As the cab drove away, Xie Eun's hand still held his and she sat back in the cab and closed her eyes.It was only after a few minutes and deep breaths, that she glanced at Yu Seok and cast him an apologetic look.."Sorry for the assault!But you have no idea,how you have saved me today.And I am really sorry for jumping on you like that and kissing you out of the blue.I did not mean to..but I had no option..Yu Seok,that man has gone crazy!I am really really sorry for kissing you!Why are you not saying anything?Look,please don't mind alright.."

But Yu Seok's attention was focused on her hand that held his wrist.Just then the phone started to ring but the call was declined and Yu Seok looked at Xie Eun with narrowed eyes..The atmosphere seemed to have turned weird and Xie Eun felt even more guilty for attacking him like that!Why did she have to make such a dramatic move..Before she could feel even more awkward the cab driver cleared his throat,and said,"I think miss,the boy is sunned.I can understand that.If a beautiful girl like yourself were to suddenly to kiss me when I was young I would have lost my senses for a while too..No man would feel offended to receive a kiss from such a beautiful fairy.I think once he comes back to his senses,he will kowtow to you for bestowing him with a kiss."

It was only as the cab driver continued her did Xie Eun realize what she had done!She felt herself turn red like a tomato..Her mind was in a whirl and her thoughts raced,"Had she made Yu Seok betray his partner?Was Yu Seok really shocked because that he had been kissed by a girl for the first time!Did he hate her for forcing herself on him?" From this tangent,her mind drifted even more as she wondered if her breath was smelly.Or what if he did not like her taste.And then the little devil in her rolled her eyes and ordered her to let it go.It wasn't like she liked Yu Seok and needed him to like her.They were friends and they had simply touched lips..but still Xie Eun could feel herself flush..Had she lost her mind because of the betrayal that Si Jing had dealt her?

Her eyes widened in thought and she shook her head to herself.While Xie Eun was lost in thoughts, Yu Seok abruptly ordered the cab driver to stop the car..

Once the car had come to a stop, Yu Seok alighted from the taxi and rushed into a store.Xie Eun frowned as she saw him racing into the pharmacy and wondered if he had gone in to buy some mints.She pouted in anger that he would do this to her and was about to rush after him when he came back with a brown paper bag in his hand.Once inside, he tore open the bag and tenderly applied some ointment on her wrist where clear finger marks in red could be seen.As he applied the medicine carefully and with concentration, Xie Eun had a niggling feeling if deja vu but she could not pin point on anything the reason for it but she felt touched and then looking at the tick in his jaw, she realized that ae was angry but not over the kiss but that she was hurt.Her throat ached as she suppressed her tears.She was so lucky...Her hand wanted to move hold his but before her fingers could touch him the can driver cleared his throat and said,"It is really wonderful to see kids these days caring for each other.In my days, I have seen so many lovers whether arguing or making out but this boy's deed has touched me most...I am going to share this with my wife..She looks forward to listening about my days since she cannot go out herself but today she will be happy with what I have to tell her.That is what we men should do.Think of our women and do something for them.Anyone can speak words but we must speak with our actions.Thank you to both of you for today.Now,you haven't told me where you want to go.Tell me and this ride is on me.Alright?"

Xie Eun, nodded her head with a polite,"Thank you", but was at a loss where to go so Yu Seok mentioned an address to the cab driver and then sat back. Slowly, he looked at Xie Eun and with her hand still in his apologized, "Xie Eun, I am so sorry for not protecting you well enough."

(Later that night, a few people knocked on the door of a small broken home in a poverty stricken area.When an older man opened the door, the voice of your coughing could be heard in the background.The people who outside stood in black suits bowed to the man scaring him, but politely said,"Mr Kang?"When the old man nodded they extended a gold and black card and said,"We are here to request you to move to the City Hospital.A private room has been booked for your wife's treatment and out company will be bearing the costs.If you are wondering about the reason then you must know,"we must speak with actions.My boss would like to thank you for your kindness.The old man looked at the wolf imprinted card in his hand with moist eyes and smiled,"The Buddha had blessed his family today.His wife would be able to recover..)

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