Ayesha arrive at the Registration office earlier than Knight who is still on his way. He was preparing something that might make Ayesha happy.

Once he arrive at the Registration office they immediately proceeded with the registration, they give their requirements and after a couple of minutes they were done.

"Let' have a dinner first, I have something to discuss with you." Knight said while facing Ayesha, who on the other hand cannot directly look at his face because she could still remember what he said in the faculty room, she thought that even though she was not the girl whom Knight was thinking while saying those three magic words, she still felt a little bit giddy. Like who wouldn't? Knight is also handsome, every girl would feel giddy when they would hear him say "I Love You". Ayesha is just like those teenage girl but she would just control her feelings, except when Aria is the only one who is with her.

Ayesha just nodded and went inside Knight's car. She could smell the Orange Flavor scent from Knight's car. It made her feel relaxed because she also likes the scent of oranges.

Ayesha looked at Knight who is busy reading some papers. She find him very mysterious and quite familiar.

"Where do you want to eat?" Knight asked her when he felt that she was staring at her. Ayesha turned her gaze outside when Knight spoke. She could actually stare at him if she want, he won't mind at all.

"You decide Mr. Salvador." Ayesha said without looking at Knight.

"You can call me Liwei when we are alone together." Knight suggested. She would often call him Liwei in the past.

"Liwie." Ayesha in a low voice uttered out of know where and then a flash of memories came that made her head ache for a couple of seconds.

"Brother Liwei come with me." a boy was running towards the direction of little Ayesha. Ayesha just closed her eyes and waited for the pain to be subdue. She was quite having some head aches this past few days.

"Let's just eat at the Royal Restaurant." Knight suggested because it was Ayesha's favorite restaurant. Ayesha just nodded.

When they arrive they were greeted by a waiter and they were lead into a private V.I.P room.

"Let's order first so that while we are waiting for our food, I could talk to you about some important things." Knight suggested and gave Ayesha the menu. Ayesha ordered her other favorite food which is beef stake and a special chocolate cake for dessert. Knight ordered a beef stake also and some wine.

After they had said their order, Ayesha was asked Knight, "What is the important thing you wanted to say to me?" Ayesha was looking at Knight.

Knight laid a brown envelope infront of Ayesha. "Open it." he said to her.

Ayesha pick the envelope and opened it, and saw a piece of paper that has a Bold Arial Font printed on the upper portion that says "CONTRACT".

"What is this?" Ayesha said as she was looking at Knight, her eyes full o f confusion.

"I saw you with that Calvin guy in the rooftop." Knight honestly said. Ayesha was taken a back at what Knight said.

"Why didn't you tell your parents that you have someone that you like?" Knight asked her.

"Even if I would tell my parents that I like someone, I still cannot be with him. Yes! Both my parents would support.my decision but my Grandpa will not agree because he would just say that I am his only grandchild and that he would make sure that he would find the right and suitable man for me and he would not also break his promise to your Grandmother, Grandfather is a man who would really stick to his words. And also I made a promise with someone that I would always follow my parents decision for me because they knew what's right for me. I don't want to break that promise because I don't want him to be disappointed at me" Ayesha said in a low voice. She also new that her parents would support her but her promise to someone and her Grandfather is the one holding her. They were like chains to her, as an obedient and honest child she would keep her promise and obey her Grandfather's orders.

Knight was just looking at her. He knew how obedient she is when she was still a little girl. "You may read the contract" Knight just said.

Ayesha read the contract that has only two rule in it.

1. You may date the person you like as long as he will not hurt you while you are still dating.

2. You can have your freedom for a month. You can do what ever you want while you are not yet tied with me for the rest of your life.

This contract will be valid for one month. And there at the bottom was Knight's Signature. This contract exist only for Ayesha, she can only benefit from it.

Ayesha looked at Knight, "Do you really want me to date him?" Ayesha asked.

"Yes! I want you to have your freedom" Knight said. "And besides we don't really love each other." he added. And as he said those words, his heart hurt so much. "This is only a one sided love anyway" he thought. He could endure the pain because in the end he will still feel the happiness he wanted.

"Thank You Brother Liwei" Ayesha said happily. Then their order came and they eat happily. The atmosphere of the two was really peaceful.

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