Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 21 - Going To Propose

You Seok had abruptly applied the brakes causing Xie Eun to almost be thrown forward despite the belt. Knowing how the girl sat, Yu Seok had already placed his arm across her collarbone to stop her being hurt.Slowly, he looked for a shoulder in the road and parked the car on the side,"What did you just say?"

Xie Eun pouted and then pointedly looked at the hand that was laid across her body.Yu Seok seemed to have forgotten he had his hand on her!Even if he was gay, he should not be manhandling her!​​

Realizing the precocious position of his hand, Yu Seok snatched it back as if burnt and then continued to look questioningly at Xie Eun.

Xie Eun looked at Yu Seok's expression and herself in a dilemma.It was true that he had not trusted her with his secret and instead she had stumbled over it mistakenly and that did not mean that she could trust him..But she had known him for almost a year and a half and knew he could keep a secret. Most importantly, she felt restless and wanted to talk to someone...

After the internal debate, Xie Eun nodded her head and pursed her lips finally coming to a decision..

"Yu Seok, I am going to find my husband so that I can ask him for an annulment!You see..."

And this way, she blurted out the entire story leading from her eighteenth birthday to her marriage and then subsequently father's death. But she did not tell him what happened after that..Ofcourse he knew but instead of pointing out her half truth, he kept his own feeling aside and decided that maybe this was his chance to understand Xie Eun's feelings. Over this period if time,he had gotten to know her well but even so, he did not understand why she loved that other man..the scum! For a person with a reasonable IQ she was marvelously dumb when it came to her so called fiance.

Since she was looking at him expectantly, waiting for a reaction, he gave her one,"Okk..So you are married and you are engaged to two different men.Your ability to handle two relationships is..unique.."

"Hey!Dont judge!I am not cheating anyone alright and just so you know, I am going there so that I can find my husband and ask him for an annulment."

"Xie Eun, you are married to someone else but you live with another man on your weekends you spend time with him. And the other man is not aware that you are lawfully married.Your husband knows none of this and so he is also being lied to..You are hiding the truth from both the parties?How is that not cheating?What triggered this sudden decision to divorce anyways?You should have continued living the way you were..."

Though he had tried to keep himself objective, Yu Seok knew that he had unintentionally pointed the the thorn in his heart.He was bound by his promise on one hand and his love for her on the other..If it were up to him, he would have given her her hearts desire as marry the other man. But that man really was a scum and had her well under control..

In face he had never even been in a relationship with Xie Eun before her father's death and Xie Eun would have realized his true intent had he not announced to the world that he was her fiance at her father's funeral.The silly girl had felt gratitude towards the man when she realized that the person she had a crush on had come forward in her time if need.Not realizing that she would have lost decades of her family's hard earned money to this man. Luckily General Xie was smarter and had locked all the funds in various trusts.This had however not stopped the man and he brought Xie Eun here and used her most vulnerable time to firmly establish herself in his heart is much so that she started to trust him blindly. The man even conspired against Aunt Su who had seen his true colors and she was pushed out of the house and back to the village...within six months.

You Seok knew all this from Aunt Su who had informed him of everything before she returned to the village..And that is why Wolf had become Yu Seok-a university student with a cold attitude.Slowly and surely, he had become her friend and unlikenAunt Su who was direct and loud, he would make insidious and indirect remarks about her fiance.Over this time, he had collected so many proofs against that man but had been hesitant to show them to her.As he wondered whether he should reveal himself and tell her the truth, she gave him to answer to his question,"It's sudden because..because Si Jun is going to propose to me next week and I want to say yes with my whole heart and a clear conscience!"

Unaware that her words had caused many explosions to set off in Yu Seok's mind, Xie Eun looked out of the window in embarrassment.She felt bad about Yu Seok's reaction and even hurt that he would speaknsuch harsh words to her..Si Jun loved her and she loved him so what if she was married..It was a marriage in name only and she had given the person a chance to don't on his own but he had let her down.Aunt Su was the only one who knew she was married and could tell her the whereabouts of her so called husband.

On the other hand, Yu Seok had already reached his decision and Si Jun the thorn was going to be removed soon....from her side and his way to woo his wife..Time was now of essence...Soon the time to fulfill the objective of their marriage would be here.He needed to establish her firmly by his side by then..

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