Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 170 - A Happy Or Unhappy News?

Xie Eun could hardly believe that she was going to be a mother. And she had never even realized this! She had always believed that she would be the first to know when this happened but the last few months had taken a toll. She glanced at Yu Seok trying to judge his reaction and see if he was happy about it. After all it had only been nine months since they had officially come together and now this...but his face showed no emotion making her give him a worried frown. 

But the worried frown was also misinterpreted by Yu Seok who wondered if Xie Eun was displeased at this. She had wanted to explore the world and she was so young. They could have waited for a child a bit longer. This was his fault for failing in his duty to protect her. What if she felt caged with their baby? He wanted to reassure her that just like when they married, she would have no restriction, he would never stop her from following her dreams. He could be the primary caregiver.. But these words were stuck in his throat because he was not too sure that he could take care of a new baby...on his own..

While these two people were stuck in their own thoughts, there was a crisp knock on the door and Elder Yoo entered the place with a big smile on his face. He had received the happy news and it was taking all his control to not break out into a happy dance. After so many years the Yoo Mansion was going to echo with a child's laughter.

He marched into the room, almost swinging his stick about like a cartoon character and following him was a butler, carrying a tray.

Elder Yoo looked down into his grand daughter's hazed eyes and laughed heartily! "My little child! My wife also had a similar look when she discovered she was pregnant! You are a very lucky child to our Yoo family! First you brought my Yu Seok back and then I got such a pretty daughter in law and now a great grand child! The heavens have truly blessed me!"

Since, his newly found grandson had already done this important job, Yu Seok was relegated to the secondary status as he was hit upside the head and scolded, "Why do you have such a mean face, boy? Are you trying to get my great grandchild to be scared of you? If you dare to bully this little girl or my great grandchild, I will have you whipped!"

Xie Eun's eyes widened in disbelief when she saw the way Elder Yoo simply disregarded her husband and he let him! She was pretty sure even her own father who was Yu Seok's mentor would never have dared to do something like this! But she was happy that her husband was getting to experience this also. This type of brusque love was really valuable..

While she was pondering this, Elder Yoo was also observing her ever changing expressions and was even more satisfied, almost beaming with approval. He gestured to the butler who brought forward the tray. Elder Yoo picked up a file from the top and placed it in Xie Eun's hand, "This is a house for both of you! Yes I know that you have your own place but still I want you to have this place also. This place was where I spent the happiest times with my wife and has a very good feng shui! So even if you don't live here, I want you to have this and hold onto it in life. This is my first time meeting gift to you."

Even as Xie Eun tried to refuse this, Yu Seok caught her eye and signaled her not to. All this was not money but the blessings of their elders. Next he handed her a thick red envelope and said, "This is for you and my future great grandchildren. You cannot refuse this also! I have no idea how long I will live so I want you to have this! And, child, you must promise to visit me in the future! Don't worry, I have already bought a place near the area that you live so you will not have to travel too much."

Before Xie Eun could say anything to this, another voice chimed in, "Yes. Extremely nearby! This old man has brought the property that is adjacent to where your land ends, sister in law. So you have a new neighbor!"

Elder Yoo scowled at his other grandson and snidely commented," So you have woken up, eh? How can you even call yourself a man, fainting at such a happy news! And that too when you are going to be an uncle! If you were going to be a father and had fainted then I could have still tried to understand! Useless boy is what you are! No sense of responsibility .The elder brother and still single! Only knowing how to play games on the computer! As if that will help him find a wife and an heir! At least I finally have a sensible grandson."

Yoo Shiro grinned widely at his grandfather and said, "I could use my computer and gaming skills to give you a few robot grandbabies. Would you like them grandfather? And I do have a few wives in the games I play! So really why go for one when you have a harem.."

Xie Eun was about to break into giggles when someone coughed delicately from the door and said," I think I may have come at the wrong time.." 

The icy voice, brought a smile to Xie Eun's face and she squealed from the bed while Shan Shan gave her a smile and greeted the others, "Hello Elder Yoo. I am Wen Shan. I am sorry to have interrupted your family time. I came here with my grandfather and when I heard that Xie Eun was unwell, I could not bring myself to leave so requested your staff to bring me here. I hope you do not mind. I can see that Xie Eun is doing well for now so I will just take my leave."

Elder Yoo smiled at the girl, even while his eyes looked calculatingly at his mischievous grandson and warmly welcomed the other girl. He naturally knew what was going on in each of his grandson's life. The two people ignored the man who stood there looking as if he had swallowed a ball of fire and Elder Yoo said," No No! It is perfectly fine! We have been remiss in attending our guests tonight. You sit here and we will see them off. Come Yu Seok and Yoo Shiro."

Yu Seok looked at his wife who was looking down and then at Wen Shan. Giving her a polite nod of acknowledgement, he followed his grandfather while Yoo Shiro stood there looking lost, as if a ton of bricks were tied to his feet. He wanted to clarify that he was just teasing his grandfather but no sound seemed to be coming out. And then he observed that the girl was not even glancing at him and he remembered the cold treatment that she had given him after their one night and day together, he gathered his ego and walked out of the room. It was only after Yoo Shiro had left that the stiffness in Wen Shan receded a little and the two girls started talking casually. Xie Eun carefully avoided the topic of pregnancy because she wanted to be sure of her husband's feeling on this matter. Soon, Shan Shan was also called away and Xie Eun lay there alone staring up at the ceiling. She tried to analyse her feelings slowly. Her life was really changing too fast. She had never expected to become a mom in her twenties! It had always been somewhat in the distant future but she realized that she had also grown in these few months. Earlier she would have panicked and maybe even been unhappy with a pregnancy wondering if she would never be able to chase her dreams. But with Yu Seok by her side, she knew that she would be able to do everything she had dreamed of and things that she had never dreamed of achieving.

But Yu Seok's reaction was what worried her.. was he really unhappy. However in the next moment, her own resilient self spoke up,"Well! It's not like I got pregnant by myself! So if he thinks that he can be unhappy over their little bean then she will... tickle him to death!"

Xie Eun placed a hand on her stomach and spoke loudly, "Don't you worry little bean! I'll set your daddy right very soon."

This little conversation was however heard by the "little bean's " father who felt only relieved at this and was soon seen grinning at a wall pretty loonily! All was well in his world..

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