"Who Is the woman you admire the most?" As this interviewer questioned the young heart throb of our country, Lee Jong, about his taste in women, he surprisingly had to say that he admired a woman who was not an actress or a model but beautiful nonetheless. " I personally admire Chairwoman Xie a lot. She had brought her company to new heights and her beauty is extra ordinary. I would count myself a lucky man if I could have a woman like her! She is the classic example of a beauty with brains." This interviewer then questioned if he Lee Jong would work with the chairwoman in the future and Lee Jong had to say, "It would be an honor! And maybe I would be able make her fall for me..", he finished on a teasing wink...

The latest entertainment gossip magazine, lay open in front of Yu Seok in his home office as he scanned it with narrow eyes. This was a most unusual thing for him but this time he had to see as this magazine had dared to link his wife with another man... even if remotely. And this man had a large female following who were now searching his wife's credentials. He read the interview again and wondered if he needed to have the man taught a lesson. Of course he could not blame someone for having good taste in expressing a liking for his Xie Eun but the trashy magazine did not have to go about glorifying it. What is some crazy stalker fan of the actor decided to attack his wife? He thought back to Eun-a's reaction as she had been claimed that she was flattered at being complimented by such a handsome man! His wife was the first one who needed her eyes tested, wasn't he handsome? And did he not compliment her daily? He wondered if he should release a picture of their now 10 day baby and Eun-a so that this man would be reminded that she was a taken woman! Or maybe he should have a personal chat with the man...he would only use a few punches to chat, of course. Nothing much but a little broken nose ought not to be too bad. Of maybe a black eye. Then he would not be able to even think of seeing Xie Eun...

Before he could decided the young actor's fate and more blood thirsty ideas enter his head, he heard a faint cry through the baby monitor and went to check on his little girl before his tired wife woke up. Their little bean had been really fussy these past few nights resulting in the two of them turning haggard with the added pressure of their work. Also Xie Eun's final exams were nearing so the his wife needed her rest so that she could study well and ace her exams.. Walking into the small room where the little bean was now fussing, Yu Seok picked her up in his arms and crooned, "Little bean? Is your stomach still colicky or are you hungry?"

The little baby stared up at her father and gave him a small toothless smile, melting her father's heart all over again. Before he was assaulted with a dirty stench. Shaking his head, Yu Seok grimaced and complained to his daughter," So first you melt my heart by smiling and then you want me to do your dirty work, eh?" The little bean continued to smile placidly and Yu Seok got to work as he pulled out a diaper, baby wipes and a fresh pair of pants. As he did, the usually quiet Yu Seok turned into a chatterbox as he talked to his little girl," My little princess. You have a beautiful smile. The doctors tell me that you just have gas and that is why you make such faces. But I have come to the conclusion that doctors know nothing. Now, are you going to give your father a bigger smile for cleaning you up?"

He continued to talk to his daughter, as he picked her small feet and wiped her soiled bottoms, not even realizing the fact that he had now become an expert in something that just a few days ago had made both him and Xie Eun throw up. Once the little girl had been freshly diapered, she babbled a bit to her father who was carrying her in his arms and walking about. 

With the little girl clutched in his arm, Yu Seok walked back to the kitchen knowing what was coming next. His little daughter was just like his wife when it came to matters of hunger. At present she was feeling fresh after being changed, but soon, she would let out a loud cry that could torment the heavens, when she announced she was hungry. He heated the milk bottle and slowly tested the milk on the back of his hand, and judging it warm enough, he put the bottle in her mouth, averting a crisis as his daughter sucked lustily. Satisfied with himself, he then crooned a little lullaby for his daughter who drank her fill and was now falling asleep in the safe haven of her father's arms. As the bottle almost emptied, Yu Seok took it from her mouth and burped the baby before walking to the small couch in his office. There, he lay down and let his princess sleep on his chest, while he closed his own eyes and hugged her to sleep...

And that was the scene that Xie Eun came down to. She smiled as she watched her husband who had turned himself into a pillow. She walked to him and brushed back the lock of hair that had fallen on his forehead. The moment she straightened, Yu Seok caught hold of her wrist and pulled her to him, careful to pull her next to him on the large couch. It was a good decision to buy this large couch, he decided sleepily, as his Eun-a cuddled into him. With one arm around his princess and the other around his wife, Yu Seok forgot all about hunting a certain actor.

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