Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 122 - Let Us Pretend

Xie Eun almost inhaled the drink from her nose and started a coughing fit. After catching a breath,Xie Eun stared at Shan Shan incredulously before asking,"Shan Shan?Have you lost your mind?I am a married woman!"Shan Shan Rolled her eyes and said,"That is why I said pretend.It's not like I am coming onto you.We don't even have to pretend kiss we can just hold hands and the message will be clear.Hell, the man might even tattle to my Aunt and she would be so scandalized that she would stop setting me up! And we can even click some nice pics together,so that even if someone else tries to set me up on a blind date I will use you as an excuse.."

The first thing that came to Xie Eun's mind was not whether this person was crazy for making such a theory but what would be Yu Seok's reaction if he ever found her pictures.. Shaking her head,she looked for a table, sat down pulling along the agitated girl and pointed out a flaw in the theory,"What if this person is a pervert and instead of being disgusted he asks to show more or even tries to blackmail you? Can your professional career take such a blow?Tell me something,first why are you so against meeting someone?The other party could be a decent person you could fall for or someone you could be friends with.or develop a relationship with..." A shadow was cast over Shan Shan's bright eyes causing them to dim a little for a few moments but she recovered and continued,"but then I would be limited to one party..and there will be no variety in life. And these blind dates are entertaining even though I am laughing at the expense of someone else.."

Xie Eun could already see that she would not get any meaningful answer from Shan Shan so she decided to not pry. After all it was not easy to reveal wounds left from the past..thus the two people waited out while discussing wild strategies to drive away men.They could simply have recorded their conversation and no sane man would have come near them.. Soon it was almost time for Shan Shan's date to arrive so the two girls would be going their separate ways soon.

Yoo Shiro drove joyfully towards the mall looking forward to his date tonight.He was even anticipating the look on the face of the girl tonight when she saw that he had come back again. Actually dating the girl was not a necessary part of his plan. He just needed a backup plan in case something went wrong..

But he could not have imagined something could go wrong immediately in the present. Arriving on the right time for the date, Yoo Shiro had immediately spotted his target when he reached the food court of the mall.And just he would have walked to her when he spotted the back of the woman seated next to her...The person who was not supposed to be here..Freezing for a second and then turning back immediately, he walked over to the nearest pillar and hid there like a burglar. But he did not realize that he had been spotted..Xie Eun had actually looked up at the moment that Yoo Shiro had entered. But she had not paid much attention to the man who was wearing a simple jeans and t shirt. She had initially thought that she had seen her husband's silhouette but the casual clothing had distracted her and by the time she would have seen his face, the man had disappeared..Crediting this to incident to her missing her husband too much,she sighed inwardly and did not think too much.

Yoo Shiro glared at his cell phone as he dialed the number,"You bunch of fools! Where is Xie Eun?"

The person on the other end shivered in fright and almost dropped his phone.He then carefully explained,"Sir Miss Xie is in a mall. Even we don't know why she suddenly entered the mall.She even ordered the driver to go away.Thankfully the driver informed us and has even messaged Miss Xie that he will be waiting for her instead of leaving as she ordered. We are also looking for alternatives..

Yoo Shiro wanted to bang his head against the wall at the incompetent fools. All they needed to do was cause a small accident so that Xie Eun would be admitted to the hospital and he would be able to enter their house and snoop around. If he needed to take Yu Seok's place,the only way to know more was to live in his house..

Slowly,he peeped around the pillar wondering if he should cancel the date tonight and run away but he saw that Xie Eun had already left her seat and was walking towards the pillar after saying a good bye to Miss Wen. He immediately moved back, stood facing the pillow and bent down to pretend that he was tying his shoe laces.. Unfortunately for him,Xie Eun stopped just before the pillar as the heel of her shoe snapped..Leaning against the pillar,She picked up her heel and after frowning at it,threw it into her shopping bag which unfortunately moved sideways and hit him on the back of his head..Before he could scream "Oww",she had already walked of barefoot oblivious to everything..Once the girl was out of sight,he got up from her crouched position,rubbing his head which was now tender and walked over to Shan Shan with a pained smile.. But he was bound to be disappointed.. Because instead of being shocked or flustered at seeing him again,she gave him a smile with alacrity and the moment he had sat down continued,"Are you also interested in BTS?Are you a fanboy? I wanted to tell my aunt that you were interested and our topic was left incomplete but then she said she had another date lined up..Good thing it is you..Today I will tell you about the "golden maknae of BTS..coincidentally,it is also his birthday today..

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