Walking out of the classroom, Xie Eun smiled as she passed by the people who were her classmates. Finally, the exams were over and she would be done with her formal education. She looked around as everyone walked say harried. It would take time for them to understand that the society they were about to enter was not as simple as they believed. So many of them had been protected by their families. She felt a wave of melancholy at such thoughts and clutched her bag tighter to her. Just as she had walked out of the building, she saw a horde of excited girls ran towards the entertainment building.

Curiously she wondered what had everyone so excited when another group of excited girls walked by talking among themselves, "Oh my God! He is so handsome! His dimples are to die for!"

Another one squealed, "Have you ever wondered how his eyes twinkle so much? Gosh, I can't believe I am going to see him in person!"

Ignoring the childish talks, she walked towards the gate ready to see her hubby and little Aika who were probably waiting for her at the gates. She was missing them so much!

As she walked, her mind wandered as she thought about who she missed more her hubby or her baby. In her thoughts, she missed seeing the mob that was walking towards her and was almost trampled as she was pushed and lost her footing. Screaming, she flailed her arms which were caught by a strong hand before she could have met the ground.

The hand pulled at her and Xie Eun was then thrown against a hard male chest. Using her own hand to stop her momentum, she barely saved her nose from being pressed into a strange chest. Immediately pushing her savior away and nearly throwing her self back to the ground, she raised her head to thank the person and came face to face with a pair of familiar eyes. The man wore a black face mask over his nose and mouth and yet nothing could distract from his handsomeness. Taking a step backward, she raised her eyebrow but thanked the man politely, "Thank you, Mr. Lee."

Lee Jong smile happily behind his mask and commented, "Chairwoman Xie remembers me. What an honor."

Smiling thinly, Xie Eun commented, "Mr. Lee. you are a public figure so of course I remember you. And now I must excuse myself or I will be killed by the hateful glares being directed my way by your followers."

Lee Jong, however, stopped Xie Eun and said, "Chairwoman Xie. I just saved your life. Can we not even have a meal together? Even if you don't wish to thank me, I would like to apologize for my fans' behavior from last time."

Impatient now, because she hated being started at for all the wrong reasons," There is no need for all this. And if you really want to insist on being a gentleman then please let me pass. And I have already thanked you for saving me from a fall which would not have happened if your horde of fans had not pushed me. So since you are the reason for my troubles, just move out of my way and don't create more."

Her piece said, Xie Eun walked around the actor and the girls who had been looking from a distance could only jealously stare at the retreating woman. Shaking his head, he waved at his fans and staggered his way to the entertainment building..

Irritated, Xie Eun stomped her way to the gates muttering curses on the man's head but soon forgot all about him when she saw her hubby standing there with their little one..

Sigh....melt alert...her mind sounded...

Once again the conversation of a group reached her ears and this time she felt a wave of possessiveness overtake her as she heard them.

"That guy there is so handsome. And have you seen that baby! So cute. I used to think that I would never have children but with a prime specimen like that, I am even willing to be a stepmother. Even the baby is so cute and chubby."

Ready to lay her claim, she walked to her husband and claimed his lips immediately to show her possessiveness...only to be punched in the face. Xie Eun glared at the little girl who had punched her and was not smiling at her toothlessly. Frowning at her, Xie Eun pretended to scold,"Aika! Papa belongs to me as much as to you. So you can punch if another woman tried to kiss papa. But you must not punch me! I am your mama!"

She looked to her husband for support, who nodded sagely, " Yes princess! If you don't let mama kiss your papa then you will not have a baby brother or sister.."

The baby ignored her mother and turned her head to her father letting her mommy know what she thought of the claim but seemed to be agreeing with her father as she listened carefully..

Rolling her eyes over being ousted from her place by her own daughter, Xie Eun giggled up at Yu Seok and quickly placed a peck on his lips, careful to keep out of their daughter's reach.

The little Aika saw her mother kissing her father again and was about to let out a loud cry of protest when she was distracted by her father's soothing voice. She closed her eyes and snuggled in his arms, sure that he was singing her a lullaby.

Xie Eun rolled her eyes at her moody daughter and watched as Yu Seok placed her into the baby seat with ease. It was only as they had settled into the car and he started to drive did Xie Eun question him,"What do you mean you have to leave tonight? Where are you going? When will you be back? Is it really necessary?" Should we go too? Why do you have to go? When will you be back?"

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