Yu Seok stared at the face that looked so similar to his before saying coldly,"No."

The word was like a slap to Yoo Shiro when he realized that Yu Seok did not want him to handle this matter. Even though he understood that building their relationship would take time,he felt that the olive branch he had extended had been cut off too rudely. He tried to not take thi personally but he was indeed hurt..

But then Yu Seok explained,"I told you I have been having nightmares. Well in my nightmares,a man is forcing me to choose. Choose what I never understood but I have been trying to make sense of it ever since I met you. I had my doubts from the time I saw you but now I can confirm. You are not guilty. I always saw the dream as if I was watching on the outside. I never understood why it was not from my own perspective.It was because you were the one in front of me. So you were being questioned and asked to choose. And your chosen answer is still ringing in my ears after every elusive nightmare. It is always shouting Yu Seok.. So you can be sure that whatever the kidnappers reasons for letting you go are,it is not that you chose to save yourself and sacrifice me. So you do not need to live in guilt."

Yoo Shiro felt as if a boulder had been lifted from his shoulders. He had tried to reassure himself over and over again that he had not made the wrong choices but he had been unsure and uncertain. The feeling of not being able to believe oneself is the worst of all. Even now he had trouble believing that his brother was not lying to him. But he decided to believe that it was the truth. He could live peacefully now. But still, the investigation,he could help with.

But before he could say anything, Yu Seok continued,"My people are already investigating. But there is something that you need to do.." Yoo Shiro felt a chill down his spine,as he saw his brother's look. Why did he suddenly feel scared? Smiling a bit hesitantly,he asked,"What can I do to help?"

Yu Seok,looked serious as he drawled,"Xie Eun is going to need time to recuperate. And some peace."

Yoo Shiro nodded in agreement. He had to accept that his brother was always going to think about his wife first in every conversation. He waited patiently for this conversation to take the right direction, and so Yu Seok continued,"And we haven't had a honeymoon yet.."

Grasping the meaning behind his brother's talk,he decided to tease his brother,"So you want me to take Xie Eun away on the honeymoon.."

"Only if you are tired of living.",came the pat reply..

Yoo Shiro rolled his eyes at the pat threat that rolled off his brother's mouth and said,"Fine fine..no need to try and scare me. I was jut teasing you. Your Xie Eun would kill me even before I said anything. I still do not understand how she was able to tell the difference between us so easily. At times even I get confused!And even you just confessed that you thought that I was you in your nightmares.. Maybe it was a coincidence..So let me get this straight.You want to go on your honeymoon to pamper and spoil your wife.Meanwhile I should take your place and go about pretending to be Wolf so that I would be that Lu woman's target..How long?"

"One week."

"One week!Isn't that too much?

"It is..too little..But I don't want you to suffer too much so I said one week.."

Yoo Shiro felt like banging his head against a wall. His dear brother wanted him to pretend to be Yu Seok and fed him so much of dog food and then showed as if he cared about him! What kind of care was this where he had to live a dual life with a sword hanging over his head while his brother took a vacation..Sigh..but he had offered to help..so he nodded and agreed.. "Fine!But are you not scared that I will finish off your business within a week?"

Yu Seok raised his eyebrows and gave a thin smile,"We are biological brothers you know. You may pretend to be dumb and carefree but both of us know that it is actually what it is..Just pretense.."

Yoo Shiro looked at his brother in surprise and realized that he really had been underestimating him.. He was actually several step ahead of him.. "Fine.. I will get to work.."

The doctor had just left after examining Xie Eun and she kept staring at the door waiting for Yu Seok to return. She wanted to talk to him about effectively handling the matters regarding her grandmother. They could not live like this with threats hanging over their lives. They were starting a new life and would be expanding their family in the future...just then,the door opened and Yu Seok entered. Immediately he sensed her mood and walked over to her slowly..Seeing him walk slowly,she kept aside the other matter and frowned,"You should be resting!You just had a surgery!How can you just roam about!"

Yu Seok smiled and slowly kissed his wife on the nose,"You look cute when you are angry."

This made Xie Eun angry and she pointed at him and threatened,"We'll see if you think the same thing when I angrily pull your hair out and punch you!You are the most precious to me!So if you want me to recover,then you have to rest well!"

Yu Seok had a big grin on his face and once again pecked her on the nose,"I'll think you are cute even when you do all this.But since I am so precious,how can I not take care of what you value. I will rest now..With that he promptly lay down next to her and closed hi eye,pretending to snore loudly..."

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