Yoo Shiro had expected two outcomes of this evening when he staged this scene. One where Xie Eun would cry and try to explain herself to him or where she would be angry and refuse to talk to him. In the end,both would have the same result and that would be creating a misunderstanding between them.. But he had,never in his wildest dreams,imagined what he saw in front of him. The girl who should have been trying to frantically save her relationship was calmly eating her dinner...

His eyes hardened some more as he saw the apathy and nonchalance with which she treated his brother. He wanted to stomp over to her and throw away her plate..He must have made some noise because she looked up at that moment and their eyes met. His angry and hers calm. Soon she gave a small smile and said,"Yu Seok..so you have finally calmed down?Come and have some dinner..I made some of your favorites.." 

Yoo Shiro wondered for a moment what he should do in such a moment..If she did not turn angry and tried to resolve the misunderstanding with the real Yu Seok everything would go awry..No..it was best to join her on the table and pretend to be calm..Then after dinner he could make up another issue and then leave..She would not be so patient again and again..

Ignoring her,he went to the chair where his brother usually sat at and started to put some rice into his plate..Seeing him so calm,Xie Eun excitedly got up from her chair and said,"Since you are eating,I have also simmered some fish broth for you!Wait a minute and I'll go get it!"Xie EUn came out soon carrying a simmering bowl of soup and carefully put it in front of him..She then looked at his kindly and said,"It's still hot..wait for a while until it turns a little warm.."

Xie EUn then skipped to the other side and sat down resuming to eat her food..While Yoo Shiro waited for the broth to cool he had the other vegetables and kept staring at Xie Eun with a puzzled frown. He even wondered if she had not somehow found a clue so he surreptitiously glanced at his phone but there was no message from his person also..But Yoo Shiro started to feel uneasy and finally broke his silence,"Xie Eun, are you really not going to explain?"

Xie Eun looked into her husband's eyes carefully and began in a small voice,"Yu Seok..I..I hate that you do not believe me. I have never cheated on you and I will never..Si Jing was my first love and that fact cannot be changed.But if you are going to use these thing like SI Jing and me meeting and keep doubting me then I have no reason to explain this to you!You can think what you like. I have never forced my thinking on you.."

Yoo Shiro was stunned at first and then satisfied with Xie Eun's reaction. So she was angry and as such when Yu Seok really came back and asked for an explanation again,she would blow up and refuse to cooperate. 

Xie Eun, on the other hand narrowed her eyes at Yu Seok before looking down. Her eyes which had showed anger just a second ago showed confusion and determination.. She carefully wiped her fingers on the napkin in her lap having found the confirmation that this was not her husband but some impostor..

A Little While Ago:

Xie Eun had indeed been a mess when she was confronted with fault allegations.. Her heart had hurt that Yu Seok would talk to her like this and then not trust her. It was only as she had slumped on the table did she realize that he was being unreasonable.She was about to march into his room and demand an explanation when her eyes once again fell on the tie that had been discarded on the sofa.She stopped in her tracks and stared at it..Never had she seen Yu Seok be so careless and inattentive...He would never have left his tie out like this.. he was practically obsessed with putting back everything in it's place..She sat down and slowly wiped away her tears..Another abnormality struck her.. Both his eyes looked red when he was supposed to have a single slightly faded black eye..And his refusing to listen to her explanation..heck him even asking for an explanation was abnormal..Her Yu Seok was almost omnipotent when it came to any matters regarding her..A few scenes also flashed in front of her eyes from last night..The ones she had dismissed as a result of her concussion..

So she stared at the closed door a little longer before deciding on a course of action.First she needed confirm to her doubts about the identity of this person and then she needed to find out if this impostor had created any trouble for her Yu Seok and that is why he had not come home yet..And lastly,she needed to know who was responsible for this act.If it was her dear old grandmother or Yeona. they had just dug themselves a grave..she also needed to find what their plans were...They should not have found out about Yu Seok's identity so soon.She wiped the tear tracks from her face and decided to buckle up. Her husband possible needed her..

Just then,she heard the door opening and started to eat her food.There was no need to alert the other person that he had been caught.

Back to the present:

Yoo Shiro was just about to ladle some soup which had cooled a bit into his bowl when his hand was stopped. He looked at the dainty hand that held his wrist and then the girl who had suddenly walked over to him without even him realizing it...

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