Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 190 - A White Lotus

In a dimly lit room, Xie Eun and Yu Seok sat side by side while Nora and her grandfather sat opposite them. After a few pleasantries and some general questions from Sir Xiao, the four people discussed the financial markets as they waited for their meal to arrive. To show his regard to Sir Xiao, Yu Seok had arranged the exclusive restaurant to cater to them and only their specialties were to be served. Out of respect for Sir Xiao, Yu Seok had let the guest order all the items and spoke only to him. Nora Xu at his side was neither ignored nor given any attention. Because if she had been purposely ignored, then she would have let herself feel important. But that was not the case as she was simply side lined and unable to contribute much to the discussion.

Soon, however, Xie Eun started to feel like a white lotus from a manga or romance novel. And this was because of Nora's continuous forlorn glares. She almost felt like Nora was the protagonist and female lead and she was someone who was snatching away her first love. And in a way it could have been true if the two people had grown up together. But as it happened, even if Nora had been chosen by Yu Seok's family, the two people had hardly known each other. In fact since everyone believed that Yu Seok had perished, it made no sense for Nora to claim him! But her pitiful act now, a direct contrast to her real nature that day was quite amusing. Anyone looking at her would feel as if she and Yu Seok were bullying her..

Xie Eun wanted to shake her head and get rid of the fantasy! Because she realized that it was indeed quite thrilling to be a vamp! After all she had planned like one and her plan had turned around too much! In reality, she had planned to let Yu Seok teach her how to cook and then she would have given him a surprise during lunch time effectively making Xie Eun unable to approach him for lunch! And then they would have spent some quality time together. But this had turned into a big mess thanks to her own clumsiness and miscalculation. And usually when things spiraled out of control, her and him ended up in bed. Since they were not allowed to do much, it was her wrist that was getting all the exercise and her body ending up with small red strawberries as he teased her to pleasure. And they would have remained like this, spent the day lazing around if not for the urgent message from Cheng Mo regarding Sir Xiao's impeding arrival. And that was when she had realized that her plan had failed completely! So she had plotted her way into letting Yu Seok let her join in for the meeting.. And from there began her journey as a white lotus! Because as was his habit, her husband was presently cutting up the meat for her, even as he spoke to Sir Xiao. And this was hurting the poor Nora who looked like she was the one being cut up. And her awkward glances at Xie Eun's neck where the marks were a bit visible (on purpose of course) made her feel really wicked. To add to salt to her wounds, Xie Eun continued to bask in her husband's love and left no stone unturned in touching him intimately and possessively, gloating and showing off to Nora. Xie Eun realized that seeing Nora's lipstick on his shirt had made her impossibly angry! And even though she could guess very well, that Nora must have done this on purpose, she still wanted to show her who owned Yu Seok.

Finally, unable to take more of Xie Eun's gloating, and true to her victim personality, Nora excused herself from the room with almost tears in her eyes. Seeing this Xie Eun paid no attention to Nora and continued to eat the bites that Yu Seok made for her. However when she looked up, her eyes met with Sir Xiao who gave her a knowing glance. This knowing glance made her utterly embarrassed and she almost flushed before excusing herself hurriedly. Sir Xiao watched her go before he turned back to Yu Seok who was now eating his own food.

Sighing, he said," CEO Wolf, you and your wife really are ruthless for teasing my granddaughter like this. Neither of you are unaware of her feelings for you and yet both of you are cruelly showing off your love in front of her!"

Even though Sir Xiao had hoped that Nora would be defeated by them, he felt really hurt when he felt the rolling emotions of his granddaughter and was unable to stop himself from complaining. This was only the beginning and still they were already so ruthless.

Yu Seok stared at the man in front of him and raised his eyebrows. SO the old man was aware of his granddaughter's reasons and still chose to support her. Coldly, he said "There is a saying, Sir Xaio, for a tree to grow fruits, the roots should be bitter and if you make the roots sweet, then you will only enjoy bitter fruits. If you had been ruthless and cruel then me and my wife would not have to use this. As it happens, it is out of regard for you and my grandfather, that I have let your granddaughter live peacefully. But with the underhanded things she has been trying to plot, I fear that, I will not be able to give you any face in the future."

Sir Xiao had lived in the world long enough to understand the words that Yu Seok did not say. He was well aware of the man's reputation of silencing people who dared to offend him. His grand daughter was actually being used by this man to help his wife sharpen her claws! And the moment, Yu Seok felt that the girl was a threat to his wife, she would be taken out of the picture without showing any consideration to him.

Meanwhile, Xie Eun walked towards the washrooms with the intention of completing her role as a white lotus! What was a white lotus until she did not catch the heroine alone to bully her. With her hips swinging and a wicked smile on her face, Xie Eun entered the washroom to see Nora with red eyes, carefully putting on her make up again. Walking nearer, she purposely hit her with her shoulder so that the lipstick that Nora was applying was spread out and the tube fell from her hand. In a move so fake that every green tea bi*** would cheer for her, Xie Eun gave a wide eyed glance to her ruined makeup and apologized, "I am so sorry! I did not mean to ruin your make up!"

Nora pulled out a make up wipe and glared at Xie Eun, saying nothing. Gloating Xie Eun, turned on the tap and simply washed her hands, ignoring the lasers coming out of Nora's eyes. But just as she was about to turn back, Nora took the bait and her poor victimized mask was taken off as she viciously uttered through her teeth," Do you think, that with these small tricks, you can make me lose? You can only wish! He is going to be mine!"

Xie Eun shook her head and smiled back, "It is not me that is playing petty tricks but you. I was not the one who had to fall on a man to get my lipstick on me! Incidentally, what crappy lipstick are you using in today's modern times that you would leave stains? Would you like to send some lip stick brands that you know stick to your lips? Or I can lend you mine." With that, Xie Eun took out a tube of lipstick and extended her hand towards Nora. Angrily, just as Nora was about to snatch the lipstick and thrown it against the wall in fury, Xie Eun pulled back the lipstick and with scandalized eyes said, "No! I will buy you a fresh one. You see, I had to reapply my lip stick just before I came here because Yu Seok had kissed it off my lips. So if you use this it would be you indirectly kissing my husband.. And I cannot allow that! His lips belong to me! In fact, the entire man belongs to me.. You did see enough last night to be sure of this.. right?"

Having done her job well, Xie Eun applauded in her mind and wanted to dance in excitement, the moment she was out of the washroom. And just when she had walked a distance away, the sound of a mirror shattering had her smile widen like never before..Oohh it was so much more satisfactory to be a white lotus than the main female lead!

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