Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 173 - Hua Ying And A Trap (2)

Inside the room, a tall and lean man sat carelessly on the couch. His long fingers, held a cigarette in one hand as he casually took a hit every few minutes. His suit jacket was casually discarded on the side while his clothes were almost in a disarray. But even though the picture he presented looked as if he was someone in the middle of debauchery, his half closed eyes were glittering in anticipation and violence, like a hunter waiting for his prey. And perhaps, that is what he was tonight.

Hua Ying glanced at the Rolex on his wrist and then grimaced. It seemed that the Chairwoman he had so much about was too much a chicken. In another two minutes it would be their appointed time and it seemed she was not too keen on this contract. He had no intention of waiting and was about to leave but just as he would have stood up, the hostess opened the door, indicating that his guest had arrived. But no one entered behind the hostess. 

Hua Ying felt his brows furrow and he wondered what game the woman was playing. Even the hostess looked confused. However, before the hostess could say anything, Xie Eun entered the room, right on the appointed time. Without looking down at his watch, Hua Ying smiled at the woman and said, "Miss Xie, you are right on time. What a pleasure tp see you."

His eyes scanned her from head to toe and he suddenly felt energized at the thought of the night ahead. A dinner with such a beauty was going to be really pleasurable. His eyes boldly scanned her from top to toe, stopping to caress every curve highlighted by the dress. Even though the gown covered every inch of her skin, it was sexy and seductive to him.

Meanwhile Xie Eun felt as if a thousand ants were crawling all over her body. His lewd gaze and the smoky smell in the room was making her nauseous. She covered her expression of disgust and said,"Mr Hu, could you please stop smoking while we discuss business? I am rather allergic to smoke." Actually Xie Eun was more worried about inhaling smoke and harming her baby but she somehow did not want this man to know anything about her.

Giving her a charming smile, (at least according to him), he ashed his cigarette in a nearby tray saying flirtatiously," As the lady pleases. Please have a seat, Miss Xie."

Xie Eun looked at the couch with even more disgust and deliberately chose a single seater couch. But she had already decided to break the contract for her company. They did not need such a loathing brand ambassador. Heck, if this man even begged her for the contract, she was not going to give it to him and if anyone had a problem with that she would simply fire them! But even as she thought all this, her expression remained cold and indifferent. She was just channeling her husband's aura, Xie Eun thought to herself. 

Hua Ying frowned when he noticed that this girl was not falling under his spell and gave another smarmy smile." Miss Xie, what would you like to eat? This Hotel is known for it's delightful sea food as well as its beautiful lamb roasts in wine. "

But Xie Eun, who had already made her decision, directly said," Mr Hua Ying. I have no interest in sharing a meal with you. I am here, as you requested so you can simply state your terms and if I find it agreeable then we will continue with our partnership otherwise we can always part ways amicably." 

By talking about her willingness to break the contract, Xie Eun had made it clear to Hua Ying that even if he were willing to pay the breach fees and other losses, she was willing to terminate the contract at the cost of her own losses. This gave Hua Ying a pause. Even though he had been paid to create problems for Lu Enterprises and he would get a good deal, if the contract was terminated then he would suffer losses in the long run. He was an actor already in his declining years and it would be really impossible to get such a lucrative deal after this. His eyes cleared of all the lust and muddled thoughts and he sat up straight.

"Chairwoman Xie. I thought we were here to discuss new terms so why talk about distasteful things like termination. We can just talk things out so that both sides ae happy."

Xie Eun smiled at the change in the man's tune and said," Mister Hua, if you really had been interested in negotiating then you would have responded to the many overtures made by my company's representatives. Your attitude in the past and tonight has made it clear that you are out for trouble. I have no intention of talking and wasting my time with troublemakers. So we can end this co operation whenever you wish. You will also not be endorsing our new range even of you decided to stay and will be put on the back burner until your contract with us expires, which is in a few months' time. So. Mister Hua, it has been an interesting experience meeting you. Goodbye."

With her piece said,"Xie Eun got up to leave and left the flabbergasted Hua Ying in turmoil. However her triumphant smile disappeared when she walked to the door. Because the door had been locked from the outside. Her eyes narrowed and she turned back coldly to the man who was now sitting on the couch with his head bowed. Scathingly, she said, "Mister Hua Ying. I did not expect for you to fall to such disgusting lengths! I don't care what games you are playing, but get this door opened right now!"

At this time, Hua Ying's head snapped up and he looked at the door in consternation. "Chairwoman Xie, what are you talking about? I have not locked the door." With that, Hua Ying walked over and tried to turn the handle and found it to be indeed locked.

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