Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 175 - Worried And Angry

For a while, silence reigned in the car. Xie Eun threw careful glances at her husband, trying to think of how to pacify him. She could see that he was hanging onto his temper with a thread. Just then they passed a small roadside cafe and and an idea struck her.

Turning to him, she poked him in the arm with her finger. He ignored her. Poked again. Ignored again but his eyes seemed to be getting narrower and narrower. Finally made a loud puking sound and pretended to throw up in the car. Immediately, he threw a worried glance at her and moved the car to the side to stop it. Thankfully, they were driving on an abandoned road or they would have been in an accident. The moment the car was stopped, Xie Eun clicked open a button,letting the seat belt go and in the next moment, she was sitting in his lap, facing him. The horn on the steering wheel started to sound and Yu Seok pushed back his seat to create more room for her. For the first time she had the pleasure of seeing his wide eyed look as he stared at her. For a moment she wondered, if this is how he had looked when she had jumped onto his back when they were teenagers. But before she could lose herself too much in the past, Yu Seok's brow furrowed and as he was about to open his mouth to question her, Xie Eun sealed his lips with hers in a smacking kiss.

She could actually feel the tension leaving his body, and just as he would have deepened the kiss, she moved back and poked him in the chest, "What is wrong with you?" Immediately his gaze turned a bit cold and he stiffened. But before he could bring up his barriers, she held his face in her hand and made her look up, into her eyes. In this position, Xie Eun was naturally taller and thus he had to look up at her.

He clammed up. Xie Eun could actually see the process where he simply closed the door to his thoughts. It was like experiencing a cartoon in which the character was hit with a door closing in his face and he could see stars. Xie Eun felt a bit hurt at this but in the next moment, she imagined herself as Minnie Mouse carrying a big hammer to break down the door! Well that is what he deserved! She wound her fingers in his silky hair and pulled hard, nearing him, "Hubby, we can sit here all night until you tell me what is eating at you. I don't mind, but the little eager Yu Seok that I can feel under me will definitely suffer." She wiggled a bit, teasing the part of him that was poking her and continued," So hubby, you better tell me why you are so angry! Is it because I ruined your plans? Or is there something else that is eating at you?"

This time Yu Seok's eyes narrowed at her bold move. The dress had been pulled up, exposing her long legs that sat around him and he held them, stopping her from moving and teasing him. "Eun-a, don't do this. Just give me some time and I will be back to normal." Xie Eun looked into his eyes which showed a mixture of frustration and pleading to give him some space. But Xie Eun knew that if tonight she backed off, then she would never be able to make him see her as his equal. She wanted him to be able to share her burdens with him and that would not be possible if he clammed up every time and she backed off. He deserved the same unconditional support he gave her.

Stroking his head, Xie Eun looked into his eyes," No. This is going to be out new normal. When you feel worried for whatever reason, we will talk it out. You will not handle it alone! Yu Seok, I want to stand with you equally. That means not just in terms of wealth and status but also the fact that just like you are my strength, I want to be your strength too. I know that you are used to solving your own problems. But like I have promised to tell you everything, you must also promise to tell me everything."

Yu Seok closed his eyes and laid his head between her breasts, breathing deeply. He understood what she was asking. But he also knew how difficult it was for him to promise. He looked up and grimaced, "I promise... to try.."

Xie Eun let out a small giggle. He was even unwilling give her a white lie to pacify her. Poor naturally reticent soul...

Hearing her giggle, he once again buried his head into her bosom and his arms wound around her tightly as he whispered, "You have no idea, Eun-a, how scared I was when you messaged me the name of the place you were going to and the reason. If anything had gone wrong, I would have lost you both! Eun-a, till the time I was alone, I never feared death. I have actually brought death to aplenty. But the thought of losing you brings me to my knees. I know I have promised to let you handle the matter but I am finding it more and more difficult to control my fears. I want to swoop in and kill them all."

Xie Eun felt his worry seep into her bones. Her slow pace and all this was actually eating at him and he had been finding it more and more difficult to control himself. She sighed and hugged him to her even tighter. "Hubby. I promise to not dawdle too much and will put an end to this chapter, soon enough."

Xie Eun too had realized that after the fiasco tonight, it was useless to let these people be. Just because you let a rat live does not mean that it will not try to take a bite of your cheese.

The two people hugged each other for a little while and at this point only did Xie Eun comprehend the extent to which her husband cared for her. He must have troubled himself with things that could have gone wrong.

Xie Eun tightened her arms around him and slowly whispered," Nothing went wrong. Nothing can go wrong till the two of us are together. You are my Wolf- my mate and protector. Just let go of your worries. You have shaped your wife into someone undefeatable."

Unknown to Xie Eun, Yu Seok's eyes had gathered a bit of moisture at her words. Even though he had found his biological family, to him, she was the only true family. After carefully manipulating the world and fighting numerous obstacles, he had finally found a place in her heart and now the thought of her leaving him was like stabbing him with a knife multiple times!

Finally, a long while after holding her, did Yu Seok re gain his normal calm and raised his head away from her. He looked into her eyes that had matured so much and placed a small kiss on the corner of lips, "Thank you, my love."

Xie Eun smiled beatifically at him and kissed him back in a similar way whispering," You're welcome, my love." 

Slowly, Yu Seok helped her back onto her seat and started to drive towards their destination. Once again, their fingers were intertwined and each gave comfort to the other. Seeing the tension leave his face, Xie Eun smiled and asked him once again, "Where are we going?" 

This time Yu Seok gave her a teasing smile and answered, "It's a surprise."

Xie Eun pouted," Tell me."

A boyish smile lighted his face as he said," Then it will not be a surprise any longer."

Once again Xie Eun poked his arm and said, "I don't care! I want to know."

With a mock grimace, Yu Seok let go of the wheel and rubbed his arm, "Are you trying to drill holes in me?" 

"Hold the wheel!", Xie Eun snapped and then poked his arm with her finger some more, "I will keep on doing this until you tell me!"

Finally Yu Seok shook his head in surrender and said, "Fine fine! You will know once you look around."

It was at this moment that Xie Eun realized that the car had stopped. She whipped around her head and stared outside. However she saw nothing but darkness. Just as she was about to turn her head and complain, a soft cloth covered her eyes and his soft voice whispered in her ears," A few more minutes, my love."

With that, the sound of a door opening and closing resonated in her ears and the next moment, her door was opened and Yu Seok helped her out of the door. A flurry of butterflies seemed to have made their home in her stomach as Xie Eun followed his lead.

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