Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 220 - Surprise...Seduction

Yu Seok stared at the presentation in front of him with jaded eyes. Sometimes he wondered what these people were thinking when they compiled such uselessly crappy presentations. Did they take him for a fool? He was tempted to throw the pen in his hand at the presenter! First they did the basic mistakes of a rookie and not checking their equipment. After wasting an hour over bringing in other equipment, they then presented this.

Finally after wasting away half a day, the presentation came to an end and the lights were turned on. All the investors in the room were nodding in excitement over the attractive percentages that were presented here. Wolf looked to his right and noticed that only one other person was frowning at the now blank screen. He should have known.

The two men's eyes met and Wolf slowly leaned forward towards the man he considered his senior," Ryu Long. What do you think of the projected percentages?"

The older man sent him an ironic gaze. Instead of answering, he directly questioned, "Would you like to burst their bubble or should I?"

Wolf shook his head and the two men watched the drama in front of them when the other lackeys that the two companies had brought with them nodded in satisfaction at the exciting prospects. The presenter looked at the two biggest investors with pride, expecting to see a similar impressed reaction from them but was flummoxed at their indifferent attitude.

He looked towards the boss who simply gave him a shrug. "Sir?"

Just when Wolf was about to burst out and give them a tongue lashing, Ryu Long commented," Mr. Brown? Who prepared your presentation? Do we look like a couple of fools to you who know nothing? You have not taken into account the basic inflation costs, the change in tax laws and human resources? The biggest flaw in this is that you have taken the maximum amount of capital with the minimum returns. And you seem to be proud of it."

When the presenter tried to defend himself, Wolf was finally unable to take this and walked out of the conference room with a sigh. The stars seemed to have taken a turn against him. First, Cheng Mo had to take this time to go on his honeymoon and take a leave. And then his new assistant decided to fall down the stairs so that he had to come here with an incompetent assistant. To add salt to injury, he now had to spend two says with being given the wrong numbers again and again. If the land he wanted was not linked to this company, he would have thrown all these people so far away that they would not have dared to look at him let alone waste his time. They wanted his money? Ha! If this project was able to twenty five percent return in the first year they could change his name to the Biggest Fool to ever walk the planet. He just hoped that the silly assistant that he had left behind so that he would not be tortured by mindless chatter in the car, had at least completed the collaboration tasks! 

While Yu Seok cursed his bad luck, Xie Eun's flight had landed and the three people were on their way to the hotel. She marveled at the beautiful architecture of the country that was a throwback to the beautiful Roman Empire and wondered how her hubby managed to come here and work! This was just the right place for some romance! Hmm. Maybe she could ask his to stay here a few more days after his work was finished and they could explore the quaint cafes and ride through the city in the 'gondola' style boats. There were even horse drawn carriages...

As she was thinking of all the romantic things they could do, they reached the hotel. Aunt Su stood behind as Xie Eun checked into the room for them and soon a porter helped them to settle into their rooms while Xie Eun stayed behind him as she explained to the receptionist that she wanted to surprise her husband who was their guest and asked for his room key. But after being told that could not be possible for security purposes, Xie Eun finally bribed a waitress and was able to secure the key card to the presidential suite by promising that the girl would not be impacted.

Happily, Xie Eun planned pressed the button to the top floor, planning to hide in his room and then jump onto his back. She really loved it when he carried her on his back and then they usually ended up in some really nice bed fun...Her face pinkening, she carefully opened the door to the room and frowned when the room remained black. Usually hotels like these had motion sensors and the lights would turn on the moment one entered unless someone had turned them off deliberately.

Worried and alert now, her eyes sharpened as she wondered if Yu Seok had stayed at the room or if someone was planning to attack him.

Carefully, she stepped into the room and raised her eyebrows as a sultry sound sounded, "Are you back now?" Shocked, Xie Eun stepped back and looked at the name of the suite to confirm she had entered the right place. Maybe this was some sort of a prank. Maybe Yu Seok had discovered that she was coming here. Slowly, she stepped out of the room and was about to close the door when the voice sounded again, this time a little breathless, "Wolf?"

What the? Did this woman call out for her husband? Was this a set up for seducing her husband? Walking in with a huff, she turned on the flash in her cell phone, marched in, her footsteps masked by the carpeted floor and turned on the bedside lamp.. only to see a seductive sight of a beautiful woman lying on the bed with a blindfold on her eyes and dressed only in a sheer red nightgown..

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