Yoo Shiro woke up and stretched like a lazy cat as he thought back to the amazingly hot night he had lived last night He could still feel the softness and malleability of the hot woman under him. Without opening his eyes, he stretched his hand to pull her to him so that he would be able to enjoy some more but the bed next to him was cold. His eyes snapped open and he looked disappointed. Kicking away the covers, he slowly made his way towards the bathroom, hoping against hope that she would still be in the washroom. But he was bound to be disappointed.

He looked down at the part of his anatomy that had woken him up looking forward to a treat and frowned. Guess he would have to use the cold shower. Just as he was about to walk into the washroom, his phone beeped with a message Turning back he saw there were a few unread messages on his phone. He read the first, informing him that their plan last night had succeeded. He smiled to himself. As if failure was an option. But the next moment the smile had disappeared from his face as he saw the message that the woman had sent! What the f*** did she mean by Thank You? They had shared an amazing night together and she closed it out with a thank you? Were women not supposed to be clingy? Not wanting to let go? They why was this woman so different? After the night they had shared, she should have been asking him about their relationship and how he should take responsibility for her. And she just sent him a message! How could she be so laid back about it?

Another thought struck him at this moment. If she was so laid back about last night, did that mean she did things like these often? His blood boiled and jealousy rushed through him at this thought. Well even if she did these things in the past, they were now in this together and they would be in this together for the near future. He will let her know that it was not that easy to leave his bed! Walking into the shower, he quickly washed off and ordered fresh clothes for himself from the hotel. Within thirty minutes, Yoo Shiro had her address in his phone and had driven off to catch the errant girl.

Wen Shan had just finished a shower and was putting on her dress when the bell rang insistently. She frowned and cursed, wondering who could it be? Normally at this time, she was not home so she could not think of anyone who would be at the door. Hurriedly pulling up the dress, she let her wet hair hang around her face and walked to the door- only to be confronted by a hot and angry male. 

Wen Shan felt her eyes widen as she looked at the man in front of her and she subconsciously stepped back. His hot eyes gave her a once over, thoroughly satisfied with how she presently looked and putting his hand around her waist, he pulled her to him and growled, "Never ever do this again!"

Wen Shan scowled as his fragrance surrounded her and looked in his frustrated eyes, "Do what again?"

"Leave me like this!" With that whiny comment, he closed the gap between their lips and started to kiss her passionately. He reached up and touched her cheek, gently, and the caress made her shiver. Last night had been all heat and fire but now he was going to take his time, she realized, and she liked that. His lips on hers softened from aggressive to coaxing. They were firm and in control as he deepened the kiss a little. He was soothed when he realized that she was not going to push him away. Spreading his hand on the small of her back he pulled her closer. Their bodies pressed closer of their own accord, recognizing each other, deepening the connection. He tasted like the mint and a unique scent of his own: sweet and spicy. His lips, soft but in control, pressed against hers, opening just a little. How she wanted to taste him more. How she wanted… more. He pulled away first, and when her eyes fluttered open, she found herself staring into his big green eyes, losing herself there for a minute. Her heart thudded hard in her chest. It was a teasing kind of kiss, one that promised more to her. She wanted to pull him and closer and continue where they left off. But just then the phone started to ring. The two people were lost in their own world, ignoring the loud ringing but just then the voice mail sounded and the voice of a man echoed in the room. "Shan Shan. I know you cannot forget me. Stop playing games with me. You promised to love me forever. I don't know why you would play such games. Shan Shan. Call me. And tell me face to face that you don't love me.. Because I know that you do love me!"

The voice was like ice water had been doused over them breaking the atmosphere. The two separated, panting hard and looked into each other's eyes. The last line of the man that "you love me" echoed in the room loudly. Yoo Shiro was the first one to gather his composure as he raised an eyebrow and said, "The delusional brat from last night?"

Shan Shan nodded and touched her swollen lips in wonder. She had assumed that last night had been an aberration. Something brought on by unexpected emotions and circumstances. But the kiss just now told her that the chemistry between them was explosive and not something that could be extinguished easily. Even now she burnt to get closer to him. She looked away and tried to form a coherent sentence, "Umm.. please sit down.. I'll get you something to drink.." But she did not move. Her eyes were glued to his lips that had just been on her.,

Yoo Shiro could feel her gaze on him, exciting him, challenging him. He pulled her back to him and said,"No need. I know something that we can do instead of drinking.."

A million dirty thoughts ran through her mind at once and she nearly stopped breathing at her own boldness. It was broad day light and she who was a 'good girl' was indulging in such naughty things..She looked at him with wide doe eyes and managed to say, "You are too bold.."

His face pulled into a smirk and his hand inched lower, caressing her as he arrogantly claimed, "Only when I know what I want."

Shan Shan gulped and asked, "And what do you want?" She had tried to sound sexy and sultry but instead her voice came out in a whisper. She was having trouble looking into his eyes without feeling her nerves being frayed.

Yoo Shiro leaned forward, his lips brushing her ears as he pulled her closer still and murmured a single word answer in her ear, "You."

Shan Shan felt as if her knees had turned into molten goo. Her past had scarred her, making her feel conscious of her own body. But this man wanted her here, right now. Was she really considering something like this? What was happening to her, Shan Shan did not know.

But her mind provided the answer-It was this man. His eyes, his perfectly chiseled chin- it was all him. They were like pied piper to her, calling the deepest part of her, hypnotizing her.

Of it's own accord, her body softened, indicating her surrender. A low, almost inaudible growl escaped him as she pushed him against the couch. The moment he had fallen back, she threw her knee over his lap so that she was straddling him. She felt his need under her. His thick and hard need for her. Last night she had felt him inside of her and now she could feel it burning for her again. Her fingers inched over the fabric slowly, working him through it. His eyes never left hers as explored him. This sexy hunk of a man wanted her. His need was like a balm to her scarred soul. Yes, she thought. She was also the one who wanted this.

His hand inched up beneath the hem of her dress. And it was all it took for her not to scream out ,"Yes!"

Yoo Shiro felt confused at this moment. This woman.. He had come with the intention of confronting her but now all that was gone. He should have been turned off at the thought that she loved another man but there was no such thing. His instinct told him that she was his for the taking but what bothered him was his own need to take her. He put these things to the back of his head as his hand went up her thigh closer to her center.

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