Xie Eun looked at the time casually as she wondered if she should go to the library and wait for when Yu Seok or she should take a ride home. She did not know how the picture that she had so carefully printed had been ruined and now that she wanted to confess to him,she had nothing to show. If she went home now,she would have some time to print a new photograph and present it to him..but then she would be missing out on the time that they usually spent together when going back..What a dilemma...

Finally,she decided to go home and prepare for her confession. Her cheeks turned rosy as she thought of what his reaction would be. Well then she would go home she decided! No more delaying!

With a happy smile,she walked out of the university,ready to go home and work on her surprise. But her plan was doomed to fail. As she walked out of the university towards the taxi stand,a hand grabbed her and she was pulled into an alleyway. Reacting first,she threw a punch and a kick but the person was able to avoid that easily and she was pushed face first against a wall with her hands behind her back.She received a few scratches on her face from being rubbed against the rough wall but she continued to struggle.. but soon she stilled..A strong smell of alcohol assaulted her nose as well as a familiar smell of the man..Si Jing!

She renewed her struggle,this time trying to hit him on the nose with the back of her head but that move was also avoided deftly. Finally she shouted,"Si Jing!Let me go!What is the meaning of this!"

It was only as she said the name of the man,that the hands that held her tightly,stopped trying to subdue her. A forehead landed against the back of her head and Si Jing leaned against her..before asking in a broken voice,"Xie Eun..please can you not try to forgive and forget the past. We had been together so long!We can even be considered school sweethearts then why won't you give me a second chance!All these moves that you have used against me!Do you remember who practised them with you? It was me!I had no other choice!If it had been in my hands,I would have long confessed the truth to you but that would have ruined my family!On the other hand,if everything had gone according to the plan,Chairwoman Lu had promised me to take away her interference and let you marry me! Xie Eun please!I have checked everything and I can already guess about when you got married and under what circumstances..Please Xie Xie..please give me another chance.."

Xie Eun had calmed down by now and realized that he was drunk and so calmly added,"Si Jing..Please leave me.We..we can talk calmly.You are drunk and this is not the right time. Please Si Jing. I do not want to hurt you.."

Si Jing relaxed his hold after listening to her and moved a bit back.He turned her around and looked deeply into her eyes.In his drunken state,he did not notice the indifference in her eyes and saw only the warmth that used to be there. Seeing the slight scratches on her face that were caused due to his roughness,he caressed her cheeks with his hands and stared at her with moist eyes. He wanted to apologize but no words came to him. He cupped her cheeks and meshed his lips to hers in a sudden move..The moment their lips touched,Xie Eun was repulsed and pushed him back,causing him to stumble back a bit at the sudden move. But the push had only shocked him momentarily and because of his drunkenness he turned even more aggressive and pulled her back to him,caught her face roughly and forced another kiss.He needed to remind her that she belonged to him.That she had once loved him."

Xie Eun stilled at this moment. She had been struggling and realized that she was no match for his strength. And thus she used another method.She stilled. Not allowing him to deepen the kiss but standing stiffly.Finally her strategy worked and once he had let down his guard,she kicked him hard in the groin causing his to fall to the ground and groan in pain. Once he was on the ground,her eyes flashed and taking out her water bottle,she drank the water and wiped her lips vigorously. He kept lying on the ground and pitifully cried out her name.

When she moved away,he caught hold of her ankle and would not let go. Seeing the once proud man lying on the ground like this,made Xie Eun sigh with pity.Even though he had crossed her boundaries tonight she could not leave him here to be robbed and murdered. So she pried her ankle out of his hand,walked a bit out and hailed a passing cab.She then requested the driver,"Sir, a person is lying there,drunk.Please help me bring him here and drop him home..I will pay you in advance.."

The cab driver looked out and nodded,even agreeing to help her carry the pitiful man into the car. But Si Jing would not let the man touch him and only leaned against Xie Eun,one of his hand spanning her waist.So that she had to support his waist by putting an arm around him.Unfortunately,for anyone looking from the back,this scene did not look like someone helping and rather an ambiguous meeting..

Finally,when she had coaxed the drunkard into the cab,she gave the driver the address to the driver and tried to move away.. But Si Jing still refused to let her go and held her wrist tightly,"No I won't let you go Xie Eun!Not until you tell me that you still love me!I want to hear your sweet voice confess to me.."

But Si Jing had gone too far and this time Xie Eun showed him no patience and using her fingers,pressed a acupuncture point at the base of his neck,causing him to lose his consciousness and falling into the back seat.She then said clearly,"Si Jing!I love you like I would love a painful ulcer which is not getting cured!"

With that,she closed the cab's door with a bang and walked away without looking back.The cab driver drove away as he looked in the backseat of the car at the sleeping man..Seeing that there was no chance of the man waking up anytime soon,the driver took out his own cell phone and made a call,"Sir,I have the recording you needed.."

The assistant cut off the phone once he had received the call and looked at the boss who had been listening in. Once the audio was received he played it for his boss.."Si Jing.....painful ulcer.."

Yoo Shiro nodded his head at his assistant and ordered,"Edit the recording how I have instructed.And what about the pictures..

The assistant extended the small tablet in his hand and showed the pictures of Si Jing and Xie Eun which had been clicked at incriminating angles so that t looked like that the two people were meeting secretly.

Satisfied,he returned the tablet to his assistant and ordered,"Get a print of these. Elder Yoo is entertaining a guest at present.Send these pictures to him and his guest.Make two sets. Also make sure that the guest in unable to leave tonight.."The assistant looked a bit confused and asked,"Sir..Why are you doing this?The lady clearly pushed away Mr Si and we know that she had not been cheating. So why would you try to spoil your brother's relationship? He is after all your twin brother.."

Yoo Shiro's eyes narrowed scaring away the assistant who apologized and got to work. He had no intention to get his brother be entangled with Chairwoman Lu and anyone related to that person..He had decided that Xie Eun was not the person for his brother and that was it. He then picked up his phone and made a call to a childhood friend. A soft and gentle voice answered the call and Yoo Shiro's tone softened of its own accord,"Little one..We have found your fiance."

The other person seemed to have stopped breathing before a trembling joyous voice asked,"Are you sure?"

After talking for a while and reassuring the other person that he would keep them updated,he made another call,"Miss Wen?Are you free for a date tonight?" He waited for the answer and on receiving it,Yoo Shiro smiled smugly..

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