Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 48 - Hating And Loving

Xie Eun was experiencing a nightmare. She felt as if all the bones in her body were breaking as she ran away from monsters.In the dream she spied Si Jing and felt hope rise as she ran to him, and when she had jumped into his arms, believing he would protect her,Si Jing turned around and handed her to the monsters.Xie Eun felt a scream leave her throat at the betrayal and it was this hoarse scream that woke her up..A faint light glowed in a corner of the room as Xie Eun opened her eyes and looked around.For a moment, her eyes adjusted to the light and she wondered where she was.As consciousness slowly came back, the memories rushed back and she sat up with a jerk.The sudden movement caused her to hiss in pain and fall back on the bed.Lying back down,she stared at the ceiling as she tried to assess the damages to her body.She could recognise from the smell that she was in a hospital and wondered who had refused her.She onew that she had been rescued because she had been half conscious when she felt someone lifting her and rushing her.

Her throat was parched and aching because of the recent scream. She looked around and spied a cup bottle of water near the bed..It was within reach but she had no strength to move,so she just lay there quietly with her eyes closed..Her hands were bandaged or she would have clenched them tightly.A rush of fierce hatred coursed through her as she thought of the conversation between the kidnappers.She realised that love could really turn into hate in a split second.She had loved Si Jing with all her heart and now she hated the man with the same heart.The heart that had once overflowed with love now overflowed with hate..​​

Just then the door opened and she spied the silhoutte of a man.In an instant,she recognised the man..He was her husband...She could not see his face because of the light shining from behind him but she was very familiar with his built.And she knew that he would have been the only person able to rescue her tonight from the goons hired by Si Jing.

In the last week,she had understood that her husband was a rich man in the city.Her father it seemed had the forethought to marry her to someone who would not covet her wealth.She knew that he was the CEO of a big company and did not need to be married to her.He had done that out of respect for her father.Wolf had even lent her so much money so that she could take over her position easily and without much opposition.Xie Eun knew she was indebted to this man for all he had done for her now and even in the past two years.She tried to clear her throat to thank him but no voice came out of her mouth.Her throat felt even more dry as the man walked in.She followed his silhouette as he closed the door and walked in towards her with the grace of a panther..Her heart thindered when he stepped close enough to the bed that he was touching it.His hand extended and Xie Eun had to curb the urge to move away from the hand.She closed her eyes tightly,not wanting to know how and where he would touch her.But the man only pressed a button in the side of her bed and the back of the bed was gently lifted upwards..When she was in a relatively sitting position,the man picked up thee water bottle and slowly brought it to her dried lips.Staring at the glittering green eyes,Xie Eun opened her mouth and slowly sipped the water from the straw.

The two sets of eyes stared at each other as if the world around them had faded.Once she had some water in her,Wolf placed the bottle back on the table and turned on a little lamp by the bedside.The sudden light, though mild caused a momentary blindness in Xie Eun who closed her eyes..The moment her eyes opened though,she lookednup fiercely at the ma in fromt of her ad was stunned....

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