The day after we are at school, but something feels different. As I walk down the halls with Jonathan, Ashlynn stops us. "You guys need to hide" She says. "W-Why?" I ask. "Didn't you hear??" Ashlynn asks. "What's going on, Ash?" Jonathan asks. "Jessica's pregnant with Jonathan's baby..." She says. "What? That isn't even possible!" He says. "Apparently it is." Ashlynn Adds. "But why do I have to hide??" I ask. "Everyone blames you . Jessica says that you took him away from her at the night of the party." She replies. "Great..." I say. "Go home..." Jonathan Says. "John, I-" "I'll cover for you, I'll handle this. This is my ex after all..." He says as he looks to the distance. I look at him and then go off.

I walk home and people are commenting on my posts saying very hurtful things. "Great..." I mumble. "Hey, Just so you know... Look at this." Ashlynn texts. She sends a video of a crowd surrounding Jonathan and Jessica. "Jess, Stop. I know for a fact, that that isn't mine. We haven't slept with each other in a month" Jonathan Says. "It is, And you cant stop lying as you dumped me for a looser like Katie." Jessica yells. "At least she actually has a heart." Jonathan walks away. The video ends there.

To Be Continued...

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