Si Jing stood in the huge study room of the Lu family home.His tall figure and proud features reflected their arrogance as he stood in front of the matriarch of the family..The old lady and the young man seemed to have been in a staring match which was finally won by the the lady looked away..

Seeing this sign of weakness,Si Jing narrowed his eyes and stated,"Madam,you will have what you wish soon..I have done what I promised and today when Xie Eun has turned twenty,you will have what you have craved.So is it really necessary to go to this extent to try and humiliate her?"​​

The old woman,Xie Eun's grandmother, looked at Si Jing intently as she commented,"Si Jing?Have you really fallen for the country girl?Dont you know that when you crush someone,you do it in a way that they cannot rise back and bite you?You are really trying your best to spare her..what do you think will happen.She will forgive your betrayal and you will be able to live happily?You must know that Yeona likes you..why are you then sparing thoughts for this person who is nothing more than a tool?It won't change the fact that you did indeed cheat her..."

Irritated,Si Jing shook his head and said,"I am not in love with her but it is human decency to pity her..You have coveted what she does not even know she possesses and used me for so many years to get to her.I have known her for long and she does not have a malicious bone in her body!Now that you are getting what you wanted,there is no need for all this drama!And Yeona is someone I am not even interested in hating let alone liking.So it would be better of you set your sights elsewhere.."

The old woman cocked her head and nodded slightly,giving in,"Fine.After tomorrow,there is no need for the girl to be involved with our family.You can make whatever arrangements you wish."

Having achieved his goal, Si Jing nodded and went out of the library,missing the slightly malicious expression on the older lady's face.She would have nothing to do with them because she would cease to live.And she was going to blame Si Jing for everything..

Si Jing went back to his car and sat there for a while..He was the 'prince' of Si Industries but no one knew that under the glamorous life,there was a lot of struggle one had to do and compromises one had to make..Sometimes even forgoing their own morals. After tonight,he knew he would have a difficult time getting Xie Eun to trust him again..She may actually start to hate him but he truly did love her.He had not really started out with the intention of falling for her but her naivete and innocence pulled him in. The girls he had known all his life were nothing but poor flames in front of her fire.They wanted the prince but not the man..and Xie Eun had loved him as the man he was,without any expectation or demands.

SI Jing vowed that after tonight, he would protect her from harm's any way he could and then one day..maybe one day she would forgive him and really be his fiance and his wife.

She had been behaving strangely these days and sometimes he felt that she could see what was in his heart and could sense his betrayal.But he knew that this was just his own anxiety.

Si Jing looked our of the car and saw that the guests had started to arrive and felt the guilt in his heart almost strangle him at the thought of the humiliation she was going to face..

So many years ago, Mrs Lu had asked him to go to that town on the pretext of resting after his injury.All she had asked of him was that he befriend Xie Eun and tell her about the girl. In return,shebwould help his father cover the business losses that had almostndestroyed their family.When hebhad understood that Xie Eun was Mrs Lu's maternal grand daughter,the daughter of her own deceased daughter, he had assumed that the lady wanted to know more about her granddaughter.It was only when he overheard the conversation between the old lady Lu and her son CEO Lu did he realize what they were after. By then it had been too late.Xie Eun had already fallen onto their clutches and so had his father.Over the last two years he has worked hard to rescue his father and their business in the end had succeeded and was no longer dependent on the Lu companies but the price forhis was one that Xie Eun would have to pay..

He looked at the sky as it gradually turned dark and closed his eyes as a tear escaped..but suddenly his eyes snapped open..No..he had to protect her..atleastnfrom the humiliation today..otherwise she would never be able to raise her head again in society...Starting the car,he turned raced out of the parking,with only ine clear intention,making Xie Eun miss the ball tonight.

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