On a dark stormy night, Shan Shan woke up with her eyes snapping open suddenly. Her sleep had been sketchy these days due to the added weight of her now big belly. And tonight, it seemed the 'little angels' who kept her awake were ready to come. Her back and stomach felt like they were being torn open as she blindly patted the bed side looking for her husband.. who was not there...

She screamed out the name "Shiro!!!" at the top of her voice but could not be sure that she had been heard over the thunder. And she was right. Just as she was getting ready to call the ambulance herself, her husband ambled in, with a cup of mint chocolate ice cream in his hand. He came to an abrupt stop when he realized that his wife was awake and was presently glaring at him. Curbing the urge to hide his ice cream protectively from his wife's laser gave, he gave a small smile and explained," Honey! I was feeling hungry. And you know that I cannot resist chocolate-mint flavor...Please don't be angry!"

Gritting her teeth, Shan Shan felt another wave of pain come over her and she silently let it pass, taking deep breaths as they had been taught in class. And once the wave had passed, she screeched," Shiro! I don't care that you are eating a tooth paste ice cream! But if you do not get here right now, then your babies will be born before you can finish eating that thing!" 

This caused Shiro to freeze with his mouth still open and his spoon still stuck in mid air... After a few moments, he breathed with difficulty and asked, "Right now? The babies are coming right now? But there is a storm outside..."

Shan Shan was just about to roll her eyes and pass a sarcastic remark about asking the babies to wait until the storm passed, but another wave caught her, making her clutch the bed in agony as she tried to not scream. Finally, Shiro gained his senses and immediately went in and held her hand waiting for this to pass. And when it did, he immediately picked up his wife and raced to the door.. The car was parked right outside so he immediately placed her there and went about adjusting the seat when another wave of pain took her over. Roughly timing up the intervals, he worried even more that they would not reach on time...And then starting the car, he proceeded to drive the car at the speed of a snail. Shan Shan who was leaning back in her seat, drenched in sweat, and snidely said," It seems you want your children to be born in the car! Drive faster.."

Shiro nodded hi head but did not increase the speed," No. With the thunder raging we cannot risk driving faster.."

"If you drive at this speed, then we will reach in time for the baby's first birthday! Shiro, I am not asking you to race, but at least don't make the car crawl! And if you don't speed up, I swear I will come and drive the car myself!"

Nodding his head, once again, they finally reached the hospital, where Shan Shan walked in gracefully, while Shiro looked panicky with wide eyes, his hair sticking out from all sides... Immediately the nurses guided her into the delivery room to check her blood pressure and vitals while Shiro paced outside.. All the stories he had read about child birth and things that could go wrong seemed to be going around in his head. He reached for his pocket, wondering if he should call Seok and the rest of the family, but then realized that he had forgotten his cell phone at home. Pacing around, he tried to figure out if Shan Shan would be well inside and if the babies had been delivered yet. Just then, his brother walked in, calm and inexplicably well dressed, in direct contrast to him. His eyes widened and he asked, "Is Xie Eun also inside?" "Would I be standing here if Xie Eun was also inside. She is at home."

Stupidly, he then asked, "Why are you here then?"

It was then that Yu Seok extended his hand and passed him a bag, "Go and get dressed properly. Your wife is worried you are going to scare the little ones, if you go inside looking wild like this."

Shiro took the bag and glanced up at his brother before nodding his head and going to get changed. He was right. He could not scare his kids. Inside the washroom, Shiro closed the door and almost screamed in terror when he saw his own face! Thank the heavens no one had clicked his picture! He looked like a Zombie! He looked down at the ice cream stain and corrected himself," An ice cream eating Zombie at that.."

Shaking himself, he washed his face and changed into the casual clothes his perfect brother had brought for him.. And as he walked out wondering how his brother kept his cool, he came across the scene of Yu Seok ready to pull his hair out...as he stood toe to toe with his Xie Eun.. who was supposed to be sleeping at home...

Yu Seok stared down at his wife who while she glared up at him. She was supposed to be resting at home! The doctor had already asked her to be careful since she was over the due date and here she was traversing through the storm when he had specifically left her home with instructions to stay there. 

Shiro walked closer to hear the ending of what his sister in law was telling his brother,"Mr. Husband, if you think I am going to stay put at home when my best friend is in labor then you are highly mistaken!"

While Shiro glanced at the two people, he realized his mind had been taken off from his wife. He turned his head to the delivery room, wondering what was going on. Just then a nurse walked up to him and asked,"Mr Yoo. Congratulations. It's a boy and a girl." Shiro jumped in excitement before almost hugging the nurse who backed away before he went and gave his brother and Xie Eun a hug. The nurse instructed them that he could see the babies once they were transferred to the nursery and his wife once she was shifted into a normal room...

Nodding like a jack in the box, Yoo Shiro grinned happily as he paced outside the room. The moment his tired but beautiful wife was wheeled out of the room on a stretcher he ran to her and kissed her hard on the lips.. She smiled up at him before scowling as she whispered ordered him," You are barred from my bed for the next twenty five years!"

Grinning and not taking her seriously at all he followed everyone into the general room. Once there, the nurse carried in two little babies wrapped in a blue and pink cloth before passing one to each parent. Yu Seok and Xie Eun held hands as they saw this and smiled sweetly, knowing that they would soon be able to hold their baby too... Seeing that both the parents were fine and the babies too, the couple walked out hand in hand giving them a little family time. Outside, Xie Eun looked up at Yu Seok and sighed," They are so cute... Hubby! When will our baby come here?"

Yu Seok flicked his wife on the nose and uttered, "He will be here soon enough! He takes after his mom being lazy and good at procrastinating!" 

Xie Eun pouted up at her husband but fondly thought of the last ultra sound they had where their little one had graced them with a big lazy yawn..

As they waited outside the room, for their turn to hold their little niece and nephew, Xie Eun suddenly felt her eyes widen as she felt a little wetness seep through her dress. She glanced down and then up at her husband...pulling his hand hard. He looked over and seeing the expression on her face, understood immediately something was wrong.. Xie Eun raised her eyes and muttered," I think my water broke..."

Jumping up from the seat, Yu Seok hurriedly raced to call the doctor and nurses who then prepared another delivery room for Xie Eun..Once Xie Eun was taken into the room, Yoo Shiro who had com out to look for his family had the unique pleasure of seeing his own brother have a panic attack as Yu Seok almost fell to his knees. Forgetting his own state from a while ago, he walked to Yu Seok and nodded sagely like an experienced man," Don't worry! She will be fine soon and then you will be holding another ugly, red baby in your arms.. Would you like to practice by holding your nephew or niece in your arms?"

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