The sunlight that glinted off the beautifully decorated pond, reflected the beauty of the wedding a father had planned for his daughter. A wedding where she would be happy. As Xie Eun stood inside the small inlay, ready to go out, she could only marvel at her father's arrangements and realized how deeply she missed him today. He had left no stones unturned for her last wedding also and for this one too. The willow trees, the roll of the lawns, a flower-strewn arbor and white runners flowing like a river between the rows of chairs—white again, strung with little flowers. Everything looked formal yet not stuffy. But natural and elegant. The little flowers were laid in abundant bunches of natural arrangements by the floral artists. There, under their arbor they would be saying their vows as acres and rivers of white fairy lights would be lighted against the setting sun.

Soon, the guests would be here and then this would be the beginning of their happy ever after wedding. They had struggled between having a grand wedding like her father had arranged or a smaller intimate one and finally decided on just family, friends and a few close business associates. Xie Eun looked at herself in the mirror, at the long flowy dress. This time, she had chosen the dress herself. Instead of a formal one, she had chosen a simple gown that cinched just under her breasts before falling in flowy waves. The ivory colored gown hid her little bump really well but even after all the precautions had tightened over her breasts, causing her to turn red when the seamstress had to loosen the dress a bit.

Her hair had been left down, without a veil, letting it fall in soft and dreamy waves and a small flower was tucked just behind her ear.

Soon, it was time for her to walk down the aisle and Elder Yoo stood next to her. But the first person to walk down the aisle would be Shan Shan who had agreed to be the bridesmaid. Sporting a similar bump, Shan Shan was dressed in a pale pink silk gown with a similar flowing pattern. Her hair was tied in a small knot on the top of her head as her creamy shoulders were exposed and as she walked down the aisle, Yoo Shiro who stood behind the groom as the best man, could only imagine their own wedding hoping the winters would arrive soon. Because Shan Shan had demanded a winter wedding and thus they had decided to wait. Of course, Yoo Shiro had already planned to elope and get their wedding certificates first.

Soon the first strings of the piano started to play and Xie Eun threaded her hands through Elder Yoo's and slowly started to walk down the aisle. Once again, it was Aunt Su who played the piano but this time the song had been chosen by Xie Eun. It was a song called, "Never Ending Love" and that is what she wanted to remember this day. Their day of never ending love.

Her first glimpse of Yu Seok almost stole her breath away. He had chosen to match their clothes! Dressed in a similar Ivory coloured suit, her husband who always wore dark colors, loved exceptionally handsome. Even the flower on his lapel, matched the one that was tucked in her hair. She smiled brilliantly at him, all the stars in the milky way reflected in her eyes. 

His face which would usually look austere seemed as if it would never stop smiling. Proudly, he waited there for her. This time secure in the knowledge that his bride loved him. When they reached the small podium, he extended his hand and Elder Yoo carefully placed her hand in his. This time they would be saying their vows that they had written themselves.

Yu Seok's strong baritone soon resonated in the open, "The first time I saw you, I wondered if it was too soon to elope with you. And I was right. You made me wait for your heart and love but with every passing minute, you made me fall for you even more deeper, even more irrevocably. I promise to love you forever with all my heart and cherish what we have. I promise to keep trying to teach you how to cook even if we burn down the house a few times. But most of all, I promise to love you even more than I do now with all your perfections and imperfections."

Even though, Yu Seok had added a dash of his sardonic humor in his vows, no one in the wedding present remained dry eyed for they could feel the deep love in his words. Xie Eun too was having difficulty keeping the moisture in her eyes at bay as she responded his vows, "The first time I saw you, I was scared to death as I hung upside down over a tree before promptly forgetting about you. And that I have realized was the biggest and silliest mistake I ever made. For if I had, I would have had your love sooner and fallen for you sooner. You patiently waited until the day I fell for you but you don't know that I fell for you a little bit more, every time I saw you. And since we lost so many of our days together, I promise to love you twice the love everyday and be together with you for the next 36500 days of out lives till we grow old and grey and a hundred plus years old. I only want to hold your hand and love you my Wolf, my best friend and confidante. I love you and will continue to love you in the future in spite of all your perfections."

The world soon faded into the background as Xie Eun and Wolf had eyes only for each other. Soon it was time for the groom to kiss the bride and this time he did not do the gentlemanly thing and pulled his wife into his arms for a long deep kiss amidst much cheering and clapping from the crowd before the wedding party proceeded for dinner and wedding pictures.

While the bride and groom had their wedding pictures taken, Yoo Shiro took the opportunity and kidnapped his girlfriend to a secluded corner on the other side of the pond. Shan Shan was amused at his antics and tried to ask him what he was up to but he simply ignored her and led her a bit deeper into the woods. With his brother's and sister in law's permission, he had decided to propose formally to Shan Shan this evening. His reasoning was simple, they had come together because of them so naturally it was right to propose just under the shadow of their love. 

Amid the woods, in a small alcove, a lone circular table was placed, covered with a white cloth. On the table was a platter with a beautiful shaped mini cake designed in the shape of a cute heart. On the side of the heart was a little velvet box and as the couple walked hand in hand, the sound of a song being played could be heard. As Shan Shan stood stupefied at the sight, she finally felt her tears flow and she blamed them on her hormones! She refused to acknowledge that her silly Shiro would be so romantic! He had even chosen a song by her favourite band even as he was crazy jealous of them! As "Miss Right" by BTS played in the background, Yoo Shiro got down on both his knees and whispered, "Shan Shan… We may have gotten off with a rocky start but I want the rest of our lives to be together so that we can face all the hurdles together. I believed you to be Miss Wrong for me but you are just right for me and I hope I can be the same for you. So Shan Shan, will you elope with me tonight? I don't want to face another day being unmarried to you. So elope with me, please? I promise to have or dream wedding as soon as the first snow of the season falls!" 

Happiness beyond dreams seemed to engulf her as Shan Shan nodded and threw herself into her fiance's arms. Yes tomorrow they would be husband and wife. Holding her tight to him, they caught the cake and eloped for their own wedding much to the amusement of Xie Eun and Yu Seok who came back to their missing maid of honor and bestman respectively.

Soon after dinner, the bride and groom also drove away for their honeymoon. The last person left at the venue was Cheng Mo who looked down at the work tablet in his hand and consoled himself, that he atleast had his work to keep him company. Dejected, he turned the corner to walk to his car and bumped into a soft person who was walking with her head down…

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