Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 179 - Fear And Cowardice

Lu Chang felt his heart almost escape his chest when he saw the ambulance and the police cars outside his home. Many neighbors stood outside gossiping but they only pointed to him, not telling him anything to indicate his wife and child were safe. Regret like never before flashed in his heart and he cursed the time when he decided to let Lu Qianjin into his house. All the precautions he had taken over the years now seemed like a waste because of one moment of weakness. 

But he knew that if that man his so called brother had harmed even a hair of his family then he would not hesitate in killing them. Once inside, he looked around wildly and tried to find any hints of what could have happened. But there was no one inside..

Just then, he heard the clacking of heels on the floor and turned around wildly ready to hug his wife but he stopped short when he saw the person walking in. Unconsciously, he took a step back, before rage like never before engulfed him. He had never imagined that this girl would attack his family. He rushed forward, not even thinking about his actions only intent on finding his family. However before he could step too close, a man stepped from the shadows and caught hold of Lu Chang, pushing him away heavily, causing Lu Chang to fall on the ground panting! 

Stepping in front of his own wife, Wolf glared at Lu Chang menacingly making the angry man almost shrivel up. The fall and the aura of danger around him made Lu Chang realize that his family was really in danger and ignoring his own pride, he kneeled down and folded his hands in supplication. "Please. please spare my family. All this is my fault. Please."

Lu Chang knew that there was no point in blaming Lu Qianjin. He was the one who had sheltered his brother. His money was used against Xie Eun and his hotel was where she was attacked. There was no way he would be able to escape the wrath of these people. His only hope was that his wife and child were safe. He had already made provisions for them when he married her and he had always lived in fear of being discovered. Even when his grandmother passed away, he did not dare to let go of the fear. Seeing Lu Chang on the ground, Wolf simply stepped back, letting Xie Eun do the talking. Today he was here to only protect her physically.

When Wolf stepped aside without saying a word, Lu Chang who was a smart man immediately understood that the final decision to spare his family or not was in her hands. He begged, Xie Eun please. I am your culprit. Please let my family be."

Xie Eun stared at the man coldly feeling nothing for this man who was her half cousin. She actually pitied the man who did this. He had done nothing to her. And yet he was the one who had been caught in the crossfire. But even if he did nothing to harm her actively, he did look the other way when others used him to harm her. 

"I did let your family be! I let your parents escape. I let your siblings go without any punishment. I never even cast a glance at your business or family. But in return for that, what did you do? You attacked me and tried to have me killed multiple times. I have never had a moment of peace because of you all in the name of revenge! So I should punish you and let your family go so that tomorrow someone else can come after me for revenge? Oh, I know you are not the person behind all these. With your acumen and brains, you would not be so foolish. But the fact remains that it is your money that is being used against me. "

"How easy it is for you to look the other way when someone else's family is being harmed while when it comes to your own, you are even willing to beg! Well since you are so worried, I have two options for you. Since you are so filial, I can give you an out. It is very simple, you will go out of this country and live anywhere peacefully without returning to this country. In return for this freedom, I want you to give up on your siblings, parents and your business. The Imperial Crown will not belong to you anywhere and as long as you do not provoke me, I will let you live peacefully. Yes it will be a hard existence but it will still be existence. Your other option is even more simple, inside that room, my people have subdued the goons hired by your dear brother. I will simply let them go and let them do what they have been ordered. Oh they have already confessed to what they were supposed to do so you can go and ask them again. Your wife and son are in the room upstairs. Oh they are also tied up but what is done with them depends on you." On the inside, XIe Eun felt as if she was dying on the inside as she saw the broken look on the man's face as he considered his dilemma. But she also felt disdain as she saw him trying to choose. Wasn't it a clear choice?"

But what was clear for Xie Eun was not so easy for Lu Chang. Even if he was someone who did not agree with his grandmother, he had always been a rich heir. Giving up all this could also mean giving up his life and living as a poor man. But in the end, he knew what he had to choose. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he looked up at Xie Eun and nodded once, "I am willing to leave everything for my family. But I want you to promise me that once we are gone from here, you will never interfere in our lives."

Xie Eun raised an eyebrow. So he really did have some guts that he could negotiate at this time. Nodding, she gestured Cheng Mo to come forward. In his hand was a blue file that he placed in front of Lu Chang.

With shivering hands, he accepted the file and opened it. There in black and white were all the details of every property he held. Of every account he or his wife had in their names. And there under it, was the agreement to gift it all away to an orphanage. Gulping, he signed away everything and then raised teary eyes at the two heartless people in front of him," You have proved that I am indeed a coward. Please let my family go now."

Xie Eun's hands clenched behind her back as she heard the accusation resonate within her. She knew that she was being heartless and for the first time she realized how difficult it was to do this. She could only imagine how it would have hurt Wolf to have been like this for so many years! She wanted to give the man some hope as she saw the defeat in his eyes. Her hands almost extended to tear the file and just let him leave. but before she could bring them forward, Wolf stopped her and shook his head, glancing pointedly at her own stomach, reminding her that she too was doing this to protect someone.

Wolf walked forward and clasped a hand on the man's shoulders. "It takes a brave man to put a stop on the circle of revenge. A coward would rather sacrifice his family as long as he achieve his own goals. We promise you that you will be safe from us as long as you keep your end of the promise. Your family is already on their way to the airport. But before you go, the goons are inside for you to do what you wish with them. Maybe what they had planned for you, would help you gain a measure of control of your emotions and maybe even help you assuage the guilt that you are letting go of the past."

In a daze, Lu Chang followed Cheng Mo to the room that was once his son's nursery. The scene inside gave him a pause and he looked fiercely at the people who were tied together. Lu Chang remembered how they had decorated the entire place with so much love and how these people had slashed it! Mindlessly, he attacked the people who had dared to attack his family and finally, with his own fists bruised, he left the place without looking back! Even if he had to live in poverty, he would keep his family safe! And he had enough business acumen to once again earn the money, even if they would not be filthy rich, he would make sure that his family was not poor, wherever they went.

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