Xie Eun was in the middle of a wonderful dream. She dreamt that she was ready to get married and the person at the end of the aisle was someone she loved. Xie Eun happily stared at the mirror and looked herself over in her bridal dress.

In the middle of this dream, Xue Eun moved in her sleep and her eyes blinked open. A terrified scream left her mouth and picking up the small ashtray on the side table, threw it at the figure she saw sitting on the chair. Wolf, would have been hit on the head if not for his quick reflexes.​​

His only thought as he sat there defending himself was,"What did I do?"

Xie Eun was ready to let out another ear-piercing scream when Wolf rushed over and covered her mouth.."Eun-a why are you screaming?" Though his voice came out muffled from behind the mask, she recognized the voice of the man and her eyes widened. She started incredulously at the man and then tried to speak.

Not understanding a word, Wolf frowned behind the mask and furrowed his brows,"What are you trying to say?"

Xie Eun pointed at the hand that covered her mouth and scowled. Realizing that he was covering her mouth, Wolf pulled back his hand and apologised,"I am sorry. Actually you screamed so loudly that I was worried so I had to cover your mouth.."

Ignoring the apology, Xie Eun pointed at the man's masked face and said,"What are you doing here and why are you wearing that mask?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Wolf pointed out the obvious, "This is my room. And you said that you did not wish to see my face so I was trying to respect your wished.."

Incredulously,Xie Eun choked out,"By wearing the mask of one of the most dangerous and scary villains in history?"

Wolf did not know anything about movies in Hollywood but he did know that his assistant also liked movies so maybe Xie Eun was saying the truth but,"It's a Joker mask.Jokers are supposed to be funny..I am sorry for scaring you."

Wolf wondered if he could do anything right with his bride. He felt like a broken record for saying sorry repeatedly. if any of his subordinates we're to hear him they would probably fall off their chairs doubled over with laughter.

But Xie Eun was not satisfied. She complained once again,"Well I did not want you to see me also. Why/and when did you return?Have you thought over the annulment?"

When his wife refused to talk to him civilly, Wolf finally accepted the fact that his wife really was set on not having him and was full of complaints towards him. But he could be thick skinned and patient when he wished to be so he calmly replied,"But I have already seen your face before the marriage.Your father has pictures of you on his desk in his office."

This gave Xie Eun a moment's pause. This man had already sen her. This was not good. Why did her father have to love her so much? The reason she had wanted to avoid showing her face was actually dual. First was because she looked like her mother. This was both a blessing and a curse to her. Her mother had been a beauty queen with high cheekbones,cat-like eyes and delicate features. This beauty was actually a curse to Xie Eun because men had flocked to her beautiful face and figure since she turned sixteen. Some had even tried to take her forcefully when she had refused. Thankfully she had known how to defend herself from a young or she would have been ruined. She did not want her husband to be infatuated with her beauty. She was not vain in believing that he would fall for her beauty but she did not want to take chances. But what was done could not be undone. The second was to avoid any future entanglements. If they had never seen each other then there would be no awkwardness even if they ever came face to face. They would remain strangers

"I see. And what about the annulment?Have you thought it over?"

Before Wolf could answer, there was a knock on the door. Xie Eun frowned and turned her head to stare at it wondering who could it be.

"It must be breakfast." Wolf got up from the chair and walked over to answer the door.

Xie Eun was shocked at this. She turned her head to look at the bedside clock and realized that it was already 8.00 am. She had actually slept through her wedding night. When she had laid down on the bed last night she had expected to feel uncomfortable but instead she did not even know when she fell asleep.

She could see that the man had removed his mask as he accepted the breakfast and turned her head away in case she accidentally caught a glimpse of him. She really did not want to see. Xie Eun understood that her stubbornness was ridiculous but she persisted telling herself that this was the only way to get out of this mess.

She looked up to see that Wolf had pulled back his mask as he carried the tray of breakfast..The smell of food distracted her and she almost forgot to ask him her question as she stared at the tray. Xie Eun realised she was really hungry. But the man did not bring the tray to her and instead placed it on the small coffee table away from her..making her really sad..

This sadness caused her to think back to her question and she asked sharply,"When did you come here?"

Wolf, who was in the middle of emptying the tray answered casually,"Last night."

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