Xie Eun roamed the streets with her camera almost glued to her eyes while she clicked the beautiful cathedrals and paintings on the overhead roofs. Riding in a horse carriage, Xie Eun showed Aika all sorts of beauty in the world firmly believing that her little girl was going to be a connoisseur of arts when she grew up. But even as Xie Eun ignored everything, there was one thing that was ruining her mood. It was the guy who was following her. She had felt the gaze when she had first reached the church and since then she could feel it on and off. She knew exactly who was following her and she was reaching the end of her tolerance for this man. She considered if her daughter would be emotionally scarred for life if she saw her mother beat a guy up brutally. No. Maybe she should let Aika see it so that she would know not to tolerate stupid as*holes!

Walking to a policewoman who stood nearby, Xie Eun pretended to ask directions while she asked the policewoman for help. She told the Policewoman that a strange man was following them and she needed to help to escape the man. Sadly for Lee Jong, the laws in this country were very strict towards the safety of women and specially when an outsider harassed the people in their country then he would be taught a lesson. The police woman guided Xie Eun to enter a cafe-style restaurant and let her know the way out of the back while she then went forward to handle the perverted man.

Lee Jong could not have imagined that when the police woman approached him, he would be spending the rest of the day in a police station being questioned about his motives and suspicious behavior. While Lee Jong suffered the torture and tried to explain himself with his broken knowledge of local language, Xie Eun finally enjoyed the rest of the day peacefully. Finally reaching the hotel in the evening, ready to fall down and sleep. Just as she was about to fall asleep on the bed, the enemy of her sleep but the love of her life walked in, loosening his tie. 

Wolf walked over to his wife, Wolf leaned down to kiss his wife as he felt his tiredness from the day melt away. Just then the sleeping little Aika also woke up and started to wave her hands and legs for her daddy's attention. Going to the little girl, Yu Seok leaned down and kissed his Aika on the head before carrying her in his arms and talking to the little girl in their coded baby language. Listening to the melodious voice of her husband and baby, Xie Eun closed her eyes and was about to fall asleep when her phone started to ring. Opening one eye, she turned her head to glance at the phone screen and then promptly silenced the ringing and closed her eyes again. But soon the phone started to ring again and this time it was answered by Yu Seok with raised brows. Xie Eun was about to protest when the man's desperate voice broke through," Chairwoman Xie? How could you do this? I was just playing tourist and saw that you were also looking around. You and the little baby girl were alone so I thought to accompany you and protect you. But you instigated the police against me? And now they are not even letting me go until I have someone take guarantee for me. Chairwoman Xie. Please come here and assure them of my innocence."

Yu Seok looked at his wife in amusement while she gritted out," Mr. Lee! you were not accompanying up but stalking us. I took the trouble to warn your assistant to keep an eye on you and not let you follow me. I have been ignoring all your antics but you are now going overboard! Well Mr. Lee. This time you have been caught. Thanks for informing me of your circumstances. I will make sure to let the media know about you being detained for eve teasing in a foreign country."

Just as Xie Eun was about to disconnect the call in a huff, she heard Lee Jong's panicking voice," Hey!! Chairwoman Xie. I am sorry alright. Please forgive me. Look I was only trying to do some research. You see I am writing a new script where I have to play stalker to a powerful woman. When we signed the deal, I thought this was a good opportunity. Chairwoman Xie, please come over and vouch for me. Please."

Scoffing Xie Eun said scathingly," Mr. Lee! I had no idea you were a such an amazing story writer. You should be writing movies and not just acting in them. But I am no fool. And now please do not call me. Ask someone else to vouch for you."

"Hey hey hey! I can prove my innocence. You can call your husband and ask. Do you think that he would have just let anyone follow you around. The stupid bas**** was sure that you would handle me and that is why he even covered for me and let me make a fool for my self! Ask your husband dam* it! Tell him I admit defeat and he can win the bet! And after that please come and get me out of here! This is what you get in return for being a good childhood friend!"

After this, Lee Jong disconnected the call with a thump while Xie Eun looked at Yu Seok with accusing eyes. Crossing her arms in front of her, she glared at her husband and tapped her foot, before uttering one word," Explain."

Smiling guiltily, Yu Seok scratched his head and said,"Eun-a. Before you pick something up to throw at me, please remember that our precious daughter is in my arms and you love me. Please don't forget that I am the love of your life... You see it was a prank..."

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