Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 30 - Aunty Su Is Not Here

Xie Eun rubbed her nose and glared at Yu Seok.Why did she have to keep running into literally!Her nose was going to be crooked if this continued!She hit his chest with a first and scowled,"Do you need to be so muscled?Everytime I bang into you I see stars!!"

You Seok rolled his eyes at her and then pointed to her own chest as he said,"Would you like me to grow these so that they would be soft?"​​

Shocked at his explicit comments, Xie Eun screamed out,"Yu Se Ok!You pervert!How can you even say such things?"She crossed her arms over the parts he was looking at pointedly and scurried away like a squirrel..her ears and face red..

Wolf, pushed his hands in his pocket and whistled softly.thinking that it was better to be labelled a she thought he was 'gay' hmm?He was a believer of action and had already decided to not make her try to change her opinion...He would take action and show her instead, how not-gay he was...

Just then the sound of the main door banging closed could be heard echoing through the house and Xie Eun had raced towards Aunt Su's house..

She knocked on the door, ready to fall on her knees and beg for forgiveness but the door remained unopened..Desperately she knocked harder and shouted out for Aunt Su but still there was no reply.Just then, she heard the phone inside ringing and wondered if Aunt Su would answer that..but the phone also turned silent after ringing a few times...This made her wonder that maybe Aunt Su was not at home. And thus, she turned around and sat down on the porch, ready to wait for Aunt Su..About an hour later, Xie Eun, who was now sweating profusely under the sun, was about to give up, she spied someone walking down the road towards the house.Perking up she stood with her hands clasped in front of her but it was a young woman and not Aunt Su..

The woman also seemed startled at seeing Xie Eun and muttered,"Hello..Does this house belong to Lady Su?"

But instead of replying Xie Eun walked forward and threateningly asked,"Who are you and why do you have Aunt Su's keys with you?"

The woman was a little stsrtled by the fierce tone but soon smiled again,"Hello, I am a nurse at the General Hospital.Last night, Lady Su was admitted to our hospital...since she told me that she does not have any family here, I offered to bring some of her clothes and necessities back..You called her Aunt..are you related?Why were you sitting on the porch?"

"Yes..we are related..I just came back last night and was waiting for Aunt Su to return..."

The nurse nodded and then moved to go around Xie Eun to enter the house but Xie Eun stopped her,"You can give me the keys.I'll take the things to Aunt Su.."

The nurse's fingers seemed to tighten around the keys as she smiled,"You must be tired miss.It is alright.You can freshen up and go see her..I have promised to bring back her things so I will do that."

But I'd run refused to budge and was about to insist.The nurse could feel her temper losing and was about to attack Xie Eun when a cold voice sounded from behind,"What is going on here?"

His eyes narrowed dangerously at the woman who stood in front of him..He had heard the entire exchange and could already guess that this woman was not some ordinary nurse..Her stance though appearing normal was actually ready to attack...And she would have attacked..if he had not interfered..

The woman instantly put on a harassed expressions and explained,"Sir, the owner of this house is in the hospital and had asked me to bring her stuff but this lady here is obstructing my way.."

Yu Seok smiled a bit and smoothly walked over and took the keys out of the woman's hand."She is not obstructing your way.She is simply saying that she can fetch it.So thank you for your concern."

The woman seemed to realize that she was outnumbered and harrumphing went on her way..

"Yu Seok!Aunt Su is hurt!We need to rush.."

You Seok calmly looked at Xie Eun and guided her back towards the main house.

Meanwhile, the woman who had just turned back was observing this from a distance and observed the couple's back. Once they were inside, she fished out her cell phone from her and made a call,"You said that there was just one old woman and one young woman!But the younger woman has a man with her!And that too someone dangerous!I warned you that I do not care about the pay but I want correct information!"

After turning off the phone, the woman turned back and was about to walk off when she was greeted by another man..She almost attacked him but even before she could even reach him, the man had subdued the woman and her hands were tied behind the back..Her cell phone was snatched from her and she was unceremoniously thrown into the car. She struggled hard and questioned,"Who are you?Why are you kidnapping me?"

The man gave a smile and said,"Hello!I am sorry to not have introduced myself.My name is Cheng Mo and you are coming with me because my boss wants to see you!"

"How polite of you to introduce yourself!Untie me and I will show you how to fight like a man!"

Cheng Mo was unperturbed as he walked towards the drivers seat and continued,"You may know how to fight like a man but you are a woman.Even if they are the likes of you.And I suggest you remember that you are a woman.It will help you when Wolf interrogates you."

The demeanor of the woman changed at the mention of the name as she started to stutter, much to the amusement of Cheng Mo who always wondered why his softy boss made others feel so scared...

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