As Miss Miley raced out of the room, in tears and humiliation beyond imagination, Xie Eun threw the bathrobe ties to the ground and her eyes stared daggers at the bathroom door where her husband had walked into. Did he really think that she was so easily pacified with that simple explanation. She paced the room as she counted the various ways that he could have gotten rid of that Miss Miley, without suggesting a bloo** spa! Of course the woman misunderstood! And, she suddenly realized that not just this woman, nut many woman would be throwing themselves at her hubby regularly! He was too handsome and good looking! Maybe she should start asking for more greasy food so that he would turn fat and have a pot belly. That way she would not have to worry about him being a target. Just then her wild imagination provided her with an image of herself being obese while her husband remained fit thanks to his exercising! No! If he continued to age gracefully and she became a chubby then she could be abandoned for a young and lithe mistress! She then continued to imagine her husband, his head full of grey hair and his green eyes still as twinkling, being fawned over by multiple women, while her...

Her eyes widening, she was about to march to the bathroom and bang when the door opened and out walked Yu Seok with only a towel wrapped around his waist and the rest of his body glistening with water droplets. Such a scene would usually cause her to melt and pass some flirty look at him but this time it only added to her simmering anger and picking up the pillow on the bed, she threw it at Yu Seok, who caught it deftly with a surprised face. He had not expected his wife to be angry when he returned from the shower! He had simply wanted to wash off the sight of another woman and hug his wife after freshening up. He was about to open his mouth to question her when another pillow was launched at him. As he threw aside the first pillow with one hand, clutching his towel with the other and dodged the second attack masterfully, he called out, "Eun-a?"

But instead of receiving an answer, something hard was thrown at him and he heard the sound of it shattering against the wall behind him. Finally, he spied the lampshade that was about to be pulled out by his angry wife and shouted, "Are you trying to get widowed? Eun-a! You know that I am only ever faithful to you and the only woman to exist for me is you!"

"Well if that is the case then why are you standing here naked? How could you have been sure that your assistant was not still in the room? Yu Seok! Have you become an exhibitionist? At least you could have worn a god damn bathrobe!"

Shaking his head, Yu Seok walked over to his wife and swiftly unhanded the lamp before trapping her in the circle of his arms. He then raised his hand to caress her face and push back the lock of chair that had fallen over her brow and said, " I knew you would get rid of unwanted trash my dear wifey! And I have two valid reasons for not wearing the robe. One, there was no belt in the rope and second, it would have been cumbersome to take it off. Now I can hug you directly without any extra barriers!"

Yu Seok then moved closer to his wife, whispering," And I have always been an exhibitionist where you are concerned! Heck I can even be a little pervy and flash you something interesting."

Xie Eun pouted and putting her hands on his muscular chest tried to move away her upper body as much as possible, she complained," You just be quiet! I am angry at the moment! And jealous! I never imagined that there were so many women throwing themselves at you all the time! It is very disturbing."

Caressing her back, Yu Seok comforted his wife," Rest assured, your husband is not so wanted! This was a one off because usually Cheng Mo is with me and he is quite competent without having to try and seduce me."

Giggling at the thought of Cheng Mo dressed in a similar red dress, Xie Eun rolled her eyes and stared up at Yu Seok and complained," Are all the women in the world blind? Why would they not want you? You are the most handsome, charismatic man to ever walk the earth!"

Yu Seok: ".." So his wife had a problem if he was desired and a bigger problem if he wasn't!

He looked down his wife in his arms wo was trying to put a distance between them and pulled her closer, trapping her hands against his chest as he pushed together their lower bodies, letting her feel how much she turned him on but she seemed to be in a mood to be antagonized and remarked angrily, "Yu Seok! Are you turned on by the thought of many women falling for you?"

Laughing, Yu Seok kissed his wife hungrily before pointing out righteously, "Silly girl, my reaction is not because of some stupid thoughts, but your hands which are doing some busy work."

Suddenly, Xie Eun realized that the hands that she had placed on his chest to stop him from approaching were doing their own thing and caressing him while paying with his ni**les.."Uhh..this is just muscle memory.." she excused her self and tried to get herself out of his arms. But Yu Seok gripped her firmly as he said, "Good! You have great memory. So you must know that once a little lamb is in the wolf's clutches, she cannot escape easily.."

That said, Yu Seok buried his face in her neck and nipped lightly before his tongue laved at the stinging spot, making her shudder. Xie Eun still tried to retain a semblance of sense and protested, "This is not fair. You are trying to seduce me into forgetting what just happened." 

Kissing his was from her neck to her small pointy chin, Yu Seok remarked," Wrong. I am not trying to seduce you. I am seducing you..."




"Where is Aika?"


"Aika? Our daughter? Where is she?"

"In another room..."


With that Yu Seok picked up his wife and took her to the couch to let her know for herself that she was the only woman for him.

In another country:

Lee Jong glared at his agent who was sipping at his drink casually, after making him slog for the entire day. After ruining his plans the man had even had the gall to then bring him to this stupid party! 

Placing the glass in his hand angrily on the small table, he called over a struggling starlet and whispered something in her ear. The starlet then looked back at her target and went to Joe while Lee Jong slipped out of the hotel. Hailing a cab, he went to the airport this time with the clear intention of booking a flight for now and going there directly before any other obstacle could stop him.

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