun-a,I will be back in a few days,a week at most.Will you miss me?" Xie Eun felt shy at this direct question but did not want him to be disappointed before he left so she nodded her head vigorously and said,"Yes."

Pleased with her answer,he fed her a dumpling and watched her chew slowly before asking,"So,will you miss me more or the food that I feed you?"

"Ofcourse..",Xie Eun answered but before Yu Seok could be too happy,she said,"the food."

Wolf: ".."

Seeing his expression,Xie Eun gave a small giggle and answered,"Of course I will miss you more silly! You are so cute" and placed a little peck on his nose.She then picked up a dumpling and put it in his mouth before saying,"But I will miss the food you feed me also.I guess I need to start learning cooking.These past few weeks,you have spoilt me greatly and now eating takeaway food does not sound appealing at all.."

"You don't have to eat take away.I have prepared some food for you and it is placed in the freezer.You only have to take it out and heat it. Anytime you don't feel like doing that,"I have also saved the number of a personal chef.She will cook and send whatever you want,whenever you want."

Amazed at the care and attention to detail,he showed her,Xie Eun felt touched and had nothing to say.Thus,she placed her head on his shoulder comfortably,listening to his stable heartbeat and enjoying the peace that surrounded her because of him.She knew that she was able to live carefree because he was stopping many people on her behalf. She vowed to grow stronger so that she would be able to stand by his side with pride.But for now, she felt sorry for him and thus suddenly asked,"Yu Seok?Why do you like me?"

She did not mean to ask this question..Xie Eun had planned to ask this when she confessed to him but just now the question had slipped out of her mouth of its own accord. Before the stunned Yu Seok could answer,she slapped a hand on his mouth and said,"No!Don't tell me now.This..this question just slipped out!You have time.You don't have to answer this now.When you come back and I tell you that I like you,you must tell me then. Then we both will have confessed.."

The next moment,she slapped a hand on her own mouth and fled from the crime scene..

Wolf: (who had been unexpectedly confessed to) had a big grin on his face..

Just as he was about to follow his wife to get a clear confession so that he would be sure that he was not hallucinating,the doorbell rang..His feet turned towards the door of their own accord and Yu Seok opened the door with the same silly grin on his face almost causing the person at the door to faint from fright.."

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