Chapter 102 Transcends Tribulation is complete!

Li Yangping frowned and looked at Heiwu, and asked, “So in order to continue to live, you refined yourself into this image of human beings and ghosts?”

Heiwu smiled bitterly and replied: “Yes, in order to delay the aging of the body, the poor monk became greedy.”

Li Yangping was stunned.

No wonder that after a thousand years, the corpse puppet was covered with turquoise fur, but the flesh hadn’t died yet.

It turned out to be for this reason.

I have long been a monster that is neither human nor ghost…

A sigh came from the mouth of the black mist: “There is life, there is death. This is a truth that children understand. It is a pity that a poor monk has lived for hundreds of years. In the end, he is no better than a child.”

“The poor monk in this life…”

Hei Wu still wanted to continue to sigh, but was stopped by Li Yangping: “Wait, don’t sigh in a hurry, do you know where Zhang Zidong went?”

Heiwu was taken aback, and asked, “That distracting ant?”

Li Yangping:? ? ?

I couldn’t help but twitched the corner of his mouth: “Is it an ant during the distraction period…”

“Yes, that’s Zhang Zidong.”

Hei Mist was clear, and said: “He deliberately wanted to take away the poor monk, and as a result, he just entered the body of the poor monk… the soul disappeared in an instant.”

“Although the poor monk has become such a human being, neither ghost nor ghost, it cannot be controlled by a distracted ant.”

Li Yangping and Wei Ziying were relieved when they heard the news that Zhang Zidong was dead.

It’s no wonder that Zhang Zidong’s breath is not perceivable, and he has been fascinated.

At this time, Wei Ziying who noticed something said, “A distracted ant? You are…”

Heiwu was silent for a while, and said, “The poor monk is the Elder of the Buddhist sect, and he was the Cultivation Base of Transcends Tribulation…”

“It’s this small step that made the poor monk feel greedy, trying to use the puppet technique to go one step further…”

“Successful Transcends Tribulation?”

Li Yangping and Wei Ziying were dumbfounded.

You know this can almost be called a half-step emperor class.

Just one step away…

Wei Ziying looked at Li Yangping in a daze, stammered and said: “You, you give the masters of Transcends Tribulation peak…”

“It was a cloud of smoke…”

Li Yangping shook his head with some fear: “Fortunately, after a thousand years, his skill has already disappeared with the passage of time, otherwise…”

“It’s no wonder that the Demon Mountain will be erupted into a wave of beasts. Dare Zhang Zidong wants to refine a complete Transcends Tribulation existence into a corpse puppet…”

“With the perfect breath of Transcends Tribulation, Demonic Beasts in the depths of the Demon Mountain can be frightened.”

“This is the real cause of the demon mountain riot!”

Wei Ziying shook her head: “Zhang Zidong died unjustly.”

“Even without us, he would die in the secret room.”

Using the Cultivation Base in the distraction period, I tried to refine the corpses that were completed in the Transcends Tribulation period…

If Zhang Zidong came back from the dead, he would slap himself severely when he knew it.

This is because I made myself to death!

Li Yangping nodded next to him: “You can’t live by committing sins, you can die well…”


At this time, Heiwu said: “The poor monk was deeply admired by the people during his lifetime, but he didn’t expect that after his death, it would hurt the people of several cities…”

“Moreover, the poor monk is most sorry for the two of you.”

Heiwu bowed deeply to them after speaking.

Li Yangping didn’t take it seriously, and waved his hand: “It’s okay, anyway, you are the one who is dead. We only need to adjust our breath for a while.”He didn’t know that Heiwu shook his head, “The poor monk didn’t mean that.”

Li Yangping was stunned and asked: “Then what do you mean?”

Hei Mist paused, and said embarrassingly: “In order to survive, the poor monk had refined himself…and he kept a hand in case of accidents.”

Li Yangping, who felt uncomfortable, asked, “Speak clearly!”

“Uh…” Hei Wu answered honestly: “The poor monk left a Restrictions in this Immortal Cave.”


Li Yangping had a bad feeling, “Why do you keep a Restrictions?”

“The poor monk is worried that after refining, it will be completely desolate and will become a machine that only knows how to kill…”

Li Yangping: …

Heiwu went on to add: “If this Restrictions is not lifted after a quarter of an hour, it means that the poor monk has encountered an accident.”

“The power of Transcends Tribulation can be imagined…so the two of you should understand what the poor monk means.”

Li Yangping and Wei Ziying: …

I know what a fart!

Li Yangping wanted to choke this dead monk to death!

“Immortal Cave has been sealed off, the two should stay here for a while…”

Hearing this, Li Yangping and Wei Ziying looked at each other and quickly walked towards the gate of Immortal Cave.

I saw the Shimen closed tightly and there were no gaps.

Li Yangping didn’t want to be trapped here all the time, so he slammed into Shimen with his body.

Exhausted ten percent of his power, but Shimen did not move at all!

Wei Ziying also refused to admit defeat, and read Dao Jue, ready to use Taoist magical powers to forcibly open the stone gate.

But what shocked her was that True Qi in her body was empty and she didn’t even have a trace of Taoism.

“There is no Spiritual Qi here, all Taoist magical powers are forbidden!”

Wei Ziying’s face was pale, and she tried many times unwillingly.

Li Yangping frowned, “Dead monk, people are dead, and so many moths come out.”

After speaking, he moved his wrists and walked aggressively towards the depths of the steps.

Wei Ziying looked at him from behind, and asked suspiciously, “Where are you going?”

Li Yangping didn’t turn his head back: “While the dead monk is not dead yet, now beat him up again!”

Wei Ziying: …


In the secret room.

The black mist was locked in the corner, shivering.

Standing next to him was Li Yangping who was gritted his teeth.

Li Yangping clenched his fist, and asked with a gloomy expression: “Should you tell me?”

Black mist:…

“The poor monk really doesn’t know how to open it…”

If the black mist that was violently beaten by Li Yangping had a face, it must have looked wronged.

He even wanted to draw a circle to curse Li Yangping.

“You said you were stuck here for a while, how long was it?”

Thinking of something, Wei Ziying quickly asked.

Hei Wu was stunned, and then whispered: “As long as the cold air here disappears and you can use the magical powers of Taoism, you can directly split the stone gate.”

“The poor monk doesn’t know the exact time…”

Seeing Li Yangping whose expression was getting colder, Heiwu said cautiously, “Maybe decades?”

Wei Ziying and Li Yangping: …

If they stay here for decades…

For practitioners, decades are just a matter of seconds.

But here is the yin and cold air, and it is impossible to cultivate it at all.

What can you do here?

Big eyes and small eyes!

Li Yangping rubbed his fist silently, preparing to give the old monk another punch.

As a result, the black mist gradually dispersed at this time.

“It’s time.”

Hei Mist’s voice is a bit low.

“The poor monk practiced in Buddhism since he was a child, but unexpectedly, he still developed greed when he was sitting and transforming…”

“There are no hundreds of surnames involved, and the two heavenly prides are wasting decades of time out of thin air here…”

Hei Mist’s voice gradually became illusory.

“The poor monk’s name is far-reaching, and the debts owed in this life will be repaid in the next life.”

After speaking, the black mist has dissipated.

Only the last sentence is left, “Buddha…”

Looking at the black mist that had been flying ashes and annihilated, the two looked at each other.


After the old monk with the name Zhiyuan completely left, the whole secret room fell into silence.

Wei Ziying glanced around and asked, “What should I do now?”

Li Yangping sighed, “I have to recharge my energy for the current plan.”


Wei Ziying asked, “What?”

I saw Li Yangping pulled out a large bed made of sandalwood from the storage ring.

Even the bedding and bed covers are brand new.

Li Yangping lay on the pillow and said comfortably: “I’ve been exhausted after fighting for so long.”

Wei Ziying: …

He swallowed hard, and asked in disbelief, “Is this what you call the most urgent matter?”

The most important thing is how can there be a sandalwood bed that you carry with you, and a brand-new three-piece bed!

Wei Ziying wanted to open Li Yangping’s head to see what was inside.

Li Yangping stretched his waist and invited: “Would you like to sleep together?”

Wei Ziying: …

Turning his head and refusing: “Go to sleep by yourself.”

Li Yangping did not force it, nodded, and fell into a deep sleep.

Wei Ziying was speechless when Li Yangping’s breathing became even more even.

This person…

After seeing Li Yangping who was sleeping comfortably, he walked to the corner and squatted down, and fell asleep.

After a day of fighting, she had long been exhausted, and her intense sleepiness came up when she leaned against the corner.

After a while, Li Yangping quietly opened his eyes.

Looking at Wei Ziying who was squatting in the corner, she almost laughed.

At this moment, Wei Ziying no longer looked like she was frosty when she first saw her. On the contrary, she squatted in the corner of the wall and looked a little pitiful.

Li Yangping happily pulled the quilt, just about to go to bed.

At this time, the system went online quietly.

“mission accomplished.”

“Mission completion: perfect.”

“Task reward: 1 super treasure chest.”

This is the task of beheading corpse puppets issued by the system before opening the stone gate.

And as the black mist dissipated, this task was completed.

Li Yangping’s sleepiness disappeared suddenly, rubbing his hands and said: “Out of the box!”

“Congratulations to the host, get the rare Magic Treasures relic Buddha beads!”

“Relic beads?”

Li Yangping was stunned, and a Buddhist bead with a strong golden light appeared in the palm of his hand.

The Buddhist beads are engraved with mysterious and mysterious lines.

The breath is solemn and heavy.

There is no doubt that this is a very rare Magic Treasures.

It can even be stored in the body.

Li Yangping took a close look at the instructions for using the relic prayer beads.

It turns out that apart from suppressing Demonic Beasts, the relic Buddha beads also have one of the most important and powerful functions.

Is to be able to give birth to Buddha statues!

I looked carefully at the reliquary beads in his hand, and saw that the reliquary beads were actively absorbing the surrounding energy.

“This is?”

Li Yangping frowned, he found that the relic Buddha beads can absorb the Restrictions energy left by the old monk!

Although the speed is very slow, it will definitely be absorbed!

Li Yangping breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn’t have to be stuck here for dozens of years.

I think it won’t take long before it will break out.

Putting away the relic and Buddha beads, Li Yangping glanced at Wei Ziying who was sleeping in the corner.

There was a smirk at the corner of her mouth: “Don’t tell her the good news first.”

“At that time, give her a surprise!”


On the other side, Hurricane City.

Song Jianli woke up from the bed.


Realizing something, he stopped his mouth instantly, looked at the unfamiliar surroundings, and just wanted to say something.

As a result, there was a female voice next to him: “You finally woke up.”

Song Jianli’s expression changed when he noticed that there were people beside the bed, and his eyes were complicated when he looked at the people coming.

After patrolling for another week, he asked, “Where is Li Yangping?”

Zheng Ruchun said honestly: “He hasn’t come back yet.”

Song Jianli frowned: “How many days have passed now?”

“Less than twelve o’clock.”

Hearing this, Song Jianli turned over and got out of bed and walked towards the door of the room.

However, Zheng Ruchun stopped her: “You don’t have to go.”

Seeing Zheng Ruchun standing in front of him, Song Jian frowned tighter: “What do you mean?”

Zheng Ruchun said: “Before you woke up, I had already been to Demon Mountain.”


Song Jianli asked nervously.

Zheng Ruchun’s voice is low and deep: “I have been searching for a long time, and there is no breath of him…”

“It’s like disappearing out of thin air.”

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