Xie Eun waited in the kitchen staring at the frozen soup in the pot. As the ice slowly melted away,she also felt the ice around her heart slowly melting.Until she had seen Yu Seok standing in front of her and his eyes looking at her just the way they did,she had ever realized how scared she had been.Even when she had heard that 'clone' confess that he was not Yu Seok,her heart had been hammering against her chest.What if the real Yu Seok looked at her like this.She did not think she would be able to survive that look from Yu Seok..Though this evening had ended on a not so bad note,it had given her enough fodder for nightmares..

She stirred the soup half-heartedly and lost in her own thoughts. Just then a pair of arms circled around her and the burner was turned off. With the two hands on the side of her stomach,she was pulled back into the circle of Yu Seok's arms. Turning around,she hugged him tightly,burying her face in his strong chest and breathing in deeply. Her arms clung to him and tears streamed down her face..

A small smile graced Yu Seok's lips..It seemed impossible that this was the same girl who had beaten his brother down a few moments ago...A mass of contradictions is his Xie Eun. He picked her up causing her to scream a bit,startled, and carried her out of the kitchen in a princess style hug. Walking across the mess,he carried her to another room and sat on the couch with her still held in his lap..Understanding that she had already let out her feelings,he stroked her silky hair and asked,"So were you scared?"

Of course the tone in which this was asked immediately raised her hackles and alerted her to the fact that Yu Seok would tease her mercilessly if she dared to lament over her recent fear. She had also guessed that Yu Seok was probably aware of his twin's plan and had not even warned her .So she refused to answer him and simply made herself comfortable in his lap. Harrumphing she changed the subject and asked directly,"Who was the clone?"

Yu Seok let out loud laughter as he heard the nickname she had allotted his brother and could not help but shake his head. He then went ahead to explain everything of how they had discovered each other and the role the old woman had played in the entire scent. This put forward another dilemma as she realized that somewhere Yu Seok was indebted to Grandmother Lu..She nodded her head in understanding,feeling happy and saddened at the same time..Until nowt,they were both orphans,without any family and now Yu Seok had two people added to the family and one of them did not like her. She wanted to ask Yu Seo about his brother's hatred towards her but kept her mouth shut.She also thought that she should ask to meet his grandfather but what if he did not like her as well. She would be too saddened and hurt by that..So she just kept quiet and leaned against him with her eyes closed.

He drew her closer and slid his fingers into her hair,kissing her slightly on the top of her head.His hands started to slowly massage her stiff neck..She tried to close her thoughts against the negative ones but it was turning out to be useless...

Yu Seok looked at the girl who was clinging to him while at the same time refusing to let go of him. She thought that by being quiet and by not looking at him she would be able to hide her thoughts and insecurities.. He really felt like bashing Yoo Shiro for the trauma he had caused her. In fact it was an attack that he had not expected. Actually Yu Seok could not imagine anyone not liking his Xie Eun so when Yoo Shiro had made this set up and attacked,he had been blind sided. If he had even a little knowledge of what they were planning,he would have immediately gone over and stopped Yoo Shiro. Even when he had received the video of Si Jing from the guards he had known that Xie Eun could handle everything related to that man. it was only as Yoo Shiro sneaked into the house did the security team inform him of his brother's presence. And even though there was surveillance outside the home and in his bedroom,the rest of the house only had sensors and no videos. He had thus ordered the guards to train video cameras over all the windows to keep an eye on Yoo Shiro.. But at that point he had known that he needed to let Xie Eun reach her own conclusion. And since his brother had already thrown the curve ball,he should let her bat. And she had played beautifully,showing no weakness,making him proud. 

Well,and now that she showed some weakness,it was up to him to let her regain her strength and he had the perfect thing. If there was one thing he had seen her crave when she came here was 'Acceptance' from family. It was something he understood wanting. After all it was something he had wanted for so many years. And once they were together,they had accepted each other..But now with this new family and rejection,it was like scratching old wounds..So what better to gove her something that showed acceptance..

He picked her hand and held her wrist. Softly,he circled it,holding it between two fingers..He then slid the jade bangle in her hand. Her closed eyes opened wearily and she looked at him.."What is this?"

"My grandfather's meeting gift to you."

Xie Eun sat up straight at this,her eyes regaining some of their lost vitality,"your grandfather?When can we meet him?And why would he give a meeting git even before meeting?" Yu Seok smiled and answered her patiently,"You did meet him today..and he had invited us to dine with him tomorrow.Would you like to go?"

Xie Eun nodded and then realized that the old uncle was Yu Seok's grandfather..She really looked forward to meeting him..But then another thought struck her and she felt herself deflate like a balloon..Pouting,she asked,"Will that clone also be there?"

Yu Seok tried to suppress his smile and nodded seriously. His wife and brother had taken a thorough disliking to each other..and of course he had to help his wife get over what Yoo Shiro had done today..

He looked at her admiring face and tapped her nose. This time,she really looked at him with a questioning look,"Would you like to use my brother's tactic against him?

This time,Xie Eun, narrowed her eyes and carefully looked at Yu Seok..he seemed to have something up his sleeve.She narrowed her eyes at him and asked,"What are you thinking?"

Yu Seok said a single sentence that made her smile widen,"He is not the only one who looks like me..I look like him too.." Yes!Her husband was going to help her avenge herself! She raised her eyebrows and looked at him with interest. Yu Seok's eyes crinkled at the corners as he slowly laid out his plan for Xie Eun..Rubbing her hands like an old smug uncle, Xie Eun nodded along her husband's ideas..Just as she was about to race away from his lap to make the required phone call,Yu Seok pulled her back on his lap and frowned at her.."What?Now that you are comfortable and even have a new plan,you are going to abandon me?"

Xie Eun clicked her tongue and sat back down on his lap,looking him over.Cheekily,she patted his cheeks and asked,"Aww my poor baby...Are you feeling ignored? What do you want?"

This cheekiness was however going to cause Xie Eun so much as the wold inside Yu Seok raised his head and his eyes burned,"I want you..You see I am so hungry.."

With that Yu Seok,had to do nothing but pull her closer face to him and soon they were kissing each other ferociously. This time Xie Eun did not shy away and tried to get even closer to Yu Seok..Her heart had already made clear it's feelings and today's circumstances and the way she had missed him these few days only made her want to get closer and affirm their relationship..It was time to let the slow burn that had consumed them to rage into a roaring fire...

Feeling as if he would be killed if he did not get closer to her,Yu Seok soon attacked her clothing with a vigor and all her clothes and his lay aside torn on the ground...

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