Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Chapter 77 - Living Together (2)

Xie Eun stood outside the house that Yu Seok had brought her to.She knew she should go to the place where her husband stayed but her heart beat a little faster at such a thought and she felt nervous.But as she stood here,after speaking to Yu Seok,she felt a bit guilty.He had already made himself clear that they should try to date seriously from now on.He had not once brought up her past with Si Jing. And now she was going to live with another man...

In a dilemma,she entered the house and placed her luggage at the side before looking for the chips that Yu Seok had told her about.Tearing open the package,she munched on a few and pondered some more.She could tell Wolf about Yu Seok being gay,maybe then he wouldn't mind...But that would also mean breaking Yu Seok's trust and she did not want to do that..Finally,Xie EUn was struck with a 'bright' idea.She took out her cell phone and started to type a message..But she could not find Wolf's number..She remembered she had saved it when Aunt Su had pestered her so much..Taking out her contacts she started to check her list,maybe she had misspelled..but starting from W,she could not find anything.It was only after she had scrolled half way up did she find Wolf's number.The name in the list made her blush..She had not expected a man would do something so silly...but he really had changed his own name from Wolf to 'hubby' in her phone and he had even added a kiss emoticon there! The name and the emoticon made her think of the way he had coaxed her into calling him hubby and her face started to blush a bright red. Still blushing and munching furiously on the chips,she typed out a message,"Hello.I have moved out of the dormitory and am currently living with a friend.." As she was wondering what more to write,the phone in her hand started to ring and she almost dropped it when she saw the name flashing..She did not want to talk to she wanted to talk to him..Finally,"H..Hello?"


A shiver raced down her spine when she heard the voice.Why did the guy sound like he had just gotten out of bed...He made even her name sound so seductive.


"Eun-a..Have you moved out of the dorms?"

Xie Eun nodded her head and then realizing that he could not see her,she said,"Yes.I am living with a friend for now.."

"Eun-a..move in with me.Why do you have to stay with a friend?"

"No no no no..I mean we are just..we have just begun to date and then moving in together...would be too sudden.."

When there was no reply from the other side, Xie Eun wondered if Wolf could already guess that she had moved in with a male friend...She needed to gauge his reaction and feeling unsure about why it was so important to her that he did not feel bad, she asserted,"Hubby!You said we are going to be dating!Let me tell you that if you do not arrange some really astounding dates, I will not go out with you.Only after we have been on a few dates at least will I consider moving in with you..."

Wolf smiled a small smile when he got his wife to say what he wanted her to say and then unanimously answered,"Very well..Keep your weekend free.We are going out on a date.."

With that he finished the call and got out of the car back to his Yu Seok personality.Opening the trunk of the car, Yu Seok collected the groceries that he had bought at the supermarket and walked towards his home...where his wife was waiting for him...

Meanwhile, Xie Eun was bust checking for dementia symptoms on her phone because she had most certainly decided to avoid her husband for a few days and not even twenty four hours had passed and she had already set a date with him..Her brain had stopped functioning...and she even needed to check her heart condition since it was beating so irritably these days...

A naughty voice in her head whispered that she knew the reason her heart was acting up.Xie Eun ignored the voice and since she did not find any other symptoms of dementia in herself, she types out another word...or rather her traitorous fingers did.."CEO Wolf.."

But before the internet could come up with something, she heard the door open and quickly hid the search.She turned around to see Yu Seok entering with a few bagful of groceries...She rushed to him and taking the bags out of his hands, she said,"Thank you so much!You are a saviour! Please cook up something really fast!I am so hungry!"

Ignoring her extended hands, Yu Seok walked towards the kitchen and got to work.Xie Eun followed him , still pestering him about food choices..Finally, Yu Seok threw a stare at her way clearly indicating that she needed to go out if she wanted some she quietly went back out of  the kitchen with a pout on her face. This was the reason, he decided.Wolf loved to see both sides of Xie Eun.One where he could see her blush and stutter and the other where he could see her be bossy and cute..Now he just needed to bring these two together..

Withing a few minutes, Wolf had whipped up a stir fry vegetable and chicken egg fried rice dish.The aroma was so tantalising that Xie Eun almost jumped at the dish..But instead of placing it in front of her, Yu Seok sat next to her and picking up the chopstick fed some to her...She looked a bit dazed at this because Wolf had also done something so similar.

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