The night passed slowly for Yoo Shiro who had sent his grandfather home. he sat in the waiting room staring at the screen as both the boards showed that the surgery in the rooms was ongoing. Occasionally, he glanced at the girl who was sitting next to him.She had changed into a pair of jeans and shirt and he realized that she really was unbelievably attractive. But she seemed to regard him as some sort of a devil. However,because he had been amazed this evening,he had not caught onto her deception. Looking at the quiet girl from this evening and now and comparing her to the chatterbox he had previously met,it was pretty clear that she had been playing him as much as he fact more so!He had planned to use this relationship in the future but otherwise he had been pretty honest but her..she had duped him from the beginning..And still he was the one who had suffered and endured tonight.. His stomach still ached at the thought of what it had endured a few hours ago. 

Tired of her glares at intervals,he turned towards her and poked her on the arm."You are a liar!"

Wen Shan glared at him and asked coldly,"What is this?The Pot calling the kettle black?Mr Yoo,tell me if I am mistaken. First you approached my aunt with the sole reason of getting to me. You made her believe that you were interested in a serious relationship and that is why she arranged a date for us. But fooling an old woman was not enough once so you told her you actually liked me and asked a meeting again! And then you made me believe that you were a good man and even made me feel guilty for lying to you! Luckily,your scheme was exposed timely,or you would have created misunderstandings between my friend and me! So,you are the liar and you have only succeeded in making me believe the fact that all men are liars and scumba**!."

Yoo Shiro,however narrowed his eyes at the generalization and said,"I agree that I had an ulterior motive!But when did I lie to you?Or to your aunt? I have been clear that I really am interested in a stable relationship while you,instead of confessing to your aunt that you are not interested,you dress up frumpily to scare away potential suitors and then talk about random bands like that STB! And.."

"BTS! The band is called BTS and it is not some random!You tone deaf person!I just don't want to talk to you!Your voice is like someone is scratching a chalk against a board!So just shu* it!" 

Yoo Shiro could only blink at the odd insult and after his mouth hung open for a few moments,he snapped it shut.

Thankfully, at this moment,another figure walked in and saved them the trouble of staying in such an oppressive atmosphere. The two rushed at the nurse and asked simultaneously,"How are they?"

The nurse blinked at the man in front of her,completely ignoring the girl and replied dazedly,"Just fine.."

The dazed tone of the nurse made it clear that she was not talking about the patients at least. Wen Shan rolled her eyes,pushed Yoo Shiro and leaned in close to the nurse,almost banging the other party on the nose and filling their entire vision so that she would not be distracted by Yoo Shiro and repeated,"How are they doing?"

The nurse blinked and awkwardly moved back a but before putting some distance and answering,"They are both doing well. Mr Yu's biggest injury was hit on the head and had internal bleeding but we have corrected that with surgery while the other wounds have been sewed and bandaged. Mrs Yu was suffering from acute blood loss and an artery had been hit,she will also be brought out soon. Both of them will be shifted to the rooms soon."

Having received a satisfactory answer,Wen Shan moved back and let the nurse get back to admiring the view.

Just then the doctor who had informed Elder Yoo came out of the surgery and almost fainted when he saw the patient he had just operated on,stood in front of him. He looked back at the room and then back at the person in front of him,"You?Yoo?"

Yoo Shiro gave a sardonic smile and said,"See doc?You are so amazing.You just operated on me and here I standing on my own two feet..

The doctor finally got his senses back and realized that there was some sort of a story, but he too shook his head and said,"When it came to the person I operated on!I would have even believed this!Do you know he became conscious during the surgery?And then actually demanded to know what was going on!Let me tell you I have never been ,ore shocked at this! I never could have believed that I would be intimidated by someone who I was operating on!It was a good thing that we were only sewing him up!If something like this had happened earlier,my hands would have shook during the surgery!Anyway,I came to inform the family that the two patients are going to be put in the same room ,on the patient's request,I would most certainly not advise that but really I was too scared to say no!And I can see that you are family,so here I have done my duty!And now Shiro,let me warn you that I will want an explanation for this,once your twin has recovered."

Just as the tired doctor was about to turn back,his eyes caught on the beautiful figure that stood nearby and he paused,"Are you the patient's family too?"

Wen Shan who had not been paying attention straightened up but before she could say anything,a possessive arm crept around her waist and settled there,and the man gritted out,"She is my fiance!Now go and rest after the surgery. You look like something the cat dragged in.."

Doctor Wei stared at the suddenly rude man and walked out of the room, cursing his so called bas**** of a possessive friend,while just behind him,"Wen Shan caught the fingers on her waist and bent them backwards making Yoo Shiro groan in pain and drag away his hand!"Who did you call your fiance?"

Yoo Shiro grinned and pinched her nose like one would a child's and said,"You,of course! I have already told your aunt that I like you and that is why she set up our meetings!And with the stunt that you pulled this evening,you have settled even more firmly in my vacant heart.."

Wen Shan narrowed her eyes at the person who looked like he was serious and wondered if he was serious. She gazed into his eyes trying to judge but then looked away.Because she was sure that if she stared at him longer,she could burn..She could still feel the imprint of his hand where it had settled on her waist.. To cover her confusion,she let go of his hand and planned to walk out of the waiting room. Now that she was sure that everyone was fine,she could take a breather. But before she could walk out, a large hand settled on her stomach and pulled back,"Wen may not know this but the moment you walked out of that hotel with my wallet that you stole, you belong to me. Because you see only one woman would be allowed to hold my finances..and you chose to take that upon yourself. So be prepared.."

Wen Shan stood frozen in spot while Yoo Shiro placed a small peck on her cheek before walking out of the room with a small whistle..

Wen Shan shook her hear vigorously to bring herself out of shock. And then she started recollecting the threatening words and paced the waiting room trying to figure out if what the man had said were mere words of threat or what? 

She went and sat down on the uncomfortable metal chair with a thump and put her head in her hands. She was actually having a minor panic attack..She put her head between her knees and tried to control her breathing. And that is how Yoo Shiro found her when he came back with a bottle of water and a sandwich in his hands.

Immediately recognizing what was going on,he used to have similar attacked when they had just been rescued,he walked to her fast but maintaining a distance,said,"I was just,have some water..."

He extended the bottle of water slowly and as she looked into his eyes and smiled in reassurance..

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