Xie Eun felt a restlessness invade her as she realized that Si Jing was no longer in the ballroom.Tonight was not about revenge but about showing everyone their rightful place.And she needed to see Si Jing shown his place also.She had treated him like her moon while he had..

Before, Xie Sun could lament for longer, however,a small clinking of glass could be heard over the microphone and an emcee appeared on the small stage at the front.Xie Eun raised her brows when she saw the emcee and could not help but shake her head.So her dear cousin had been reduced to this position?​​

Lawyer Wen and the others also glanced curiously at the stage but only Lawyer Wen had an interested expression on his face as if he was looking forward to the drama that was about to unfold.

Xie Eun's hands, which were placed in her lap clenched as she realized that the moment had come when she would be breaking ties with this new family.She glanced coldly as Grandmother Lu walked onto the stage with the help of her beloved Granddaughter Yeona.Many people clapped even before the old woman had a chance to say anything and Xie Eun felt like she was going to puke after seeing the extent to which people would fawn iver anyone with money.

Soon the room quietened,as the old woman began,"Thank you everyone for joining in today's celebration.Most of you have worked closely with Lu Enterprises which is close to my heart.My late husband established this company with his blood and sweat and seeing a new generation join in would have made him so proud.Tonight,I have a special announcement to make.As most of our business partners knew, my husband was one of the few revolutionaries that stood for the equal rights of women in out country.He wanted our daughters and granddaughters to live equally.And even in his death,he has shown by example that every woman has the right to inherit.Tonight,let me announce to the world my husband's will..In his will,he has transferred a little percentage of the company's shares to our son who is the Vice President in our company.My grandsons have inherited a certain portion of this also but the majority of the shares were left in a trust managed by an independent board of directors consisting of our close friends and old acquaintences.,to be handed over to our granddaughter when she is of age..And it makes me so proud that Yeona is going to be of age soon so she is set to take over her shares and responsibilities.And now I would like to invite the representative of board of directors to make a speech about this new development.."

The end of this speech was alsoet by a thunderous applause.

Usually, Chaiman Zhao would make a speech on their behalf as most of them did not like to talk at private functions.They had taken this responsibility out of care for their friend and now that it was time to hand over, they would happily fulfill their dead comrade's wishes.But a clear look of understanding passed between Chairman Zhao and Lawyer Wen and thus the latter stood up to walk to the stage on their behest.Grandmother Lu's smile turned stiff when she saw the person who was walking up and she had to force herself to remain smiling.

Lawyer Wen walked leisurely to the stage and then walked to the podium without looking at the other three people there.He gave a natural smile to the audience before he began,"Good evening my dear guests.I can see that all of you agree with the late President's view that women should have an equal place when in comes to inheriting.Now what I am about to say may actually make you want rain curses,first at me and then at my old pal..As Chairwoman Lu said,he reallt did leave most of his shares to hos granddaughter and I am the one who wrote his will.But let me tell you I strongly advised him to not wirte such a will and we were at loggerheads for several days after that.But eventually he had his way and I was forced to write this iron clad will..."

Lawyer Wen paused for a moment as he saw the reactions of those present ,before he continued,"Yes,I sound like I am against this concept of equal women's right,don't I?"

Most of the audience could feel a stir in the sir after this..This was because Lawyer Wen's wife was one of the most respected woman right lawyers in the country.Lady Wen had a hand in the amendment of so many laws in the country and her husband making such a speech was unexpected...

Seeing that everyone was appropriately shocked, Lawyer Wen continued,"Yes..I can see the question in your eyes.The reason I was so against this will were not the contents itself but the conditions Old man Lu placed to inherit the Lu enterprises.Condition which may just shock you all."

The silence that followed this announcement was huge as everybody realized that this moment was going to change something important in history.The air turned anticipatory as Lawyer Wen opened his mouth to continue the speech.

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