Xie Eun sat against the wall in shock. It took her a few moments to understand what happened and by this time, Wolf had already ran out of the door, after ordering her to stay put.Once she had recovered from the shock, her eyes flashed and she slowly crawled on all fours towards the bedroom.She was careful to avoid the windows and at the same time her heart was in her throat.The attack had come too suddenly.Once in the bedroom, she opened her wardrobe and pulled out a small revolver that had once belonged to her father.She then slowly crawled back and went to her original position with the gun aimed at the door this time.She would not create problems for him by going out and increase her chances of being attacked but she was not going to for here waiting for an attacker.If someone was going to come inside, they would be shot.Her palms sweated and she could feel the gun slipping from her grasp. She tightened her hold with both hands and kept her eyes aimed at the door.

After, what felt like an eternity the door slowly opened and Xie Eun was ready to shoot.But it was not a killer that entered.

Wolf relaxed a bit when he saw the gun in her hand and raised his hands slowly teasing her when she kept her gun aimed,"Are you still thinking of shooting at me?"

Only after Wolf had ordered this, did she take a deep breath.Throwing aside the gun in her hand, she jumped up and ran forward,jumping straight into his arms, almost making him lose his balance in surprise..Her hands around his neck were tight and he could feel her body trembling against his.. He slowly held her and rubbed her back comforting her slowly.

It was only after a while that Xie Eun felt reassured and her breathing started to get better. She realized that she could hear his steady heartbeat and that calmness somehow helped her..She closed her eyes and concentrated on staying in his arms.

After some time, she moved back a bit and her big eyes started at him with worry.

Knowing that she was case now and in a state to listen, Wolf explained,"You do not need to worry, Eun-a, the killer has been exposed and the security tightened."

Xie Eun simply looked at him and nodded. She tried to compose herself and after some effort,brought forth a semblance of a smile and demanded,"Yu Seok!I am hungry.."

Understanding her need to change the topic, Wolf guided her into the kitchen and ordered,"Sit here and I will make some noodles for you."

Xie Eun replied with a simple,"hmm" and then her eyes were downcast.

It was only after Wolf had got to work, that she gazed at him from the corner of her eyes.She had indeed been terrified for her self but when she had thought of her husband, outside, chasing  a professional killer, she has been terrified..Xie Eun analysed her feelings and accepted that she had been terrified of losing him. Slowly, he had crept into her heart and life and made a place for himself there,without her knowing...And now the idea of him not being with her was too repulsive for her to even think of.She glanced at his long fingers as they expertly sliced a carrot and unable to stop herself muttered,"Next time don't just rush out into a dangerous situation. You have to be careful and think of your own safety also.."

Wolf glanced up sharply at her soft words and almost chopped off his own finger in shock..Shebwas still looking at the table top but it was clear she had said those words.Her concern and soft words touched a part of his cold heart and wrapped themselves around it like a warm blanket. With a slight affirmative sound, he continued to slice the vegetables..

After a simple dinner of some soup and noodles, the two silently separated and went to their own rooms..

Xie Eun pulled out a pair of shorts and a loose t shirt and changes into them..She was about to lay down in bed when suddenly the door to her room opened.

In came Wolf clad in only a simple boxer shorts..Xie Eun felt her eyes go wide as saucers and she stuttered out,"What are you doing here?"

"I have come to sleep, of course.Good thing that you are also ready.."

Xie Eun almost fainted on the spot and before she could think of a protest, Wolf had already walked towards her...Her eyes followed the slight V of his body and noticed the boxer shorts that rode low on his hips. She had felt that thing inside the boxers a few hours ago against her stomach and thinking of what they had been doing before everything happened , she was unable to look up and move her eyes away from the shiny fabric..

Seeing her fixed stare,Wolf's husky voice interfered her thoughts,"If you keep staring, then you will have to pay a price for what happens."

Understanding his meaning, Xie Eun shook her head and jumped in to the blanket, his husky laughter following her..She even forgot to protest his entering her room and her bed.

She lay stiffly as Yu Seokf slowly entered the blanket..The next moment he pulled her hips and threw a leg over her hugging her from top to toe. Xie Eun closed her eyes tightly as she tried sleep but she could feel the tension in her body.She tried to wiggle a bit but his hands tightened around her waist, a silent warning to keep still..Xie Eun could only endure and curse at Wolf as the man soon fell asleep and his steady breathing fell against her neck..Sleep was going to be difficult...

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