While Yu Seok amazed the disbelieving doctor with the story of identical twins, much to the amusement of Xie Eun who looked on while the doctor's glare looked at the two of them as if they had lost their marbles, Yoo Shiro was trying to convince his girlfriend to become his wife. Of course he seemed to be failing miserably.

He looked at the woman in his arms who had her eyes closed and sighed, "Why won't you marry me, Wen Shan Shan?" One eye opened and started at him before closing again and came a cryptic reply," because of who you are for a start."

This cryptic reply put a black frown on his face as he started at her,"What is that supposed to mean?"

This time Wen Shan opened her eyes fully and stared into his beautiful green eyes. Briefly she let her gaze rest on his high cheekbones and beautiful eye lashes that would put a woman to shame. She wondered why she felt a deep tug towards him, something she never had previously felt for any other man..not even that one who she knew had broken her heart...but even as she was conscious of that, she ignored it and explained,"Shiro, you are a rich playboy who has women falling over him. Look I am not blaming you for your past but neither of us can be sure of the future. This is the modern age. We can raise the baby together without the shackles of marriage. Yes, we are both attracted to each other but this is just lust. It will pass. And what if we marry now and then fall in love with someone else? A marriage will only end in one or both of us getting hurt."

Unknown to Wen Shan, Yoo Shiro's expression had changed even more as she mentioned falling in love. A red haze seemed to form in front of his eyes when he thought of her in the arms of another man, loving him. Without another thought, he held her face and kissed her. Their lips melded and tongues twined, sliding together sensuously, making them both heady and drunk with pleasure. Wen Shan could feel the frisson of pure excitement that sent her pulse racing, something that happened everytime they were together. The potent attraction, the heightened senses drew her in like a magnet. It made her fall for him even as she every instinct inside her screamed that he was dangerous to her sanity. It had been like this from the beginning. Perversely, these same instincts also assured her that she was safe with him. Was it any wonder that she felt so conflicted?

Sensing her distraction, Yoo Shiro shifted, leaning over her as he deepened the kiss, letting her feel his desire. She felt his hunger and a compulsion to feed it rose inside her making her feverish. The wanting increased steadily, with each beat of her heart, her hands going about him, her fingers running through his thick hair. . Her fingers itched to hold him in place, to encourage him.

And yet even as his assault on her senses increased she tried to retain some awareness of herself but failed helplessly. One of her hands fell on his upper arm while the other on his shoulder. Her fingers flexed, desperate to touch and yet deny the urge.

But just like the first time, the many previous times, his muscles shifting under her hand enthralled her, seduced her.. But this knowledge brought her back to the earth. Reminding her that she had already committed this same mistake... many times before. And she withdrew mentally.

Shiro sensed her emotional withdrawal. His hand closed over her breast. Beneath his palm his nipples were like a hard button and yet her retreat was obvious in their kiss. In the sinking of her senses. He understood the female body too well.. Immediately, his lips hardened. The kiss now changed from hungry to ravenous. He wanted her complete surrender that seemed so close yet too far. But he had to withdraw. Because he wanted her to accept that they were making love and not satisfying lust. He panted hard as he withdrew. And cursed inwardly. She was going to be the death of him, he was sure.

Her eyes opened. Glazed with passion and desire, the stared at him, taunting him and frustrating him no end. He cupped her cheeks, letting her see the torture he endured for her sake, and said, "We have a standoff, it seems, Shan Shan."

This time Shan Shan gathered her composure like a cloak and attempted a look of hauteur. "Indeed?" 

His lips thinning, he growled a promise or rather a threat, "Indeed, because I have no intention of changing my mind. You are going to be mine. I will make sure of it."

As Yoo Shiro marched out of her home, he missed seeing the desolation on her face. He did not get to hear what she said as she closed her eyes and lay back, "Shiro, You cannot change my mind. Because I am already yours. I don't know how it happened. But it did. And now the only thing I can do is protect myself. Because I don't think I will ever be able to recover if you ever cheat on me. I would rather watch you from afar. So that you do not feel shackled."

Wen Shan remembered what she had heard on the night when she had gone up to see Xie Eun. And those words had reminded her exactly where she stood with Yoo Shiro. She was one of many. But a novelty because she had resisted him. And once the novelty wore off, he would start to look for the next challenge.

But reminding these things to herself repeatedly seemed to be losing effect as she kept feeling that every time he asked her to marry him, a part of her resistance would crumble. Suddenly her eyes snapped open and she looked up something on her phone! She needed to harden her defenses and the best way to do that was to run to where he could not catch her..

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