The doors of Harvest Church opened and closed.


The assistant who was walking anxiously in the church saw Emlyn coming back, and hurriedly walked up to him, brought him a cup of warm scented tea, and said with concern: "Bishop, you are finally back, are you from the Holy Wind Cathedral?" That archbishop made things difficult for you and still imprisoned you until now?"

After finishing speaking, the assistant found that the archbishop's expression was even uglier than he thought. He looked simply hideous, like a vampire in a horror story or drama who was about to eat people.

Others may just think this in their minds, but the assistant knew that his future leader was a real vampire before he came to the Harvest Church - but this is nothing to the people of Feneport, there are many in the church Vampires who believe in the Earth Mother Goddess, and most of them will appear frequently. Due to their age and experience, they often have a certain status and are quite respected.

Emlyn's expression and mood were extremely bad. He took the scented tea and thanked him in a low voice.


Emlyn did not speak or respond. He went straight to the first row of the prayer bench and sat down. He clasped his hands under the Holy Emblem of the Mother Earth, closed his eyes and prayed to calm his heart. Upon seeing this, his assistant also sat down on another bench with him across the aisle and began to pray quietly together. In the Harvest Church, only the ever-burning lamp near the altar is still lit, filled with the rich aroma of herbs, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

After a full five minutes, Emlyn finally felt that the abnormal emotions in his heart were calmed down, so he opened his eyes and said:

"We should set up a few confessional rooms later, and then ask the church for some domestic clergy to be responsible for their psychological safety."

The assistant also opened his eyes after hearing this. Seeing that the bishop was beginning to consider increasing manpower, he nodded quickly:

"I have a few friends who came to Loen together. They are the same batch of seminary classmates. Maybe they can be qualified to serve as priests and confession listeners in Harvest Church. Then I will write an application and submit it to the earth later. The church may need the bishop to stamp your seal at that time."

"Are they extraordinary?"

Emlyn asked again: "According to the regulations given by the Thunder Church, having me as a demigod in our church is already the limit of the configuration."

The assistant recalled it and said uncertainly: "If they haven't been promoted yet, one should be Sequence 8 and the other Sequence 7. Archbishop, I think we need someone to specifically manage the herb field in the backyard of the church. When the faith continues to For local development, maybe we need to open up some places to bury believers, and you can’t go to the requiem ceremony every time.”

Emlyn thought for a few seconds and nodded:

"Apply. If the level of Sequence 7 is high, change it to Sequence 9."


"Three or four people are enough, not too many."


After speaking, the assistant saw that Emlyn's mood had stabilized, and he proactively mentioned the matter of paying attention to believers' confessions and mental health. He mustered up the courage to ask tentatively: "Archbishop, as expected...it's because some believers have made Something impulsive...?"

Hearing the topic related to business, Emlyn's eyebrows that had just been relaxed knitted together again. After a few seconds, he said unhappily: "Ah, yes."

"Our believers had conflicts with the Extraordinaries of the Thunder Church, so they lit the gas in the residential building in the morning. Because of this matter, I was taken away by the Thunder Church early in the morning, and I even had two quarrels with their archbishop. .”

At this point, Emlyn paused: "But this actually doesn't make me unhappy. What makes me unhappy is that I realized one thing. Both Raydar Valentine and I feel that this matter is not happy. Normally, there must be the influence of extraordinary abilities behind it. However, the contradiction between the two peoples is not small to begin with. For them, the so-called influence of extraordinary abilities is actually equivalent to their own 'heat in the head'."

"Even if there hadn't been this gas explosion, there would have been other things. This time it killed a Sequence 6, and next time someone might dare to shoot Raydar Valentine. In a sense, I understand. His thoughts.”

"But I didn't expect that - they can't tolerate others saying that they are not good at all!"

As he spoke, Emlyn became angry again, but before his assistant could comfort him, he himself became discouraged again.

"Hey." Emlyn turned to look at his assistant, "Do you know Utravsky? He is the original priest of Harvest Church."

The assistant scratched his head and recalled: "...I heard this name when I was still in the seminary, but I have never met this priest...I heard that he is the chosen one and is a very pious person. people."

"Pious..." Emlyn repeated thoughtfully, and then shook his head, "I'm glad you didn't say he was a good person. He was actually a great pirate, and he became kind and peaceful after converting to the Mother Goddess. , but it also resulted in a split personality. In order to cure his split personality, he found a way to get a candle, so that he could enter his heart and kill the cruel and fierce man who wanted to become a pirate again. In the end, he An old friend of mine found a way to help him cure it. In addition, although I know this is a word of praise for him, I may not be happy if others mention me in the future and this is the only compliment."

The assistant listened quietly to this long paragraph. When Emlyn finished speaking, he spoke seriously:

"He was a chosen one, and his body was returned to his country and buried in the churchyard of the temple."

"Really? That sounds good."

After taking the initiative to mention Utravsky, Emlyn seemed to have opened up a conversation and couldn't help but complain:

"Do you think I'm stupid? Don't say you don't. In fact, I feel the same way."

"I could tell that Raydar Valentine wanted to coerce me, put pressure on me, and make me willing to obey his discipline and build momentum for himself, but I didn't know how to deal with it at all."

"Everything he said seems to be right and seems to be a legitimate appeal. I can't find anything to refute him."

They are all archbishops, so they need to be responsible for the people of Backlund...

In order to prevent retaliation and vicious incidents from continuing to occur, the scope of activities of the Feneport people should be limited and the activity time should be divided as much as possible.

Since the food in Feneport will soon be returned to its original price, there is no need for them to continue selling their own food in pieces, they can just hand it over to the store directly.

Finally, and most importantly, the source of their dispute...

The gas explosion that killed and injured dozens of people was obviously a vicious retaliation and had a huge impact, so it was bound to be reported. Considering that the parties involved were all dead, there was no need for Emlyn White to apologize, but Harvest Church had to give an explanation. In addition, Raydal Valentine also made some concessions, allowing subsequent reports to state that it was the priests of the Thunder Church who accidentally killed the innocent protest participants, although after hearing him refer to "innocent" When he was with the "demonstration participants", Emlyn almost couldn't bear it anymore.

In the end, they did not reach an agreement, but unanimously decided to suppress it for the time being and postpone the reporting time.

"Before you came, I had never been a bishop. Haha, I had never held even a little power within the vampire clan. Suddenly I was asked to take charge of such a large church, so many areas and believers. I originally thought I could Do it well, but now it seems... it’s not possible at all.”

Huge pressure and the expectations of countless believers weighed heavily on Emlyn White's shoulders, which made him realize very clearly that no one would regard him as a young vampire with insufficient experience and combat experience. , people called him Archbishop and Earl, and it was taken for granted that a demigod Archbishop would be able to handle everything well and satisfy most people.

But Emlyn found that he couldn't seem to do it, and no one could give him any experience and guidance.

He was still mentally unbalanced on the way back and even wanted to curse, but now he just felt too exhausted to speak.

"Bishop..." the assistant hesitated for a while and then comforted, "It's not your fault, it's just that the environment is so bad. In fact, everyone loves you very much. They are all worried when you are away."

"Yeah, I know..."

Thinking that these regular believers were actually causing trouble to the Holy Wind Cathedral because they were worried about their own safety, Emlyn was moved, amused, and scared at the same time. Regarding Rydal Valentine's proposal, Emlyn must have bargained for a while. People in Feneport trust him and care about him so much. In addition, the impression of Thunder Church is very poor, so it is really hard for him to continue trying. No matter whether you stand on the neutral side or not.

"That's it for tonight."

Emlyn's mood improved a lot. He stood up and patted the wrinkles on his body: "I will continue to find a way to solve this matter and try my best to help everyone not to be bullied by them. Raydar Valentine is really not a good person. ...Go back and rest, we will be busy again tomorrow."

The assistant also stood up quickly:

"Then I'll go back and give you the report tomorrow morning."

After a while, Harvest Church became quiet again.

There was no sound from the radio in his hand again. Edward looked left and right, and finally tapped twice hard.


After all, I am a devil, not a craftsman. After some random repairs, the radio finally had sound again, but it could only emit some meaningless noises. Unlike the radios of the old days, what came out of it was not the rustling noise of electricity, but the extremely slight and low sound of water.

Seeing the sound coming from inside, Edward let go of his hand and put the radio aside again. Along with this continuous white noise, the sound of water in the entire room seemed to be getting louder and louder, as if I was on the edge of a slowly flowing river with calm water.

"No one is praying today..."

Edward slowly turned the knob to change the channel, but heard nothing. No matter which station the radio was tuned to, there was only the endless sound of water, as if there was nothing but a river.

However, the sound of water was still there, which proved that the radio was still functioning normally. It was originally a model, but Edward stuffed a copy of Sequence 1 of the "Dark" pathway and a copy of "The Pale Emperor" into it.

As if it had obtained two powerful large batteries, the radio quickly continued to operate under His debugging, and three channels appeared - one was the "Eternal Dark River Channel" with only the sound of water now, and the other It is the "Bailang Tower" where you can hear some Bailang people praying from behind the sound of water. The last one is the "Night Church Tower" where some people occasionally pray to the goddess of the night in their hearts or at home.

The latter two channels are branched off from the "Eternal Dark River Channel", so the sound of water will always exist, but Edward can use the extraordinary characteristics of the two sequences he has on hand to respond to a certain extent.

After all, the tributaries of the River of Eternal Darkness didn’t respond at all.

Therefore, if this radio is really broken, it may have to be taken to the Demon of Knowledge before it can be repaired, but Edward is not willing to let the Demon of Knowledge feel that he is doing something bad again. The end is getting closer and closer, and He is absolutely unwilling to make any mistakes during this period.


"My hint to the Balams was just to dig the channel."

Edward touched his chin and said to himself:

"I didn't even say what this river is for. After all, it's not strange to dig a river channel, right? How come a few days later, they suddenly realized that this is the 'response of the River Styx in reality'? They still thought it was the 'God of Death' Take a boat trip down the river and get back to reality'?"

"It's bad. Can any of them really feel the will of the River of Eternal Darkness?"

"...And, the River of Eternal Darkness also gave such a hint? Not only did it not object, but it also perfected the setting according to my ideas... But this is fine, Omniscient will not realize what they are doing, if this is The will of the River of Eternal Darkness, maybe the guy and God in Source Castle may not be aware of it..."

It's really going to be Ragnarok now. Edward thought.



A huge bloody full moon hung on the edge of the cliff, illuminating the swamp below.

The swamp was dark red in color, bubbling constantly, and there seemed to be magma at the bottom that was cooking everything.

At a glance, this swamp has no boundaries at all, like a vast ocean.


A stone fell from the edge of the cliff and crashed into the swamp.

The next second, a bubble emerged, shattered silently, and a baby covered in blood was born.

The baby staggered and swam closer to the cliff, trying to climb up.


The rocks beneath Emlyn White's feet shattered, and he fell off the cliff into the swamp.

The vampire earl suddenly woke up from his dream and looked around in fear and confusion.

After confirming that this was still a room specially reserved for the Archbishop in the Harvest Church, Emlyn slowly exhaled and said to himself with a rather solemn expression:

"The dream just now was not simple."

As a "Witch King", he has sufficient understanding of the dream realm.

This revelation was not very normal. The blood-colored ocean and the baby born in the bubble were both full of evil and terrifying smells... It was neither like the mother goddess nor the ancestor's usual style... Emlyn thought that in the end he would also The scene of falling suddenly gave me a bad feeling.

Could it be the "Mother" in heaven that Mr. Fool said...?

I just had some negative emotions, and I didn’t directly betray the Mother Goddess! This extraterrestrial mother is too... As soon as Emlyn finished complaining, he suddenly felt a bad feeling, and cold sweat suddenly broke out on his back.

"He has really been watching us...even me, a demigod who is not really anything, is being watched..."

Emlyn quickly closed his eyes, but felt that he was no longer sleepy at all.

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